So what is actually wrong with nihilism...

So what is actually wrong with nihilism? It seems that people keep trying to set up ways to defend themselves from it whether running to religion or to some philosophy. All of these seem like responses to the fact that the world has been disenchanted and now everyone wants to try to go back and find ways to re-enchant the world again it all seems very reactionary to me. Why can't people except nihilism as a natural fact of life?

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i think most people are uncomfortable with nihilism and mock it because they've never fully addressed it within themselves.

A lot of people can’t handle the meaningless life.
There’s nothing exactly wrong with nihilism, but claiming it is a solid fact is just as foolish as any religious fundamentalist.
Also, people want the enchantment of the world, as you say, and also the sense of right and wrong in an ordered system.

>So what is actually wrong with nihilism?

It's just so fucking boring, user.

I don't think it's in the nature of humanity to just accept things. We always question everything. We go fro one extreme to the other in most things when we probably should find some middle ground.
It's kind of the best thing about us. Also, it's one of the worst. Questioning the status quo can lead to great things, or to our fucking death.

It is extraordinarily painful, and many people are aware of this fact on some unconscious level. I've come to accept nihilism and I've never been more depressed or derealized or alienated in my entire 27 years of life. What's worse is that once you dig yourself this far down and you truly, sincerely FEEL that everything is meaningless bullshit, just a bunch of pretentious games that people use to distract themselves from the monotony of eternity, you can't ever climb back out again using the ropes of religion, hedonistic consumerism, etc. They all look like snakes to you. You are trapped in a pit of your own design.

I find it hard to accept that this universe is simply mechanics driven and there is nothing within or without that is supernatural.


what would taking nihilism to its conclusion look like?

You definitely can and will climb out of it.
You soon realise that the meaninglessness is also meaningless and you’ll think back and wonder what the big deal was.
Also, if it helps: there is no real proof regarding nihilism, it’s just a subjective feeling, although it is probably the right one.

Contemporary America.

For me, yeah. Meanwhile, the universe remains as indifferent and unaffected as it always has, least of all to ones insignificant feelings.

america isnt nihilism it is postivism/dead materialism and they worship the market and the commodity

who are some nihilist thinkers? isnt baudrillard one?

People need purpose and meaning in thier lives. They need a reason to live. In the west it used to be god. The bible provided a moral framework everyone followed, there were rules, priests were important, etc, etc.

I think nihilism is a result of the liberal project that of course is now in its extremes after having won the cold war.

Welcome to absolute freedom. Here is a copy of the different ethical frameworks invented by smart thinky men so you dont kill yourself and you dont get trapped in capitalisms clutches by becoming a consumerist or a worker drone who serves the profit motive

>Why can't people except nihilism as a natural fact of life?
Cos it means that if you're currently living a crappy existence with nothing on the horizon the only logical step would be to blow your brains out.

The conclusion of nihilism is to worship the material. Which is ironic, because this manifests itself in the worship of the market, which is this abstract thing that is all feeling and not concrete.

killing yourself isnt nihilism

that isnt nihilism you are just describing brain dead hedonism

you have a whiny high schooler's understanding of nihilism and i can guarantee you've never read Nietzsche's work

Which is practically synonymous with nihilism

Nietzsche is not nihilist and would probably agree that living as a nihilist is awful

>The nigger who lived a thoroughly lonely and miserable life and died insane and destitute in an asylum
Great example shitbag. I'd take his philosophies with a grain of salt if I were you, but that's just me and hindsight is 20/20.

Nihilism no longer wears the dark, Wagnerian, Spenglerian, fuliginous colors of the end
of the century. It no longer comes from a Weltanschauung of decadence nor from a
metaphysical radicality born of the death of God and of all the consequences that must be
taken from this death. Today's nihilism is one of transparency, and it is in some sense
more radical, more crucial than in its prior and historical forms, because this
transparency, this irresolution is indissolubly that of the system, and that of all the theory
that still pretends to analyze it. When God died, there was still Nietzsche to say so - the
great nihilist before the Eternal and the cadaver of the Eternal. But before the simulated
transparency of all things, before the simulacrum of the materialist or idealist realization
of the world in hyperreality (God is not dead, he has become hyper-real), there is no
longer a theoretical or critical God to recognize his own.

The universe, and all of us, have entered live into simulation, into the malefic, not even
malefic, indifferent, sphere of deterrence: in a bizarre fashion, nihilism has been entirely
realized no longer through destruction, but through simulation and deterrence. From the
active, violent phantasm, from the phantasm of the myth and the stage that it also was,
historically, it has passed into the transparent, falsely transparent, operation of things.
What then remains of a possible nihilism in theory? What new scene can unfold, where
nothing and death could be replayed as a challenge, as a stake?

