Why are there no books that reflect the incel experience, besides Whatever? Asking for a friend

Why are there no books that reflect the incel experience, besides Whatever? Asking for a friend.

Nearly every protagonist in every novel gets laid or romance at some point in their lives like it's the easiest and most natural thing in existence - which I suppose it is for everyone but people like my friend. It would just be nice to have my experience thoughtfully reflected in a piece of fiction that is well written and not a rant. Well, my experience of my friend. Obviously.

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Because inceldom is not a legitimate state of being.


every incel is a volcel

That isn't true though, is it?

you and I could laid if we wanted. retards get laid

With other retards, however. You just refuse to lower your standards (commendable) and refuse to raise yourself above your base level (indefensible)


It is the most natural thing tho

I am incapable of raising myself. I have been damned.

>the incel experience
Robert Walser kinda does, but he isn't bitter about it. Incels have a lot to learn from him, that you can be happy without sex and esteem

Bullshit. If have arms, legs and an internet connection you can do a shitload of things to raise yourself. Go lift some weights you little bitch.

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I have a heart condition which precludes me from weightlifting.

or with prostitutes

It's a relatively new thing for it to be more common. Probably since 2008.

I find it hard to believe that there were no men before the 21st century who couldn't get laid but wanted to and were seriously aggrieved by the issue

people who are 'incels' can never really write anything any good

not particularly in European countries, I think we had a fairly equitable system in place. Also, prostitution has markedly decreased and it is more shameful and expensive than in the past

The sun also rises by Hemingway

Been lifting for a year and à half.still incel.
Live in uni campus see tons of women everyday problem I dont know any of them probably dont have à social circle that czn get le with them

volcel if you aren’t a 4’8 indian janitor

What do you want me to do ? Stop random girls that ive never talked to and ask them out ? So they can laugh at me behind my back with their friends. Je add random girls on Facebook and message them like a retard ? This leads to nothing if you dont have a social circle if attractive women it's over

I like The single girl that I talk to and she dosent like me back I always message fidst I even told her that I liked her when I was drunk she just laughed it off.

Im just waiting for a gir' to make the first move now

Prostitutes do not solve the issue.

So what you're saying is, it's up to us?

>Robert Walser kinda does, but he isn't bitter about it.
Well then he doesn't at all.

Being in shape won't get you laid, but it will improve your quality of life tremendously. I really don't know what kind of magic you have to conjure up to get laid. I got laid once and the whole process was quite pathetic and desperate from my side, I sometimes wonder how men get women to actually lust after them.

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tell me about it , i have few chad friends and whzen im walking with them women eye fuck them a lot etc so the face verything meme is maybe true idk

>26 posts
>not a single genuine rec
Are there really no incel books or is this board shit? Or both?

most famous has to be rodger's manifesto no?
Absolute trash btw. Imagine not understanding probability and thinking the lottery would save you.

catcher in the rye.

are you joking? if not explain how you came to this conclusion

focus on diet, skin and hair.

Inceldom is a boring subject matter.

Writing solely about that comes off as self-indulgent and boring.

I’m black, eat normal and don’t have any hair.

Inceldom isn't about sex as much as the abstract notion of love

Post body

have sex

Literally this

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>So they can laugh at me behind my back with their friends.
You don’t even know them. Would you care if they died tomorrow? Probably not. So why care about potential giggles behind your back?
>Im just waiting for a gir' to make the first move now
That’s what I’m doing. Doesn’t work. Girls approach, I refuse / chicken out. You need to go deeper.

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Holden has had at least two girlfriends

Michel Houlellebecq's "extension du domaine de la lutte", translated in english to "whatever" for some reason is maybe the only novel with inceldom as a main subject, and written by a truecel.

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It really isn't.

My diet is healthy, I've got good skin and the only compliments I get are about my hair. Now what?

my diary desu

Here is my body just took the pic now (bulking atm)

forgot to upload like a retard

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at this late stage, just get tinder and don't be autistic, its all half-serious flirty shit anyway. once you have some experience with women you will be able to approach a real relationship without sperging out.

Surprised it took so long.

>just get tinder and don't be autistic
Imagine typing this out and thinking this is actual advice.

this place has turned into reddit, especially flooded after that debate

fuck tinder lol if ur not atleast 8/10 as a guy good fucking luck getting matches

>not posting tired stupid memes is reddit

Inceldom in the late 19th century is briefly mentioned in this book called Children of the Dead end. Basically you had masses of men from Ireland coming over to Scotland to work manual labour, and they lived in camps in the countryside for months on end. No women wanted to fuck them and most died homeless and poverty stricken.

