PSA: book-burnings are now WOKE

PSA: book-burnings are now WOKE

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Say what you will, but the rapid rise of anti-white mentality in the modern time is a beautiful expression of natural selection through social darwinism. The white subspecies of human genus showed weakness and mercy to their enemies, only to be immediately pounced upon and have their flesh and culture torn apart by those who still possess ferociousness. This is a grim reminder that man is foolish in thinking that man can transcend his animality.

>Old library in hwite country mostly has hwites in it

Based twitter bait OP

For the time being, I think whites allow it. We’ve never been a race to roll over. Eventually we will bite back, if it gets too bad.

Fucking library collections filling up perfectly good libraries with all this library content.

I generally disagree with this view of the White man. If the kind of things that are happening were actually put to the straight like in a referendum ("do you want you country to be ethnically homogenous?" For example), I think things would be very different. Things are the way they are because people generally aren't exposed to the kind of shit that political people are all of the time.
Take 2008 for instance: neoliberalism doesn't continue because people want it to. There just simply isn't a straight exit. It isn't ignorance or altruism or insanity: it is complacency plain and simple.

Just face the fact that you’re depriving black and minority ethnicity authors their well-earned space with the over-emphasis on superfluous editions of stale, pale and male authors in libraries.

Because evolution is at all concerned with culture or race? What a midwit tier take.

Book burnings are woke.
The refusal to burn subversive books is what led to this point. The chickens have come home to roost. This is the fate you chose. Funny how you want to pretend to be all impartial, "oh man, book burning so bad", then finally after years of having your hands tied behind your back, the other side unironically realizes burning books is a valid option for forming the society they want. It's a burn-their-books-or-have-your-books-burned world, kid. Either you accept this fact or continue to be a cuck.

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Oh no, not the blacks!!! They have it so bad to start!

Or just full-stop don’t burn any books at all, retard

>Hi there, I'm the dichotomy-poster
>Most complex issues can be distilled into two equal extremes
>I either ate toast or eggs for breakfast today, but not both and not neither

>evolution not concerned with race
>evolution not concerned with people evolving in different natural environments and developing varying phrenologies, skin hair and eye tones and intelligence

>group dynamics of a social species don't have anything to do with reproductive fitness

Well, the subscriber base is also too white. They are going to have to cancel their subscription.

Exactly fucking nigger. All evolution cares about is survival, certainly not culture or happiness or love or any of that shit. If your genes are adapted to your environment, you pass them on and your children survive. This cycle repeats until the optimum gene is found. Races don't matter at all to natural selection.

>white people

I agree. About 75% of all books today should be burnt. About 75% of all digital content should be erased. If we are to win, we have to gain power and do this. This is war.

>Exactly fucking nigger
>Races don't matter
what are you on about exactly

Does the author sharing skin tone really get minorities into reading? Like the hobbies pretty much dead with whit*ids too. Not really sure what the aim of this shit is

Oh its this thread again.

I can acknowledge the sociological implications of race (ie niggers are dumb) without applying some sort of Darwinian analysis on contemporary ideological disputes. Race is a social construct, doesn't mean I can't call you a nigger.

>race doesn't real

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It's just bait shit out by leftist journalism on twatter. Nothing new. Scrolling through the replies as well it's evident 99% of people replying to it are calling bullshit anyway so nothing to see here.

Meanwhile most twatter users are calling bullshit and this thread is half people defending her ridiculous stance. Yea Forums is defending leftist censorship while shitty twitter isn't? What fucking world am I living in?

The lion’s tired, let him sleep for a while

I'd like to take part in culture, but I have a 9-5 job and "cultural days" aren't an excuse for a day off. Any special day of my group is just another day I have to get up early and go to work.

She’s MIT’s librarian

Would they rather have libraries full of literal CIAniggers?

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the anti-white mentality is nothing more than projection, all these 'anti-white' are all westernized to the core.

As is the view of the entire scientific community

This desu, while non white culture can be backwards and often retarded whatever milquetoast future they want for every race sounds pretty awful, imagine everyone is just your typical white liberal but with different shades. Sounds awful

This leads to people opposed to you securing power and burning the books you like. You lose with this position. This is the cucked position.
Like how "limited government" stance of much of the right around the world caused them to lose control over the state.

