What is the great filter Yea Forums?

What is the great filter Yea Forums?

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If it's something evolutionary then it probably requires people living on multiple planets throughout their life over generations, and then we'll have the best body for earth and eventually reach the best body for all planets.

If it's something developmental then it's probably light speed travel or some shit.

Gravity's Rainbow

related to the Fermix Paradox? Distance
related to Yea Forums? this

The wastness of space and the hard rules of physics. Really nothing can travel faster than light and work arounds like folding spacetime are not possible. Advanced lifeforms are very rare and live thousands of lightyears apart, which means they will probably never be able to even send messages to each other, let alone probes or ships. Civilizations will most likely stay isolated because the distances are too big and space travel is too slow.

>What is the great filter Yea Forums?
not literature

Unironically Nihilism. Life advances through willpower, which is basically a dopaministic reward system in the brain. When consciousness goes too far and embraces the death of meaning, rewards stop working and life finds a block.

thank goodness I didn't end up as a 105 IQ nihilist

Give it 6 months or so and he'll be a Peterson-bot.

>Great filter is an evolutionary leap that no civilization has passed
>A commonly achieved evolutionary leap occurs after it
>commonly achieved

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It's boring, but probably photosynthesis

You're the robot who believes in Kantian-Marxism.

The Kardashev is scale is dumb because it's linear - with the amount of additional energy and work required to go from consuming all the energy of a star to consuming a large portion of a whole galaxy, it's not surprising that no one civilization might have reached it yet.

Besides that we don't even understand what motivations being would have in such intense post-scarcity environment. That's enough energy to...do what? Sustain a gazillion members of your species? Discover a way to harvest even more? For all we know, there might be no great filter and whatever civilization passed through to potentially become galactic-wide simply decided not to, explicitly.

This is why I love this board.

Ever increasing monstrosities are invoked to maintain the monstrosity of "Space" despite the serenity of Earth. Even "Solipsism", the mockery of Idealism that Empiricists parade in bad faith, is now less tenuous than "Space" as such.

sun and steel or any book that instills self respect and intrinsic motivation

not creating the same shitty thread on multiple boards


I have to challenge this: the James A Corey/Kim Stanley Robinson model where we all diverge and split into talls/smalls or angrogyns/intersex depending on the planet and culture seems more likely

This is the right answer. We're trapped in this corner forever. Humans will go extinct before a single one of us ever has a chance to meet another intelligent species. At this very moment some other species is having the exact same conversation on a slightly better message board in some other corner. This is the clearest cruelty of the universe. Murder, rape, are terrible things, but the most despicable thing about existence is knowing the universe is full of life and we're walled off eternally from each other

Can this be actually it?

>everyone calling me a dum-dum is a marxist!!!!!!!!!


Developing weapons or technologies capable of annihilating our entire species long before the petty desire to wage war was bred out of us, in my arrogant opinion.

The west is an example. It is disappearing for having no direction, birthrates are dropping and is being replaced by still-surviving cultures.
When you have no purpose it's a downward spiral to suicide, at both the individual and social level. And since the universe really is an absurd material substance without a purpose in our rational sense, any species who advance enough in reason will eventually conclude suicide is the way to go.
Tao te Ching kind of implied it already.

sustainability, obviously.

> The west is being replaced by still-surviving cultures
That's not happening you God damn delusionary