Also just a friendly reminder that every homeless person you see in the street gets no pussy whatsoever and has effectively given up on life. The biggest determinants of being incel is your economic prospects and your mental health. Contemporary feminism has shifted the material power males wield, but most incel ramblings are middle class nerds coping for being lazy.


Chill the fuck out, Socrates.

This week I hook up with two different girls, so heres some advice:
Just. Don't. Be. A. Fucking. Autist.
Seriously, how hard it is to not spill your fucking spagetti all over the place?
Just download Tinder and start liking everyone, eventually you will get some matches. Choose the better ones and just engage in a little bit of casual (aka boring) conversation, then just ask her what she likes to do for fun, after that just say something like "hey we should do that togethet one these days". Now you have a date! :) Quite simple, huh?

Try striking up a conversation in one of your uni classes, or optional events/societies or something. Classroom is a good scenario because you have an excuse to continue talking on multiple occasions without it being weird.

You can start with something innocent like sharing study advice or general conversation about something which you have in common (e.g. the classroom environment, your teachers, your campus, etc). Then, if you sense you are enjoying each-other's company, move on to something more social/non-study related, to show that you are interested in her personally and as more than just a classmate to make small talk with.

Keep in mind, this process is also about you considering whether she is a good match for you too, so approaching women with an obvious ulterior motive is not the way to go. Of course, you might be thinking about the various possible outcomes before anything eventuates, but try and remember that you are interacting with actual human beings. A healthy amount of self-consciousness is good, but you must also be balanced and avoid obsessively over-thinking things.

having 'incel' book recommendation threads is evidence enough that something is wrong


lol last time I downloaded tinder i got like 2 matches and both of them were catfishes , dosent work for me im not trying that shit again

ITT: pic related

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not to mention the 2 million JBP threads

yeah too late to talk in class lats semester at my uni is over (for our class) , all we do now is write the final research paper(has to be like 100 pages long) , meaning i never get to meet the class again

for your second paragraph , i have read models by mark mansopn i know the thing about neediness etc ,i cant approach in uni cuz i find it retarded and creepy

>Yea Forums is filled to the brim with autists who all have tfwnogf
>Yea Forums is a place for autists who like reading or at least like the idea of reading
>somehow it is a surprise that there is a crossover between the two camps of autist
Call it incel, robot, FA, love shy; it's all the same thing. Reddit doesn't have a monopoly on angry virgins.

if class isn't an option, have you tried uni societies/ events on campus (maybe events at your hall of residence?)

approaching people doesn't have to be weird and creepy when it's in the right context.

approaching strangers in public places is weird, but its not so strange in social contexts like clubs, societies, etc, so long as you dont have an obvious creepy ulterior motive

ultimately it's about seeming relaxed and genuinely attentive

tfwnogf jokes were funny enough, but I liked it better when the elliot roger fanboys stayed in /r9k/.

remember when this board was slow?

They're the same people

maybe they are now, but i remember the >tfwnogf jokes being a lot more about self-deprecating insider humour, whereas all the actual psychotic misogynists were usually confined to r9k

just cuz u had sex before u allow urself to attack other ppl who werent fortunate enough (due to mental illness ,physical ugliness etc) ur the problem

>tfwnogf jokes
y-yeah, just jokes

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Almost true. Only deformed people/burn victims can really be incels. Everyone else has no excuse.

yeahonly 3/10 women are intersted in me and I have 0 ZERO attraction for them , you're telling me to settle ? fuck that

did you even read what i posted? the joke was that WE were autistic and couldn't get girlfriends.
I don't know where all this rage against women and how easy they're lives are supposed to be is coming from, but it's not how i remember things being.
these people give up on trying to improve themselves and start blaming others or the system

It's what you deserve, so yes

lol can you elaborate?ive been lifting weights , dressing properly,buying good clothes , good hygiene etc why should i settle for them?

I know for a fact im atleast 5/10

You're probably still a social retard

Stop being so entitled. Women aren't something to be 'deserved'.

I am , actually a social retard, u still havent adressed my point though its a dilemma , im not attracted to the ugly chicks who r attracted to me and u cant really improve ur social skills at this age (22 here)

It's on you, you fucking weakling. Sartre, a 4'9 hobgoblin, could fuck supermodels, which means that there is, somehow, something you could do in order to get the attention of more attractive women.
If you're excuse is that doing so is "hard", you're a volcel (being lazy is a choice)

>u cant really improve ur social skills at this age (22 here)
Citation needed.

