Should drugs be legal?

Should drugs be legal?

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They should be illegal in America, but not necessarily elsewhere

Laws should be illegal


dark mother

This woman is in her mid 30s

They should all be legal but subject to the same age restriction laws and general rules we have for legal weed, alcohol, et cetera. Imagine how fucking wealthy the American South could become if we stopped moralfagging, let them grow their own cocaine, opium, and weed, and used our status as a superpower to get away with selling it to the world? Scientific research would boom. The South would actually rise again as an economic power and the wounds of the civil war could begin to heal

Why in America?

I’m at the noon of my life

3face trails behind. Learning nothing from me nor about me

Because of the shitty culture surrounding it. America needs to be purged.

Attached: wayne-smoke.jpg (700x476, 164K)

Don't you think that by making them legal, drugs would lose some of their appeal?

No. The appeal comes from the massive exposure they get in popular music, and that exposure isn't going away anytime soon.

Nah, if you like at California, that has definitely not been the case. The argument that legalization will reduce crime and usage is fallacial and easily refuted

Yes and loneliness illegal.

Still, if morons want to get fucked, let them, as long as they don't hurt anyone.


It hurts the culture. It spreads through influence. There needs to be much stricter censorship in music and film/television.

you're really stupid and shouldn't interfere in other people's personal preferences and also you're to dumb to be here, please leave.
"reeeee potheads", every kind of people uses drugs. We shouldn't compromise everybody just because some of them look bad doing it.

We don't need to compromise everybody. Enforcement could concentrate 80% of its effort on "ethnics" and once the situation is under control we can start relaxing restrictions again, maybe even make it legal.

How would it be refuted? As far as I know, there are not many places where drugs are legal and the one I can think of at the top of my head where they are legal actually shows an improvement (Portugal)

Fuck off bootlicker

I think it hurts more the amount of money spent trying to stop it and the people being fucked for life for stupid "crimes"

Would you let your kids host orgies and make crack in the kitchen? Would you let them get tattoos, walk around with saggy pants, and use vulgar slang? Why are you ok with the rest of your country degenerating in this way, then, hypocrite?

there's no guarantee in everything you just said, how do you know that it'll be 80% and that's enough? and how do you even know when it's enough?. But again, that's not the core problem.
The real problem is: it's wrong to restrict what's not yours.

The problem is that the expression "War on Drugs" is only a metaphor. If it was a literal war, and criminals involved were treated the way enemy combatants are treated in warfare, without all these legal scruples, you would see a marked improvement in the situation in a relatively brief period.

Your kids won't be hosting orgies or making crack unless you really messed up as a parent

>and how do you even know when it's enough?
Reasonable approximation.
>it's wrong to restrict what's not yours.
An idiotic scruple. It might seem wrong to you now, in the short term, but what if your policy of tolerating these things out of such naive principles erodes your nation in the long term. You're not thinking with enough foresight.

But would you let them? Would you respect their "freedom of choice"?

Are you suggesting actual war?

you don't seem to understand about drug usage and addiction. Why I would let my kids use drugs? btw coke is more viscous than cocaine because of the sugar and every kid these days drinks coke
Also why would everyone let their kids use drugs like crack? that's abusive and punishable.

are you a fascist? it doesn't matter if you think it's bad for your nation (although you don't even proved that), as long if it's the will of the people, it's good for them

There's a difference between raising your kids and punishing other people's kids

>btw coke is more viscous than cocaine
I'm in favor on cracking down on soda/fast-food companies as well.
>Also why would everyone let their kids use drugs like crack?
Are you the same poster who said we shouldn't interfere in what other people do? Your kids are other people. According to your logic they should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm YOU.
Basically, yes.

No, I'm just being practical.
>as long if it's the will of the people
It's the will of the music industry that influences the people into wanting these things.
Your kids are separate individuals. Why should you tell them what to do? Are you a fascist?

kids aren't adults, they don't own responsibility for themselves, that's the difference between a kid and an adult

Procession should be decriminalised to a large degree because arresting users is a waste of police time and an undeservingly ruin people’s lives which has a knock on effect for society.

I also think alcohol and sugar should be illegal but the former can be made out of literally anything which is why prohibition never worked. It is also to entrenched in our culture.

>they don't own responsibility for themselves
That's a purely conventional notion invented by adults in order to justify their oppression of children. Stop oppressing your kids.

if the industry is that convincing its not your problem.
If you think it's wrong to use drugs, then try to convince them

i stopped caring when i turned 20 and got bored of drugs

I find that the point of a loaded gun is the most persuasive argument in such cases.