>there's no difference between separated groups within a species
>t. scientific community

So are these heritage tests eveyone is taking just a fluke?

There's a whole haze of things before the scientific community of today that should make anyone apprehensive of not taking what they put out that touches ideology with a grain of salt. There's a lot of manipulation of language and terminology like what the BBC recently published about stonehenge being built by "immigrants from Turkey", statements designed to touch sensitive areas in the public conscience.

Disavowal of the archaic knowledge of race from the past that often had various nations in what we understand today broadly as the white/European race as separate races in their own right is used in the same regard.

>excuse me?

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There are few meta-analyses corroborating this claim, however this one from 1992 demonstrates that most biology texts books throughout the last century either believed in the existence of biological race or didn't deny it.
I wish I could give you the pdf itself but it is locked behind a paywall.

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Do you know what a generalisation is? Finding a couple racist scientists proves nothing when the consensus states that race is a worthless category.
Life must be a breeze when all you have to do is knock down strawmen arguments. Nobody in the world holds that there is no difference between people. It is the view of the scientific community that race is an arbitrary and useless category and that humans can be divided into races on all sorts of levels: from hair colour, eye colour, height, to even the individual level. It is on the race realist to prove that skin colour is in fact a useful category.
It is always localised because race tells you nothing. People bring up the sickle cell anaemia thing a lot but always fail to mention that it is only a specific portion of Africa where sickle cell anaemia is prominent. Almost like race is useless as a category.
Cool, faggot.

Isnt race just a cross of ethnicity and genetics maybe perhaps with some geography thrown in? Just seems like a catergory tool. Anglos might of went overboard but it doesnt seem its really that bad of a catergory I wouldnt say its "not real" based on these conditions unless you beleive only the purely material is real but their is a material component to race regardless

>It is on the race realist to prove that skin colour is in fact a useful category.
No race realist ever focuses on "muh skin" and you know it.

But its not purely skin deep, race pretty much just means Of X descent. The colour is just (usually) an easy way to tell.

They say intelligence, but somehow smart blacks to them are still black and dumb whites are still white. The only common denominator is skin colour.

Are you being a brainlet on purpose? A cow and dog are not the same because they have four legs as if there's only one category at any one time.

>Eventually we will bite back, if it gets too bad.
The swedes of all people have 20 - 25% of their voter base supporting a party that heiled Hitler in the 1990s.

Fair enough. It's the time to burn the coloreds anyways.

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>sensationalism media designed to spark feelings and controversy sparks feelings and controversy

if you respond seriously just kill yourself at this point

Tell me, why is race a useful biological category?

You prob shouldn't bring up sickle cell, it only proves the race realists more because it even shows the major difference between even African people, so much so that some dont have sickle cell some do, that's because these people come from different parts of Africa. And sickle cell is a interesting thing, because it helps combat malaria; even though it kills you early, doesnt matter much if you're dying of malaria too. But it shows that some parts got either lucky, or needed something to combat malaria or both; so if geography changes biologically how is it hard to understand that maybe the cold weather and harshness, and need to have long term thought process might be a reason why humans that live long periods of time in Europe tend to be more intelligent than their counter parts. Like the Neanderthals that we now almost agree unanimously where smarter than the African variant of humans. It's a simple fact northern and eastern Asia, and Europe make people more intelligent, you I'm guessing where born in some 3rd world country, or are some academic with no understanding of history nor the history of biology.

James Wattson isn't a "racist scientist". The comments he was crucified for was a single sentence in a speech about a different topic. What was the response? He had his entire life ruined and had the sell his Nobel Prize to afford living.

I think a person that is this ignorant simply doesn't know what race realists actually believe and their entire view on race is based on moralising and vox articles.
Archeologists can determine a persons race and gender based off of their bones because of a variety of factors including bone density, size and structure. Race affects a huge amount of things in your body and is not just "skin deep".

>You prob shouldn't bring up sickle cell
It PRECISELY proves my point. It's not the fact that they're black that they are more likely to develop sickle cell anaemia; it's the fact that they come from a certain genetic cluster with that proclivity. RACE, here, as it is conceived of traditionally, is utterly useless in determining whether someone is more likely to get the disease and is therefore a worthless category in this regard.