Try learning to use English coherently and without sounding like a 12 year old girl's text messages. Might help.

i dont live in usa

Frankentsien's monster is basically an incel

>Why are there no books that reflect the incel experience, besides Whatever?
Kafka metamorphosis

Not really his fault, he's the only member of his specie. Having sex with him would literally be zoophilia.

What I meant is that it's a similar psychological phenomena, not that he is literally an incel himself. He wants to show affection to the world and isn't able to, driving him towards violence

is there anything more pathetic than a needy man?

A needy white man

A needy white jewish man

you're mom

A needy white rich/middle class man, especially if his parents support him financially and emotionally.

>white jewish

A needy hapa

Yeah, a fellow Judeo-Christian man (formerly with foreskin)

I agree with this user and it was a funny and relatable read.


Ahahaha you're hilarious. And I mean you are a joke.

What the fuck is wrong with Anthony Fantano, disliking Rick and Morty, Death Grips, reading Dostoevsky and Kafka and watching True Detective and In bruges?
It feels like the creator of this picture tried as many things as possible, as to at least offend someone lol

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Sartre was intelligent and charming, which are innate concepts

It's both and it was always both. "I am a disgusting autist" and "I want to hurt women because they represent my failure to be loved" are not mutually exclusive.

>What the fuck is wrong with Anthony Fantano

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It takes nothing to appear smarter than 99% of the population. Charme can be developed too. It's not easy, but at least you have a choice. Burn victims don't even have that.

You cannot raise your IQ beyond a certain level and charm cannot be learned. Stop giving false hope to incels

Stop placing arbitrary limitations to fake incels. If there is even the slightest chance for them to find a partner, then they're volcels. Stop stealing valor from burn victims

What arbitrary limitations? The limitations are there, solid and plain to see. There is no hope for the incel.

>the joke
fucking hell

>ctrl+f notes
>0 results
Yea Forums has changed and I don't like it

>There is no hope for the incel.
That's the point: there is hope for all those people who are not badly disfigured or mentally disabled to the point where they have to be segregated from society (truly suicidal people, schizos, people with dementia, etc). Unless you've been dealt such a bad hand, you're a volcel.

incels are stuck in their head. I know two in person and they've somehow gained the ability to know exactly what's going to happen before they even do it.

They know for a fact that theyll fail if they attempt to do something that scares them. They know that everyone hates them and is judging them always. They know that everyone is stupid and incapable of understanding their plight.

They've come to assume that the voice in their head is always right and that questioning it isn't even fathomable.

Anxiety is a bitch

>get gf
>the anxiety of having to maintain a relationship and balance it out with my own life is overwhelming
Maybe I’m better off dead

>there is hope
But there isn't.

Get a skin graft you tedious retard

Have you been dealt such a bad hand?
Stop making excuses for yourself, weakling.

>They know for a fact that they'll fail if they attempt to do something that scares them.
Probably because they know they can't do it and that's what scares them. This "the only reason you didn't succeed is because you were anxious" meme is backwards. The only time I get anxious is when I KNOW I'm not able to do something but am compelled to do it anyway. The anxiety is irrelevant - merely an unpleasant byproduct of the inadequacy.

When a severe dyslexic can't read, we don't say "you've just got the wrong mentality son," because they mentally cannot do it without strong intervention. So why is it so strange that someone is mentally incapable of having an engaging conversation with someone?

You haven't proven anything. Stop moaning

>So why is it so strange that someone is mentally incapable of having an engaging conversation with someone?
Because 999 times out of 1000 it's just lack of practice. People who won't EVER be able to hold a nice conversation with someone else are extremely rare, and it is usually due to some crippling mental disability (not just shyness, anxiety or pride). If that's the case, I'm sorry, but the overwhelming probability is that it is not, and that you're just being a pussy

It isn't for lack of practice, I have conversations everyday. My job has public speaking practically as a requirement and I'm still awful at it.

unless you are mindful of what you're doing and then WORKING TOWARDS IMPROVEMENT then you'll never get fucking better.

>999 times out of 1000
Cool stat, where'dya get it?

What if I'm neither a celibate against my will or a celibate because of my choosing.

Nobody in particular cares to read about someone whose whole identity and sense of self revolves around their inability to get sex. It's just not interesting.

Perhaps if your friend did something of more interest besides self-pity and define themselves by their inability to get laid they would be more appealing to read about.

really bad cold reading here, nets way too wide its obvious.

Please tell us what is interesting, you mincing retard.

It is interesting though.

Having sex

Practically anything besides constant obsessing and whining about not being able to get pussy, and therefore signifying to the world their utter banality. How about good at chess. Having an especially good memory. A unique skill or rare type of expertise.

