Is there any good fantasy literature out there? Please don't mention A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of Time

Is there any good fantasy literature out there? Please don't mention A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of Time.

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Lord of the Rings

I've read both LOTR and The Hobbit. Anything similar?

I haven't read it, but Harold Bloom says that the Gormenghast (sp?) Trilogy is better than Lotr

>Anything similar?
nothing of the same caliber bar the actually historical sources it's based on:
The Kalevala
The Ulster Cycle
The Mabinogion
The Niblungenlied
The Poetic Edda
The Prose Edda

Tolkien would have studied all of these works.

the state of Yea Forums

My diary desu

>Is there any good fantasy literature out there?
>Please don't mention any good literature out there.

MacDonald: Phantastes, Lillith


And Le Guin’s Earthsea

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>The Iron Dragon's Daughter
>The Last Unicorn
>The Chronicles of Narnia
>Dying Earth
If can also check out "Hard to Be a God", which is formally sci-fi.

How are you :)

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I’m fine, thank you

Gravity's Rainbow

Did you enjoy my picture of Nabokov?



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Gormenghast is utterly different from LotR, but is very good.

Book of the New Sun is pretty different (not so much as Gormenghast- it has swords, weird creatures, 'magic') but also very good


Is dune any good?

based rileygang up in this thread

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This is the best meme to happen recently. I wonder if his movie is actually any good.

Puta arse whore

Faults (starring and produced by MEW lmao) was genuinely alright flick

The ones you specifically requested not to be mentioned

Just read WOT they are good, albeit quite long

i wished MEW would've been thingified in the Thing prequel. I was hoping she would turn into an alien and rape someone to death.

Dune is good

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The Book of The New Sun


the "alleged comments" literally came from a Yea Forums meme where someone edited one of Riley's photos to be a death threat

Attached: MEW.jpg (1472x9460, 1.24M)

>woman marries you for dem connects
>fall into petulant depression when she finally capitalizes
his own damn fault for being retarded