We are in a new, and without a doubt insoluble, position in relation to prior forms of

Romanticism is its first great manifestation: it, along with the Enlightenment's
Revolution, corresponds to the destruction of the order of appearances.

Surrealism, dada, the absurd, and political nihilism are the second great manifestation,
which corresponds to the destruction of the order of meaning.

The first is still an aesthetic form of nihilism (dandyism), the second, a political,
historical, and metaphysical form (terrorism).

These two forms no longer concern us except in part, or not at all. The nihilism of
transparency is no longer either aesthetic or political, no longer borrows from either the
extermination of appearances, nor from extinguishing the embers of meaning, nor from
the last nuances of an apocalypse. There is no longer an apocalypse (only aleatory
terrorism still tries to reflect it, but it is certainly no longer political, and it only has one
mode of manifestation left that is at the same time a mode of disappearance: the media -
now the media are not a stage where something is played, they are a strip, a track, a
perforated map of which we are no longer even spectators: receivers).

Attached: baudrillard.jpg (620x478, 75K)

The apocalypse is finished, today it is the precession of the neutral, of forms of the neutral and of
indifference. I will leave it to be considered whether there can be a romanticism, an
aesthetic of the neutral therein. I don't think so - all that remains, is the fascination for
desertlike and indifferent forms, for the very operation of the system that annihilates us.
Now, fascination (in contrast to seduction, which was attached to appearances, and to
dialectical reason, which was attached to meaning) is a nihilistic passion par excellence,
it is the passion proper to the mode of disappearance. We are fascinated by all forms of
disappearance, of our disappearance. Melancholic and fascinated, such is our general
situation in an era of involuntary transparency.

I am a nihilist.

I observe, I accept, I assume the immense process of the destruction of appearances (and
of the seduction of appearances) in the service of meaning (representation, history,
criticism, etc.) that is the fundamental fact of the nineteenth century. The true revolution
of the nineteenth century, of modernity, is the radical destruction of appearances, the
disenchantment of the world and its abandonment to the violence of interpretation and of

I observe, I accept, I assume, I analyze the second revolution, that of the twentieth
century, that of postmodernity, which is the immense process of the destruction of
meaning, equal to the earlier destruction of appearances. He who strikes with meaning is
killed by meaning.

The dialectic stage, the critical stage is empty. There is no more stage. There is no
therapy of meaning or therapy through meaning: therapy itself is part of the generalized
process of indifferentiation.

The stage of analysis itself has become uncertain, aleatory: theories float (in fact,
nihilism is impossible, because it is still a desperate but determined theory, an imaginary
of the end, a weltanschauung of catastrophe).*1

Analysis is itself perhaps the decisive element of the immense process of the freezing
over of meaning. The surplus of meaning that theories bring, their competition at the
level of meaning is completely secondary in relation to their coalition in the glacial and
four-tiered operation of dissection and transparency. One must be conscious that, no
matter how the analysis proceeds, it proceeds toward the freezing over of meaning, it
assists in the precession of simulacra and of indifferent forms. The desert grows.

Implosion of meaning in the media. Implosion of the social in the masses. Infinite growth
of the masses as a function of the acceleration of the system. Energetic impasse. Point of

to continue:

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To tell you the truth i think it would do america a lot better to squelch violence if they gave every kid a copy of everything Schopenhauer ever wrote and made Schopenhauer a household name so that the idea of passive nihilism, or pessimism takes hold instead of the burn shit fuck school lost boys that pepper he landscape

Attached: Schopenhauer.jpg (300x358, 15K)

in your high school understanding of nihilism maybe

nihilism is the end opint of modernity and nihilists are unable to enter post modernity due to their bonds to ideologies like family, power etc as governed by their culture, nation etc

>nihilists are unable to enter post modernity due to their bonds to ideologies like family, power etc as governed by their culture, nation etc

there is no meaning
there is no meaning, everything is permitted

Are you 17? Nihilism is for edgy teenagers. Grow up.

