>America has a God-shaped hole in its heart, argues New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro, and we shouldn't fill it with politics and hate.
Is he right? Should we avoid hate? Should we avoid politics? Do Arabs love living in open sewage? Is God real? Do we need "God" to function as a nation? Do black children wear Homer Simpson t-shirts? Is Caitlyn Jenner a man?
The Right Side of History
>Is he right?
Maybe, be it god, or spirituality in general, yes, we are missing it. We are losing our humanity, to the endless dopamine, distraction, and material that is thrown at us.
>Should we avoid hate?
No, we should accept all of our feelings.
>Should we avoid politics?
no, perhaps we should be more open to discussion.
>Do Arabs love living in open sewage?
I'm sure some people of all backgrounds love it.
>Is God real?
Yes. You are god. you are real.
>Do we need "God" to function as a nation?
We need some sort of common set of morals/guidelines.
> Is Caitlyn Jenner a man?
He has an X and Y Chromosome so yeah.
Bring your girlfriend to church
Ben Shapiro seems incredibly stupid to me.
>Should we avoid politics?
I think what he means is not that we should avoid politics but that we shouldn't try to find purpose within it.
>t. have not and will never read this book.
Odd thing for a pundit to say.
why is he permitted to talk about god? is he a theology student? what ridiculously manipulative nonsense
He's not stupid, he's just intellectually hemmed in.
Ben Shaprio's purpose, as far as I can tell, is politics. He makes a living writing and speaking about political stuff.
How can he say "we shouldn't try to find purpose in politics" when his entire life revolves around it? Seems pretty disingenuous to me.
>Jewish religions are what made the west great!
>t. Benhamin "100% Ashkhenazi" Shapiro
It's his job, he also has a faith and a family.
>> Is Caitlyn Jenner a man?
>He has an X and Y Chromosome so yeah.
Where did you get this information about Caitlyn Jenner's DNA? She didn't release it publicize it, so you must've obtained it through some illegal process? What was that?
>We are losing our humanity
>we should accept all of our feelings.
My feeling is that I am not losing my humanity. Should I accept that?
>>Is God real?
>Yes. You are god. you are real.
I'm not convinced. What evidence do you have that I am god? What evidence do you have that I exist? What is my form? What is your definition of god? Is there an epistemological difference between "God" capitalized and "god" not capitalized?
I don't have any scientific data pertaining to Bruce Jenner's DNA.
Considering he was born with male genitalia, had children, I can deduce that he has an X and Y Chromosome. Some men have XXY, but they are usually unable to reproduce.
Honestly, what kind of question is this?
>My feeling is that I am not losing my humanity. Should I accept that?
Yes, you should accept whatever feelings you have.
>'m not convinced. What evidence do you have that I am god? What evidence do you have that I exist? What is my form? What is your definition of god? Is there an epistemological difference between "God" capitalized and "god" not capitalized?
No evidence, and i'm not trying prove anything, just giving my opinion. You can believe whatever you want.
The Russians hacked his DNA.
Yep. He’s got horsepower, but he’s stuck in the mud.
I don’t understand how neocons can claim to want a spiritual revival in the States and, at the same time, double and triple down on supporting the processes that obliterated any non-materialistic belief system in the first place. In my estimation, until Ben comes out swinging against jazz music, Amazon, and television, he can go sit on it! Half measures!
What will the downfall of this character look like?
It's a trope of course, but he is useful in steering some people away from..whatever the ill of our age is.
He represents an entry point into deviant thought, actual deviant thought. Not that his ideas are such, but that he is considered taboo by the orthodoxy.
>Should we avoid politics?
that literally just means "avoid politics *I* don't like in favour of the status quo" 2bh
He often says that one day we'll view abortions like we view slavery, i find that kind of funny because i can't see him ending up as anything except a national review type useful idiot who will notice the currents of the left long after they change and then expect them to care about the social contract that he thinks they signed.
cringe and bluepilled
What the heck, what will they hack next?!
You’re closer to the truth than you know...
so you assumed. good to know people have such great sources behind their vehement opinion
Well, you’re being an Assuming Andy yourself. There is no real evidence that Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner existed/exists in the first place.
correct. what, did you expect me to disagree? keep up
jesus that's the perfect way to describe it.
I was agreeing with you, you big ol’ fagola. Jenner’s a cryptid, a tulpa dreamt by all those big fucking fat-assed hot ladies from Armenia.
Thanks, baby.
Anger is good if it is righteous. Like if you are angry you should bash a neocon/neoliberal kike in his tiny head while he tries to stop you with logic and facts
There is nothing the centrists love more than their bourgeoisie decorum
why do you think trump was elected?
The neocons have not conserved anything. All they do is start endless wars, give Israel money, and let capital run wild by outsourcing factories and letting in millions of third worlders
Its going to be funny in 2024 when they put up nicki haley against president bernie and they lose and wonder what happend
Neocons and neoliberals are one and the same.
