Are there any philosophical books on social media and how it affects younger generations?
Are there any philosophical books on social media and how it affects younger generations?
Try Ender's Game
A girl sent me a yellow, winking face instead of text, I vomited and blocked her number. Now I pretend not to see her whenever I must attend lectures
Imagine having a Twitter account.
Blog Theory
That emoji meant she wanted you to anally fist her. You missed out user
Not a book rec but the increase in suicides are interesting. I think among girls there's a 75% increase, propably because they can't escape bullying now. Might be closely associated with the attack on free speech by the identitarian left.
>Might be closely associated with the attack on free speech by the identitarian left.
Holy fucking cringe
Not necessary, you're just retarded.
>crying because someone called you retarded
Now that there's just plain retarded, user.
Byung Chul Han, precisely the books In the Swarm and The Transparency Society.
Well he must've misinterpreted my comment in a ridiculous manner. To assume that a generation who has experienced speech as violence as none has before is recruitable by an ideology which proclaims a ban on 'hate speech', and in turn increases focus on that issue isn't exactly an out there conclusion. He propably read that as something like 'the modern left was created by mobile phones', which is retarded.
the modern left was actually created by mobile phones, thats also why its politically powerless, the content attention economy of affects as a means of governing the deracinated, dependent and declassed post fordist formerly middle class subject via weaponised narcissism. From earliest childhood they have been told they are special, that they have not only a right but a duty to ENJOY, in the absence of authority or futurity, formerly stable middle class demographics double down on superego sadomasochism, deprived of literate culture, they ape the language and behaviour of ghetto dwellers and homosexuals(which was never, as leftists would have you believe, a powerful discourse of contestation, but one borne out and perpetuating powerlessness, and precarity) and regress to the syntax of childhood.
Have sex.
is he a legitimate philosopher or just an academic who thinks about modern problems?
The useful parts of philosophy are called science. The other parts can easily be disregarded.
How am I supposed to follow pixelatedboat and cushbomb and dril and krangtnelson otherwise
Have sex.
The left is a segment that runs through the population and you can't reduce it to an analysis of a component part. Also what I describe as the 'modern left' started in the '60s. There's too much psychology in your post. It's not good to base an analysis of incredibly complex phenomena almost exclusively on such a primitive science.
Have sex.
curious too, I'm looking for works on the difference between a culture using a technology it developed vs an imported technology.