>pussy out on nihilism
>smugly declare how you "grew up"

Do you hold your beliefs because they're fashionable?

idk what that has to do with what you said before
>due to their bonds to ideologies like family, power etc

>Why can't people except nihilism as a natural fact of life?
>natural fact
Why do you put faith in nihilism? It’s almost as if you want it to be true

Normies shill it so much it can't be that good

Mainlander if you're an optimist, Caraco if you're a pessimist

nihilists cry out that life has no meaning in the face of inherited meaning, you derive meaning from the nation youre born into, bringing joy and happiness to your family, climbing the power hierarchy etc they are right but its their inability to remove themselves from those bonds (all of those meanings) that causes the suffering, and naturally too at that, its not easy to throw away all your safety nets etc and start fresh and often not advisable
post modernity is once you have removed yourself from the bonds and your relationship to anything is purely derived from yourself and you take full responsibility of any suffering

Some nihilists just state that humans have an innate desire for meaning but there is no way to achieve it because reality is meaningless. This is how Camus thought of it, but he tried to meme his way out of the problem with his Absurdist rebellion.

It might be that we are just stuck desiring something we can never have, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

Please tell me how i’m wrong

The problem with nihilism is that it refutes itself. By definition nihilism can't be true. By asserting the truth of nihilism, you defeat it.

Nihilism presumes that the dissociation with your sentience validates the nothingness of being, and that all actions and objects are meaningless. Yet, if a person was a true nihilist, they would perform no action, since all actions are meaningless. But contradicting their belief they perform actions despite the actions serving no purpose. Actions immediately implying a purpose, despite there being no purpose? A true nihilist would do nothing at all, complete non-action, starving theirself to death as the most absolute conclusion to their worldview. Consequently, there are no nihilist, just pretenders of non-being.

Because morality can (and has been, for millennia) derived through reason alone, Nihilism is inherently irrational. It's a zero-content position.

It is the philosophic equivalent of disregarding all geometry because straight lines don't actually exist in the real world. Well, the shortest distance between two points IS a straight line. There are no perfect triangles--but the Pythagorean Theorem is still correct. No person is totally and unambiguously intellectually honest, but it is still not possible to be correct without being intellectually honest. The very existence of objective truths achievable through reason is not only a refutation of nihilism, but it is one that is self-evident. Every single person on Earth understands this, some just apply it selectively.

Nihilism has no value. Literally none. It is a cancerous byproduct of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of consumerism. And, of course, of Jewish power, but everyone already knew that.

that's what i'm saying, i agree with you. OP doesn't understand that nihilism is something you're supposed to pass through and not wallow in

I mean Nietzsche's solution was a bit ridiculous. I don't think nihilism can be handwaved away as teenage angst so easily.

it really can't but at least aiming to find purpose in the purposelessness of life is good advice

Nietzsche never overcame his nihilism. Have you even read ecce homo?

Yeah why not.

I really think both are not healhy reas.

Try having some education.

have sex

Its as trivial as Nietzsches whole work is.

(which i read, all of it, in german)

All philosophical problems are linguistic in nature. Just stop thinking, and there won't be any problems. No need to overcome or fight something that doesn't exist.

t. literal ape

>not the religion of facts and logic
Some Rabbi's Ben Shapiro'd YWHW like 2000 years ago

“Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest.”
― Anton LaVey

Nihilism is paradoxical: you can't know that life has no purpose unless you think a priori that life has a purpose. A true Nihilist couldn't know he was a Nihilist, couldn't question his purpose, and wouldn't be unhappy about it.

Nihilism debunked.

Using some big words there lad.

What's the matter, did your big atheist balls turn out to be nothing more than an expanded target zone for the crushing intellectual heel of my post?

You need to polish your verbally expressed smugness up. Way to go!

Also that was a literal facebook comment, not even reddit tier.

I think that process of becoming a nihilist rather looks like supposing that life has a purpose and then debunking that statement, so that's just a regular proof by contradiction

Zing! I believe that makes me your daddy.

Gimme some sugar.

Careful what you wish for.

Attached: Nietzsche18823.jpg (767x1024, 310K)

>So what is actually wrong with nihilism
It's the only metaphysical belief system that can be ignored by everyone, including its believers.

>You soon realise that the meaninglessness is also meaningless
Based baudrillardian analysis

>By asserting the truth of nihilism, you defeat it.
Or, you find out nihilism is not correct. By discovering even nihilism is inescapable from its own rule, it proves itself even more. The fact that meaningless is meaningless doesn't mean it is defeated, it means the complete opposite.

>"I am a nihilist" has its own paragraph
I dont know why this made me laugh

>it’s just a subjective feeling, although it is probably the right one.
Nihilism sits atop the value hierarchy?

Meant for

You can tell the person who made this pic is a coping incel.

that pic is pretty old remember seeing it in 2010

it's an ancient pic from the time when 'le gangster being erudite' was high comedy on the internet