Evola studied engineering in Rome...

>Evola studied engineering in Rome, but did not complete his studies because he "did not want to be associated in any way with bourgeois academic recognition and titles such as doctor and engineer."
>Evola was not anti-bourgeois in the sense of an economic class, but rather its counterpart: there is an intellectual world, an art, custom, and general view of life.

Absolutely based lad. Why do so many people here think of academic recognition as some sort of "seal of approval", after all, you are only chasing after some bourgeois pompus titles and acceptance, which essentially just represents collectivized and materialist subhumanity. The real struggle is the struggle against the bourgeois spirit and not play by their rules.

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Evola was an actual noble and would see us all as pondscum

>i'm not dropping out because of my incompetence/lack of discipline, i'm dropping out because i won't play by the rules!

sounds pretty based

Why don't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries?

I know you´re a conformist piece of shit who thinks within context pyramids within pyramids and upside fucking triangle hierarchies. Go tell that to all fucking grandchildren of big daddy Rockefeller that they gotta play by em rules

>ebuba wub a weeel keeng!
Go find an altar or a fucking whip and lick it you whelpy rat, you're not worth the fucking blood in your veins

Why do you care exactly if some noble sees you as scum? why are you so mad

Reminds me of that one clip where somebody refers to Slavoj Zizek as "Professor" and he scolds him for it

if u didnt go to school u cant get laid off tinder bro

>what, did i fuck your mother?

Evola was a Marxist

Peterson called him Doctor Zizek a few times in the debate

woah calm down there pondscum boi

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>equating yourself with a Baron
Sure thing, once you recognize the mud running through your veins and up into your skull as what it is, filth, and not blueblood. Then and only then will you be able to read Evola, you fucking upstart

It's a case of sour grapes. Evola didn't complete his studies because he had hit a mental wall (i.e., he was stupid).

I'm convinced the entire Zizekean / Peterson project is to get people reading Evola and Guenon desu. It's literally the middleground between their fanbases.

What is it with Yea Forums? I swear it's the dumbest board on here. They express no ideas whatsoever, and just fling shit at each other. They don't actually read; yet, have a boner for Freudo-Marxians, and fall into an uncontrollable seethe if they see Evola or that clean your room guy. But Yea Forums isn't even entertaining with its stupidity, like Yea Forums or Yea Forums. It's like fucking /leftypol/ in its cringe memes and humor. But I need to get back to a previous point. I have never seen Yea Forums actually discuss something. I only see people form a mental image of X, which is typically inaccurate and superficial, and then proceed to attack X as if they know everything about it.

Yea Forums died during 2015 when it became a /lefty4chan/ hugbox in reaciton to /pol/ getting larger. literally just meme positive psedu-level interpretations of leftism and egoism and you'll do fine here

I am actually noble, and it's completely overrated, I still ended up here.

It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in ordinary speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted like something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.… "Nobility" does not appear as a formal expression until the Roman Empire, and then precisely in opposition to the hereditary nobles, then in decadence.

>not a single person itt pointing out that it's the aristocracy of the soul that matters
Isn't that phrase on the cover of Ride the Tiger?

>Evola was not anti-bourgeois in the sense of an economic class, but rather its counterpart: there is an intellectual world, an art, custom, and general view of life

I don't see how you have one without the other

I've never seen someone on Yea Forums who's read Evola correctly except the Guenonian.
People seems to believe it's some ooga booga will to power sprinkled with mysticism

I have royal blood and I've used lower class people as proof of evolution.

That academic title gives me a raise in pay. But other than that I agree with this most based of lads.

>still using money
You've learned nothing!

How sad and bitter this guy was.

Can't wait for my copy of Mystery of the Grail to arrive so I can learn the magick spell with which I can buy things without money.

You post on Yea Forums, so nether are you

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Some simply don't have the spirit (or lack thereof) for it. I found it easy, but at the same time very stultifying. The ideas are dead, and academia is a con show.

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>I have royal blood
HAH you have a drop of either inbred or homespun silver and a river of trash inside of you. You wouldn't know blueblood if you drowned in it.

>lack of discipline
There are so many things you can criticize Evola for, and you chose one of the things where he absolutely excelled at

>Yea Forums died during 2015 when it became a /lefty4chan/ hugbox in reaciton to /pol/ getting larger.
Lefties literally left for 8ch that year, you retarded election cycle crabbitor.

Im picturing you as a deformed aristocratic manlet prancing around an Italian villa while you phonepost on Yea Forums about blood nobility


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>got Evola and Zola mixed up

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I actually speak 2 languages and am very shit at a third. I have no doubt my ancestors were peasants though, I even know where they were peasants

>literal neo nazi comic

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Don't fucking call me a neo-nazi, I was a regular nazi before it was cool again.