What's Yea Forums's diet? What diet to make you smart read and write 20 hours a day?

What's Yea Forums's diet? What diet to make you smart read and write 20 hours a day?

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Butterfly’s good vibes ;_;


I live off of good vibes from butterfly :3

Soda and chicken nuggies
As a patrician I've no time to waste on silly food preparations

And her panties

whole food plant based

Cigarettes, energy drinks and frozen pizza.

It allows for maximum freedom.

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I bloody love bread pudding

self destructive

fruit, vegs, some meat (i like fatty read meats, and don't give a fuqué about cholestehills), diary - cottage cheese in particular.
i'm quite ashamed that another good half of my diet is baked flat breads from caucasian bakeries, that shit's like ambrosia

I just mainline onions

deenz and beans my g

I usually have a banana, boiled egg, and coffee for breakfast. Raw broccoli, carrots, blueberries, and a glass of milk for lunch. Dinner I'll have whatever. I'll occasionally have a plain ricecake for a snack.

Whatever mummy fries, and whatever snackies daddy buys.

cocaine, speed, and/or meth

Rogan is a retard

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based and /fit/pilled

Unironically fasting in combination with carnivore diet.

Deenz and beans sometimes together

The Ascetic Ketoism / Aesthetic Cheetoism Dialectic

I don't eat

Whatever I find on sale. I try to eat on $15-20 a week which isn't easy. Usually bread (a dollar a loaf on sale for artisan), organ meat, chicken, whatever fruit was on sale (a dollar a sack), cottage cheese or yogurt if it's on sale (sometimes they have an entire 4-serving container of cottage cheese for fifteen cents) and whatever else I can find that's cheap. I can't afford junk food or prepackaged food so it can't be helped. I ate too many eggs because they were cheap and now I get a gag reaction with them, so I'm trying to avoid eggs for now. Same with rice and beans--can't stand the shit, I'd just not eat rather than eat it. I only eat once or twice a day.

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cigs and coffee until lunch, at least 1 meal at mcdicks because i work there, at home its different types of beans, rice and veggies. overall cheap as fuck and not as unhealthy as it could be.

other types of legumes can taste way different than beans, especially if cooked right. start making indian food and go heavy on the spices, which you should buy in bags.

Oven baked pizza and coke.

Yea dude, get some lentils and a giant bag of rice. Put some onions sauce on it or something.

Unironically meat and greens

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Mostly vegetarian, though I had steak yesterday. Lots of fresh vegetables, low carb, high fat and protein. Most common meals are bean-based salads, muesli with banana and yogurt, and basic stir fried stuff with noodles or rice. As far as drinks go, a bit of coffee in the morning and green tea throughout the rest of the day. Strictly organic, locally sourced heroin. No alcohol, no sweets except occasionally some dark chocolate.

Fuck, Yea Forums is for sure the gayest part of Yea Forums... and that's including /lgbt/.

You say high protein, but that diet is pretty much high carb - moderate protein.

Gushers Fruit Flavored Snacks.

Eat anything else and you're a fucking pseud puss puss with shit for brains dont @ me and fuck you.

I'd be interested if anyone knows of some cheap ways to improve my diet. I grew up having to eat a lot of junk food so I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not too big on cooking outside of dinner.

you can get better value without much more time invested from rice, onion and ground beef

more info pls

Bread and cheese to keep me satiated. Throw in some veggies, fruit, fish etc for health. Pastries for breakfast is my biggest vice.


cook the rice, cook this with the expensive parts stripped out (basically just beef, onion, oil + 4 spices), throw it in the fridge and eat whenever. cooking food in bulk is always way, way cheaper than premade

i am currently on keto. actually been dieting for a while, down to 180lbs from 360lbs. anyway only started keto couple weeks ago, and had been missing my mind, lack of focus was always my problem, any little noise was enough to distract, turbo autist style. on keto, i have a natural stim feeling, lots of focus to read again. first time in my life in a healthy way i can read like when i was on adderall. so, keto is recommended as a potential solution to those with similar issues to mine. it aint no joke, though, the diet.

ew why is there fat people on my Yea Forums