Suggestions for books or essays that either argue for or against late term abortions (third trimester-until birth) as I live in a country in which this is allowed across the board. The thought of a "doctor" willingly killing a viable child weeks or even days before it leaves its mother disgusts to me an unbelievable level. I need something that either assuages my fears or other resources that prove I'm not the crazy one here. Thanks in advanced Yea Forums
Suggestions for books or essays that either argue for or against late term abortions (third trimester-until birth) as I...
>muh feels
Fetuses, along with toddlers, are no more than beasts. They don't have proper cognitive abilities and no sense of self. At least for the case of retards they might have a community of people they love, whereas babies know and love nobody and nothing. I support fully the right of a woman to exterminate the parasite lying inside her, and further I support the right of families to feed their born-babies to wolves. In the case of recessive genetics, it should be mandatory.
organisms die, life goes on.
Though eugenics is based I value life, especially human life too much to condone the termination of a life if it can live. Eugenics before conception though is a must do.
le nihlism
Want to actually use your brain and give me a more in depth response?
And yeah still no suggested readings, if anyones got some let me know!
>a "doctor" willingly killing a viable child weeks or even days before it leaves its mother
lmao that's badass
just read the final words of Socrates and come to the same conclusion that all great men have.
Life is a disease
In New York women can have abortions right up til birth. She can be going into labor and say "Just kill it" with no repercussions.
Recreational abortions give social clout, and that's all women care about.
You are incredibly obtuse if you think that having an abortion will garner you any sort of social clout. 50% of women in the US are pro-life. I assume you've bought into the 'conservatism is the counter-culture" myth but it is an undeniable fact that a large percentage of the population looks down on abortion.
Hume's treatise on human nature
>looks down on abortion
Ending human lives for your own convenience is hard to morally justify.
I don't see what that has to do with anything the post you're responding to said.
>hard to morally justify
Very easy actually.
1. Sentience, intelligence, adherence to the social contract, ability to love, etc. are all traits which give moral value
2. Fetuses and babies don't have these traits
3. Therefore they have no moral value
Not here in Canada, only a few people will tolerate my position of only banning third term, outside of medical emergency, and not freak out.
Since nobody's actually given you a book yet, try The Dark Road by Ma Jian. It's more about China's one-child policy than abortion itself, but certainly touches on the idea of the millions of unique, irreplacable lives lost by such things.
You are the crazy one and there are no arguments against abortion other then religious ones which are nonsense for obvious reasons.
Shit, it should be legal, no, required to dispose of spawn that is significantly defective for some time after birth. If you still want to keep your defective clump of garbage it should be classified as a pet and you pay for all the upkeep that otherwise burdens the health system.
Thanks, added to my list of upcoming reads.
>Suggestions for books or essays that either argue for or against late term abortions (third trimester-until birth
They're performed on nonviable foetuses so the parents can view the child in an open casket or hold the child. People who want to just get rid of children get abortions earlier when they don't have to go through a procedure arguably worse than any other method of abortion; the people who get late term abortions tend to view the child as a whole person and only opt for the procedure in the same way that people only opt to turn off their child's life support for the benefit of the child.
Those who denounce late term abortions do so because it's a horrible procedure, but they leave out that it's a horrible procedure that people only opt for when they believe you should try to bring children into the world. Unwanted pregnancies get abortions earlier when they are easier, less painful, less like protracted childbirth, and much cheaper. Those are the ones who terminate with the view "it's not a real person yet". People who terminate the pregnancy in the last trimester are far more likely to have kept a nonviable foetus in the womb for longer than even medical authorities recommend, in hopes of mourning the child as a nearly formed child.
Your fears are misplaced. People who kill viable children for their own convenience do not wait until the third trimester to do a highly risky procedure. That's for people who are attached to the child but face its non-viability outside the womb.
You say all that and it reassures me slightly but what proof can you offer that this is mostly the case, let's say above 90% of the time. Do you have any studies that back up this claim? ie ones that include the reason for abortion. (if that's even possible because let's be honest what doctor or woman would want it on record that they extinguished a viable life)
Most countries won't perform one in the first place. The US and Netherlands, which do allow third term abortions, do not allow third term abortions on viable foetuses. In the US, because of the people kicking up a fuss over the potential boogeyman of a woman who is willing to increase her risk of dying to get a late abortion, there are many states where two doctors not only have to sign off on it not being viable, but two doctors must also be present to double check the procedure is carried out properly and that viability was properly assessed.
There are cases where women didn't realise they were pregnant who get abortions late (though rarely if ever do they get as far as the third term) but usually in those cases they not only would have got the abortion earlier if they knew, they also would have stopped drinking and drugging if they planned to keep any child. Those that didn't realise and are not only not going to be good parents but are going to have children with severe addiction problems usually make up the latest of second term abortions, but they do not get as many third term abortions because they want it out as soon as possible once the pregnancy is discovered.
Carrying it to the next trimester is usually only for those who hope for viability and that's a very small percentage of those who have abortions. First and second trimester abortions are not only 95%+ of all abortions including in countries that have no limits at all, they're also the ones which are done to just get rid of the child. Third term abortions are very very rare, and far more likely to have funerals for the children. You're ignoring a very large group of people who want to fuck and vacuum out the consequences for a very small group of people who are more likely to view losing the child as a tragedy.
I'm Canadian so there are no legal restrictions on abortion at all, so long as it hasn't left the womb you're free to terminate. While I personally take no issue with third trimester if there are legitimate health issues I'm still deeply perturbed by the precedence set of allowing abortion at anytime with no restrictions especially for children capable surviving outside of the womb(week 26 and after). I honestly cannot see the difference between that and murder as the "fetus" does not require the body of the mother to survive after that period of the pregnancy.
Abortion as birth control is another issues all together, something I find deeply disturbing but if carried out early in pregnancy less morally challenging, even if I think it's quite damaging of one's character.
Why do you need convinced?
Just accept that it's not your choice, people are going to keep aborting babies without regard to your whining.
Imagine defending child murder. The left is truly sick in the head. When did the raison d'etre of the left become to normalize all forms of sickening degeneracy?
this is utter rubbish
the best discussion about abortion i have ever read is in the book the dragons of eden by carl sagan
Would you mind outlining the premise of the discussion that takes place in that book?