ITT: Ugliest covers ever

ITT: Ugliest covers ever.

I think if I ever got this book (unlikely), I'd have to tape something over the cover. It's grotesque.

Attached: songs-grimscribe-cover.jpg (457x700, 142K)

I think the cover is amazing

A cover with OP's face on it.

OP here, I'll have you know I kissed a girl once.

I love that cover and it fits the stories perfectly

Did you like it?

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No, I was worried that my parents would find out (I was 14) so I just pecked her on the lips. She called it a granny kiss. She was a real emo slut though, she wasn't a looker.

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>that cover
>introduction by Eco

Attached: GR.jpg (260x400, 39K)

What were they thinking?

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no it's not

i don't get the hate.

What the fuck? Was this a misprint?

literally every other cover for GR is better though. how could you stand to look at something so terribly maximalist?

this should be made illegal. absolutely fucking disgusting.

That's a great cover

Attached: 37841081_10156857259699349_7563348197490294784_n.png (584x959, 807K)

kek, didn't know Raskolnikov was a twink

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what the fuck am i looking at here

>Glances at title

Yeah, I know what this is going to be about. I have the perfect cover idea.

Attached: 41HfBBQGlLL._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (321x499, 25K)

mexican l'étranger

fuck german covers

Attached: 512YZJRvAZL._SX300_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (302x499, 36K)

oh for fucks sake

He was a biologist so I guess that's why they put bugs on there but come the fuck on

Pretty much all YA and normie books have shit tier art. Game of Thrones, Hunger Games, etc.

Idk, but it's looking back at you.

It's devianart tier.

Where can I purchase this?

You're all a bunch of squeamish little girls, seriously man up.

Tis Done. The Triad has been unleashed!

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I used to design book covers. If this was the best I was able to come up with, I'd punch myself in the nuts and retire.

no fucking way that is real
degenerate and disgraceful; I weep for our future. fuck this

>not buying the 1245 p. Historisch-kritische >edition.

Attached: CriticalEdition.jpg (1500x1440, 269K)

I feel like I want to own these.

I like it, it's not bad at all

Happy I own this one, lol.

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Fucking based Chad Wordsworth poster.

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How can you stand to read something so terribly maximalist?

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Absolutely fucking horrible; I mistake it for cholo graffiti from the barrio every time i see it.

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>She called it a granny kiss.

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Nothing to contribute but this is an awesome thread.

Haha I collect these

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That's a bideo game

>Finds good translations

You fucking kidding me? Most Dosto protags have big twink energy, and Raskolnikov is in the top 3

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there's a difference between good and bad maximalism; GR is the former, its white cover is the latter
also that Dorian Gray cover is actually hideous

All my books have the same cover, more or less.

But maybe that is because I am not a casual that buys new or softcover books.

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Damn right.

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Ligotti covers are cursed to be hideous

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>nurses egg containing wife's son
what a line, holy shit

Trying to suggest contemporary relevance I guess.

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Historisch-kritische Ausgabe ist pretty based, is it worth 84€ tho?

I had it on my wish list for quite some time but I felt I couldn't justify spending that much money on it. Then I stumbled in a used bookshop on a perfect copy for 20 euros. So that was nice.