People who are in the thick diversity, or are very online seem to forget how little many white people, especially established boomers are really effected by diversity in any negative way. Most of these people are completely insulated geographically and socially and don't feel negative impacts because they only engage with it when it suits them. I think of my hyper normie aunt and uncle as an example. They live in Toronto like me, but since they are older, they work in places that still have a lot of whites, the friend/family group they built over the years are very white, They live in a neighbourhood that has managed to stay whiter than most others here, and in summmer they spend time in cottage country which is really white. Then on top of that they aren't involved in social media and have no idea about the vitriol minorities are spewing online on a regular basis, and there you have a group of people who think everything is still fine.

Answer my question you slimy degenerate. Why is race a useful biological category? Why not divide on eye colour, height, location where the gene clusters arose (more specific than the whole of fucking africa), etc, etc.

OK then why are you citing him as an example of racist scientists?

Oh really? So you would say that a Asian and a african have the same likelihood in having sickle cell? No you see race is a good signifier of ratios, that's why not all blacks are stupid, yet the majority is stupid. Everything is a ratio, think in ratios and you will see the crime rates, the city's before and after they invade -- Detroit -- and also my good friend riddle me this... what is 13% and yet also 50%!

I am not the same person you were talking to.
Why are you so upset over something as niche as biology? Why would I ever bother answering questions from someone as toxic and ideological as you when you clearly already have a view formed and claim a monopoly on truth for that ideology. There is literally no study and no argument that I could ever offer someone who is upset over literal biology, an already almost finished science, to change their mind.
Just skip to the part where you cry about how everyone here is actually secretly a nazi and hates black people. At least then you are more honest.

I am not citing because I am not the same person. Why are you moralising over empirical data? No study or sheet or results makes an ethical or metaphysical claim. It isn't "racist science" and more that shamanic rituals are "sacred science" and until you understand that you will never understand anything about the scientific method.

>So you would say that a Asian and a african have the same likelihood in having sickle cell?
No, but it doesn't follow from that that race is a useful category. If a doctor wanted to inform people of their likeliness to develop the disease so they can take countermeasures against it they would NEVER refer to race. They would always take the specific gene cluster that holds the proclivity for developing SCA and inform only those people. Here again race is useless.
If there was a race who were more likely to have a certain blood type do you think doctors would use the category of race to determine what blood transplant they need or would race be useless here again?

Before you sperg out like on the other posters, not him but many doctors use race in terms of anesthesia and perscription of medicine. Not only that archeologists use race frequently for understanding historical events and movements of people such as in the nomadic period of European history.

Racism, to me, holds no negative moral implication behind it. I only see it as the view that races exist, or, in special cases, that some races are superior to others.

If you burn their books you're only accelerating your fall. Look up the Streisand effect.

>Streisand effect.
Completely incomparable.
Barbra Streisand is not a nation-state, did not have control of the press, or the printing presses in a country, and cannot enforce her intended censoring with state power.

In that case that's fine, but surely you understand the challenge of using such a charged word, especially when discussing a very cold, impersonal topic. The meaning of Racism as a word has changed hugely since it's popularisation in the 20s and holds little real meaning today beyond an insult. After all, nobody will call themselves a racist unless to be controversial.

It already happened with the illegalization of alcohol and heroin

Yeah, but if nobody ever burned books, and it didn't even occur to people to burn books, then it wouldn't matter if someone wanted to burn the books you like - because they wouldn't. It's like mutually assured destruction with nukes. The easier answer is just: don't build nukes.

>only to be immediately pounced upon and have their flesh and culture torn apart by those who still possess ferociousness.
If this is bait, good job. If not, you're a damn fool if you think this is happening.

The gatekeepers of Western culture are all either white, or are Asians who are now, for all intents and purposes, culturally white. And they're all men (that Twitter post may be by an Asian, but it's an Asian woman, so...). There's no black gatekeepers. There's no Arab gatekeepers. There's no Indian gatekeepers. There's not even Jewish gatekeepers — all these groups at best play gatekeeper for mob culture, which is NOT the same as Western culture. And mob culture is not the threat to Western culture that the mob thinks it is (i.e. if you think it is, you're part of the mob; part of the "moblem"), though it can certainly be dangerous, and the gatekeepers of Western culture are all fully aware of that at this point, hence why there are gatekeepers.

