Is it just me or is it likely that this hack lied about his Intelligence Quotient being over 150 (SD 15 I assume)?...

Is it just me or is it likely that this hack lied about his Intelligence Quotient being over 150 (SD 15 I assume)?. He did an AP-tier takedown of The Communist Manifesto in front of one of the leading contemporary philosophers who has a whole journal dedicated to his thought.

Or is he actually smart and is just milking his fame for shekels.

I don't know.

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He obviously lied about it. But

>He did an AP-tier takedown of The Communist Manifesto in front of one of the leading contemporary philosophers who has a whole journal dedicated to his thought.

He did this on purpose. With just watching a 10 minute video of Zizek shouting and trembling on youtube you'll realise that he is not a normal Marxist. He knew he wouldn't be able to indent Zizek's arguments so he played dumb and acted as if he knew nothing about him. Sure, that's "smart", but someone with a +150IQ would've read some of Zizek's works and genuinely critiziced him, it's not that hard.

Also, how the fuck did Peterson manage to get a phd in psychology without reading Lacan? How can he be known for opposing Marxism without having read Das Kapital? These are truly the end of times

Come back and criticize Peterson's IQ after you make a few millions telling teenagers to wash their dick.

He hasn't done anything remotely academic for nearly 2 decades.

Psychology has nothing to do with lacanian psychoanalysis, and Lacan himself made that clear

He was involved with psychology and statistics.
Even Freud isn't relevant.

lacan is only relevant in france and argentina and maybe in meme studies like film studies thanks to zizek

I've seen too many stupid people with high IQ to respect it as a measure of intelligence. Maybe they just weren't properly trained in philosophy but even that wouldn't explain the level of stupid beliefs and arguments I've seen them share.

>How can he be known for opposing Marxism without having read Das Kapital?
With facts and logic. The powers of British empiricism allowed him to objectively measure quality of Marx's work via the death toll of Marxist regimes (which is undoubtadly at least 100 megadeaths). Just as statistics gathered by prof. Steven Pinker and prof. Matt Ridley allowed him to quantify utility of capitalism.

Same, very high IQ people can still be stupefied by their own emotion and disengage in analytical thinking. Have engaged with 150-160 IQ people who I have seen act like children.

Do you really see Peterson as someone who'd lie about his IQ? I mean seriously.

>Intelligence Quotient

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think about it rationally

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I do. It was prob. around 125, look at his PhD/early work, just basic grunt work interpreting data with vanilla statistical techniques.

125 is average university graduate IQ and most psychologists can't even into basic stats

He's a business man

Lacan and Freud are only relevant in continental europoor countries, every anglo country has embraced the evolutionary psychology meme

Can confirm. It's the "big fish in a small pond" problem, but for the 150+ IQ range, the pond is enormous. Going to university and getting a PhD doesn't humble them or introduce them to any intellectual peers except by chance. If they didn't grow up around other equally "gifted" children they never mature emotionally as teenagers or young adults, and you see a lot of ridiculous antics.

Is it a matter of Peterson being dumb or just too lazy to read any Marx?

>How can he be known for opposing Marxism without having read Das Kapital?
There's a difference between being known for opposing an ideology in academia and opposing it in social media, Baudrillard published an entire critique of Marxism and is well recognized academically but in Peterson's circle he's just another postmodern neomarxist.
I think it's always safe to judge the speaker by their audience, you'd obviously tell the zizek/peterson debate would have no substance just by the faggots in the audience cheering as if they are attending a wrestling match, peak spectacle

Neither, he's only in it for the $$$, if he can effortlessly make his millions without having read Marx why would he bother?

I think Peterson is mostly motivated by profit too, but I think he's probably a reasonably sincere guy and that he would have spent much more time preparing if he knew he was going to get exposed so badly

he still falls for many leftist memes when reading his texts, i guess it's just the academic language everybody used at the time, but it really clashes with the rest of his stuff

chapo unmakes get the fuck out. there are enough brainlets and limp-writers fags on this board already. zizek isnt some great intellectual. he’s fat retarded pro-immigration anti-european shill and no, nobody is impressed that you slobber on the knob of some fat slovenian faggot with an exotic name



>he would have spent much more time preparing if he knew he was going to get exposed so badly
He said the only marxist text he's read is the manifesto, a 30 pages pamphlet written for 19th century proles
That's barely what you'd call preparation, especially for someone who's been so vocal about Marxism through his "career"

Because neither Marx nor Lacan is science and actual smart people understand the pivotal utility of science.

pic related made me question him the most

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Imagine unironically paying 1 000$ for a ticket to see this hack in a """debate"""

right, and I think that Peterson's self-regard has probably been so inflated by all of his media confrontations (where imo he does generally come off better than the journalist retards needling him) that he felt like he could hold his own against any limp academic with his usual lines about hierarchies and equality of opportunity. Peterson if nothing else is a very self-serious guy with whose identity revolves around being smart and being right. Getting humiliated for his lack of intellect and philosophical expertise in public is probably a nightmare for a guy like him

yes user, lacan and focault are very present in academia here

yes, argentina for some reason is really into psychoanalysis, maybe because they like to talk a lot

Argentina seems to be inline with continental philosophy for some reason

We have entered the wave period of philosophy.

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>he still falls for many leftist memes
Probably because he's a leftist.

IQ is just potential.

Vox exposed his iq lie, its around 115-120

the same guy that could beat Joe Rogan?
>estimated IQ
haven't opened the video but if IQ is already kind of retarded as an individual measurement (makes more sense for populations) estimated IQ is probably even more retarded

do roasties in Argentina also read this book or does this only happen in other latin countries?

meant this book

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does that guy actually have an iq of 150

That's just called autism. iq just tests analytical and logical thinking, it does not have an positive correlation with intelligence. No one in the sciences actually uses iq to measure general intelligence

What do you mean by analytical and logical thinking? I know IQ test questions will focus on things like pattern recognition and short term memory recall but what does that have to do with logic? Logic isn't something that people are born with, otherwise we wouldn't need to train people.

>All multiple choice tests are easy
Yeah ok dude. Some certainly are but he's painting them all with the same brush

multiple choice is literally the only way to grade a test with any kind of impartiality

>He did this on purpose

Most intelligence tests don't go up to 150, so I tend to assume anyone who reports a number as high as that is full of shit.

LMAO you don't know a damn thing about the literature

The standard test (WAIS) goes up to 160 (S.D. = 15)

Looks rather spiffy ngl


>imagine putting your excess capital back into circulation
Are u dumb or poor, probably both

Chapo retards don't like zizek lol. He's too pRoBlEmAtIc for them

i wouldn't call peterson dumb, but
>Or is he actually smart and is just milking his fame for shekels.
you dont have to be smart to do that

what level of reddit is this?

Dumbest post I've read this month

Who knows, he may have been completely p r o j e c t i n g in the pathology of Lobsterman's behavior because he seems to have some serious disdain for the people who watch him yap for an hour.

so much for the scumbag left, didn't take them long to get sanitized

how much is he selling pic related for?

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I want Tammy

His critic of The communist Manifesto and Marxism in general is so on point it completely destroys it. How the fuck you think anything else is beyond me.

kill yourself.

Everything Juden says is also said in Marx's Grundrisse and Critique of the Gotha program, Peterstein did a freshman tier takedown of a propaganda pamphlet and it was sad.

Save yourself

this video is obscenely bad. I doubt peterson is a genius but this guy is a total retard

juden peterstein