There is no difference between the GOP and the DNC besides a few cultural wedge issues. The president is a manager, not an activist, his job is to maintain the neoliberal status quo while being fed policy ideas like a golem by faceless bureaucrats (who really control everything)
Even deep down in the american peoples subconscious they realize the reality. They treat politics like a team sport, and they vote out of spite against the "other" and as a way to exercise their identity. Not to improve economic material conditions, not to conserve white america.
There are no republicans or democrats, there is only the poor and the rich. And the rich control both parties and all they care about is profit. Not their nation, people, or race
Anyways, the key to fixing america is not bashing and excluding white men.
Its bashing and excluding white women.
Men in general resort to violence when alienated.
Plus you can buy white men off with pussy if you include them (the pussy will be woc, not white)
What are you faggots on about
Neither of our posts could’ve been in plainer English.
>a cryptid, a tulpa
I feel like I'm being LYNCHED but I don't know who is the LYNCHER
>All they do is start endless wars, give Israel money, and let capital run wild by outsourcing factories and letting in millions of third worlders
Trump also does those things? I think Trump was elected because he had a TV show boomers liked and he said racist things on TV and this country is filled with literally retarded red-faced boomers who love death
If people were as mad about endless wars and Israel as they should be they would've voted for the New Yorker that opposed those things (BS), not the New Yorker that said those things were good deals, the best deals, folks
This is a literature board not a whiny incel board, go bother /ck/ or /d/ or whatever
based and correct
The best way to understand Trump, I think, is as a protest vote. A lot of Americans appreciate him as the wrecking ball he is, because they feel terminally disenfranchised. The closest historical analog I can think of is Napoleon III, a one-time national laughingstock who managed to break a ridiculous political deadlock on a Make France Napoleonic Again platform. Point is, an ineffectual, stagnant party system produces shit like this, period.
Also, the choice was between sucking some Israeli dick or going war to Russia over Syria. Trump might be a ridiculously philosemitic bungler, and I’ve got no illusions about him dropping the ball, but I think people forget how much of a hawk Clinton was.
Also, Sanders is Trump for people who think they’re too smart for populism, don’t be a banana.
Why would anyone choose such a weak career path if they're not stupid?
you scoundrel!! leave /ck/ out of this. they are all id and they dont need your pretentiousness!
He isn't right, all of American politics is derived from Christianity, especially Progressivism.
Guys like Ben aren't truly 'of the right.' They're socially conservative liberals and Ben in particular is a fucking snake. He should have ostracized after initially jumping on the Covington bandwagon and attacking those kids.
No it stems from Anglo Saxon liberal philosophers like Locke and mill. Nothing to do with Christianity
>Anglo-Saxon liberal philosophers
>Nothing to do with Christianity
B8, but I replied anyway.
>Sanders is Trump
other than the fact that they're both not Hillary Clinton I don't see any overlap at all
>He should have ostracized after initially jumping on the Covington bandwagon and attacking those kids.
I can't believe anyone got away with that shit
The important thing is that they’re both not Hillary, but more to the point, they both have the same strategy. Appeal to resentment to get elected, get elected, work as a moderates and occasionally wave a hankie to their base. Trump does it for boomers, Sanders does it for millennials. They’re both populists.
The main difference is that Trump fights with his party, and Bernie takes orders from his. Anyone who thinks he’s a sincere socialist is a blithering idiot.
>sucking some Israeli dick or going war to Russia over Syria
oh honey
i wonder how people are going to try to rationalize things when the america invades iran to do isr*el's dirty work
It’ll be hi-larious. Expect a casus belli in 2021.
>Is he right
He's facile
>Should we avoid hate
Hate is merely an incomplete form of love.
>Should we avoid politics
Yes, we should embrace love instead
>Do Arabs love living in open sewage
>Is god real
Only to traditional believers and highly sophisticated theologians but that is where the concept of God dissolves into pandeism and animism.
>Do we need God
All we need is Life
>Do black children wear Homer Simpson t-shirts
>Is Caitlyn Jenner a man.
No, but she means nothing to me.
Conservatives genuinely do not give a fuck about conserving anything anymore. Just look at their stance towards environmentalism as a perfect example.
Correct but shortsighted and lacking in nuance
Actually you induced, not deduced.
Do you even know what neoliberal means?
I wonder who is behind this thread.
>Sanders appeals to resentment
Questionable. He's worked at pushing socialist policies back when America wasn't receptive to them; characterizing recent campaigns as him being populist is very reductionist.
Trump won because he got out the conservative vote in a way Romney couldn't in 2012 and Clinton simply wasn't popular for a wide variety of factors. You're really overthinking things if you think the average idiot has any understanding of foreign policy, let alone any potential leader would realy start a war with Russia (a nuclear armed state) or just not leave some soldiers permanently standing around Syria. Elections are just popularity contests and have notting to do with platforms.
has science gone too far?
it's always david