No it hasn't. The enforcement of those were weak and targeted at producers mostly rather than consumers.
Mao's China and Duturte's Philippines are good examples of prohibition strategies that work.

based post, fellow retard

>What fucking world am I living in?

only the preterite place culture above clan

wow dude like society is like full of contradictions and absurdities... damn... what megamind figured THAT out?

correlation is not causation :)

>tfw white male
>tfw my mere existence causes people to have panic attacks
This is the Golden Age of Trolling we're living in, boys. Think about it. A bunch of random edgy faggots on Yea Forums can convince entire nations that the okay hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy. Think about how easy it is to instigate mass hysteria in a world like this.

Can't wait for comes next

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>sensationalism media designed to spark feelings and controversy sparks
Oh no no no, you think these people aren't dead serious about this stuff don't you? The way critical theory is taught in leftist university classes is 100% unironic about them seen whiteness as this materialistic construct that needs to be deconstructed and destroyed.

The idpol of the mutt is a very real thing.

8pol > 4pol

But you're probably too much of a newfag to know what I'm talking about

I consider myself a militant but wtf

>It's ok when le BASED christians do it

It is.

Wow, I never expected to see such a good post on Yea Forums of all places. Bravo!

>>tfw my mere existence causes people to have panic attacks
No. It doesn't. It really doesn't. People don't actually give a shit, they act like it to gain social status. No one except the most neurotic kikes - and whites - are actually offended.

Lmao cringe, you ain’t special newbie


Should I even worry about this?
The country I live in hasn't totally fallen under this...
How do you get from anywhere to there?
I have great trouble describing the feelings I get from seeing opinions(?) like the one in OP.
It just seems so far off from how I perceive the world.
I deleted my facebook, twitter, snapchat, etc.
I stopped following YouTube politics entirely, I tried to shut myself off from the world that spews this agenda. So that I'd achieve at least a momentary peace.
I'm just confused, confused and so scared. But for what?
I don't want to think about it, but I know it won't go away.
Or will it?
My head hurts.


''anti idpol leftists'' are the most delusional and autistic people out there, they havent realised all politics is identity politics, sure you can keep moving the goalposts, and say its all really class struggle somehow, that ''the workers'' are about to rise up, but i doubt even you believe it. most representatives of leftism in actual positions of power, are well aware of this, they probably think of you as being more of a dangerous nazi than a fellow member of the lefitst team. and they will be completely right in believing so. politics is about deciding collective futures, its about culture, marxist parties in the 19th and 20th centuries had to go to working class districts and actually build a working class identity and a working class vision of the future, a vision of history and a myth, where none existed previously. modern leftists are the spokesmen of a deracinated and narcissistic managerial class of bugman parasites, the drecks the worst, of what was once called the west, they want to drag us all down to their level and make us all as neurotic and pathetic as they are. I think any viable revolutionary politics will by necessity focus on standing up to the monoculture, even if that means reappropriating the taboo imagery and tactics of the so called 'far right'

Have a drink.

What do they expect to take up the space instead? Libraries are now where homeless bums go to sleep and sadly apply for jobs.

Books don't need burned, people don't read them then they're slowly removed from circulation.

the whities have committed so many genocides and on so many different groups of people. if anything they're the animals, and i'm very happy to see this ideology continue.

All humans are animals. Your misplaced sense of justice makes you blind to the fact that the right of the strongest is also morally just.

Nonwhites once feared the white man and this was enough. The white mans mistake was giving them space to breathe and to make them think he was weak enough for them to walk over him.

"What is falling, that one should also push,
And him you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster"

its just ''white christians'' (they might not call themselves christians anymore and they might not even be white) insidiously controling everybody else through slave morality and cultural imperalism, as they always did. You can't be a good old fashioned confucian or an islamist anymore, don't care if its your heritage or whatnot, you have to adjust and restrict yourself to the couple of dozen algorithmically generated woke epithets and demand more 'representation' in golobohomo trash culture for 'people that look like you' but act in every conceivable way like white liberal faggots. the liberal priesthood of queers and woke ad execs is currently conducting the greatest genocide in human history.

yeah whereas Chinese or Arabs or Blacks are just a peaceful altruistic bunch. Fucking lol

look at history, whites are the winners. the scale of genocides in their history dwarf any other.

What genocides did the Irish commit? What genocides did the Finns commit? What genocides did the polish commit?