It's only interesting in the sense that any pathology is interesting. It's interesting because this whole dysfunctional and increasingly terroristic subculture has sprung from it through online radicalization.

27 schizo suicidal early signs of dementia empty and sad 24/7 cant talk to family without dropping spaghetti kinda cute looking and 6'1 when my turn for gf

Not having sex is even more interesting because it is interesting to have sex but not because it is interesting to have sex but if you were more interested in having sex then you wouldn't have sex because it wasn't interesting why can't you be interesting and not have sex because you want sex because you want to be interesting but if you don't have sex you are not interesting so you try to be intersting by having sex but you don't have sex but because you want sex but are not interesting you are therefore interesting by you I mean me, I am interesting you and I mean you this time are a faggot.

Chess isn't interesting.


Christ you come across as a tedious bore and I barely know you.

Here's a challenge. Talk or at least think about anything else besides sex.

It'll be undoubtedly written within the next ten years. It'll be a literal 'my diary desu'.

>No hair
Fucking lucky.

So it is interesting

You're missing the point. Inceldom isn't interesting because it isn't a skill or accomplishment. It doesn't set you apart or make you special. Therefore it's not worth reading or writing about except in a clinically minded setting.

Also only brainlets think chess isn't interesting. Just sayin


I find it interesting in a kind of morbid way. The bottom tier of humanity whose fate is extinction of their genetic lines. it's kind of fucked up

Why? Have you not had any?

It's interesting within a certain sociological context. But I wouldn't say any individual who is an incel is interesting solely because of that. Someone might be interested in reading about the phenomenon of inceldom who is also interested in sexual politics, but a novel based solely on someone with a pathological insecurity about their sexual value is not much to carry a substantial narrative.

Why is a skill and an accomplishment a requisite for being interesting? You seem to have a very narrow, almost autistic definition of what is interesting.

>Also only brainlets think chess isn't interesting
More autism. Interesting.

No I agree. I'm just saying it's not interesting beyond that malignancy.

I find sex to be terribly overrated and sexuality in general to be a pointless distraction. Being horny reduces you to an animal and makes you say and do embarrassing things.

>but a novel based solely on someone with a pathological insecurity about their sexual value is not much to carry a substantial narrative.
How can it not? Everything else seems able to.

>saying it's not interesting beyond that malignancy
Sort of a vapid non-statement isn't it? It's not interesting apart from this thing that makes it interesting but underneath the thing that makes it interesting is what it really is which is not interesting.

I am tired of life theres no one to blame i watch girls by the lake and feel sad i have no interests no pleasure in life conversations consist of me asking cliche questions and responding with oh yeah its not even social anxiety at this point my mind is just empty i can barely look people in the eyes i dont know anymore im a sad vegetable

Itt: tards who think being lonely and unable to find romance is edgy whining and that no good literature has ever come of one contemplating their own resentnent or loneliness. Or they conflate it with just wanting sex and refuse to use their brains to name off books about romantic loneliness.

So far the legitimate answers Id also reccomend have been White Nights and Catcher in the Rye. Dont know much else about the subject, but if you want a response from the tards who sperg out at modern buzzwords like incel, phrase it as loneliness or something next time.

>I find sex to be terribly overrated and sexuality in general to be a pointless distraction. Being horny reduces you to an animal and makes you say and do embarrassing things.

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>So why care about potential giggles behind your back?

my brain cares, not me

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The thought of actually being sexual with a woman creeps me out ive cucked myself a long me ago

Loneliness doesn't quite cut it as a descriptor because that can be interpreted as just wanting companionship in any form. I have friends, I'm not lonely in that respect.

The word incel is used so often because it says exactly what the problem is. "I have be unable to find a sexual/romantic partner even though I want one." It's not a perfect term - it puts too strong an emphasis on the sexual side of things but it is far better than lonely or FA or virgin or robot.

Unfortunately it's now synonymous with "REEEE FUCK STACY" so I concede that it's pretty much unusable now.

Wow what a shittily drawn strawman you uploaded there, really knocked it out of the park.

what is more difficult? having a gf or a fuckbuddy becuase i tried the latter with no success

If can't get one, you won't get the other.


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I know that feel bro. Most of my input in conversations is bascially "ahaha yeah" or "wow really?" and other such banal placeholders for substance. I often have no thoughts to translate. There is no "me" to be. Whenever I do get a thought or an idea and try to express it, I see the eyes of others turn askance or glaze over.

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if you're an incel and don't want to fuck a whore/prostitute, you're not looking for sex, you're looking for love

you're a lovecel

>a lovecel
>a love celibate
You're dumb

ah yes, but "chincel" and "femcel" make so much more sense