I am of the opinion that irish and poles deserved it for being weak and having a lower IQ than the brits and the germans.

That post is kinda mangled but if you're trying to say that whites have committed the most genocides you're so wrong there's no time period you can find where you're right. The 20th century's greatest atrocities alone belong to the asians and slavs.

>It's just bait shit out by leftist journalism on twatter

There is no "The Librarian" of MIT, institutions that size have dozens of them.
Pic related is her description from her shitty blog, and it's clearly middle-manager-speak for some librarian attached to the writing school of a technical institute, i.e. the dumping ground of failed stem kids that needed to switch majors. I go to a school with a similar atmosphere and trust me, this girl is a nobody who has so little to do every day she has to seek out retarded shit like this just to remind the stemlords of MIT that their library exists.

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Das rite shitskins and chinks dindu nuffin! Fuck whitey!

>white biologically
>Jewish metaphysically

WWII's "atrocities" aren't limited to the gas camps. the entire shebang can be credited to the machinations of white men (and japs)

Here is the relevant part of the blog post if anyone wants it. The rest is a bunch of shit about Marie Kondo.

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This reminds me of that thread from some time ago, I think over a month ago, about the state of the Classical Studies. Too much Critical Theory.

*smacks lips* i neeta use da cumpootah. *shuffles* why da copy machine cost money?

>rapid rise of anti-white mentality
Stopped reading here

No no no you don't get it, EVOLUTION stopped 3 weeks ago, like literally stopped dead in it's tracks outside of my house, and yelled at me "THE WHITES ARE MY FAVORITE. ALSO IM KEEPING SCORE" and then he rode off in his clown car making honk-honk noises. Shit was litt


>increasingly nervous white man makes allusions to karma for the umpteenth time
yeah, and trump will never win the election that was rigged by the russians he totally colluded with

>My dick is white
>His dick isn't white

"Hey buddy can you take your cock out of my mouth so I can see what's wrong with it? Looks like it's covered in oil, or something."

>Comparing comparisons to comparisons
Where IS my super dick??!

Even Hitler knew better. Read a book you abortion

>Your misplaced sense of justice makes you blind to the fact that the right of the strongest is also morally just.

A you write like shit B the two are either polar opposites or are unrelated

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Oh he based
Keep believing in that cope

What are a few genocides that beat the 11 million killed by the Nazis and over 30 million killed by the Soviets?

>mexicans, blacks, and native americans writing books
i hate it when other races appropriate white culture

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>ancient chink with charcoal vine and reeds screeching

>they want to drag us all down to their level and make us all as neurotic and pathetic as they are.
>dude just get drunk rofl
Never seen a point so concisely proven by dumbassery.

yes it would have been much more "beautiful" for the USA and western europe never to aspire to create something good together with the whole of humanity.

>the whole of humanity
oh boy

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race and culture are both spooks

>It is on the race realist to prove that skin colour is in fact a useful category.

Nobody said that race is simply skin colour you idiot.
a negro with albinism is still a negro.
You're too fucking ignorant to be having this conversation. The last time you probably paid attention to any science was when you were 14.

Medicine has already demonstrated that race is a useful category , as shown for the diagnostic procedures various illnesses being different for different races.

Fucking ignorant retard.

Every race has been genocided at some point in history. Believing present living people of a race are responsible for the actions of their ancestor's is a fundamental misunderstanding of reality.

immigration to america and western europe has been open to every single ethnic group so yes what I said is correct and if your disagree with me you're objectively wrong you fucking retard.

>/pol/shitter racebaiting on blue boards
the only people who fall for this are post-2016fags
which are, sadly, great in number.

We could have fit 47 more copies of Toni Morrison's "Beloved".

>don't talk about events and issues that are relevant to the literature industry if doing so reflects badly on leftist ideology

>if you disagree with me you're objectively wrong you fucking retard
oh boy

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Way to prove me right with your complete lack of an argument, brainlet.

>they are burning books by white men in the street >pol bait, fuck off

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>"litterally any part of a your post"
oh boy

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You lose.

get a room

>responding to bait
oh boy

you lose.

t. Tranny

t. sodomite

Dumb bitch


No reason to burn books at all, although digital """content""" should be obliterated in its entirety

people have literally sent dog saliva to these places and got results back

how else would you know your stray mutts heritage?

oh boy