How can I compensate for never having been to a British public school?

How can I compensate for never having been to a British public school?

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Wrong board

Aesthetically you cannot but otherwise learn Latin, study the canon and suck off older men.

Sustain a head injury

Auto-erotically asphyxiate while declaiming Burke's critique of the French Revolution

Public schools are shit OP, so there's no worry here. What you want, is to have been educated at a private school.

The true sign of the plebeian.

Lmao, I hope you're trolling

lmao look at this pleb

Cringe and plebpilled

British public schools create failures because the standards are too high and there's no path if you fail. You're literally fucked if you achieve anything other than exemplary grades.

I fucked up in American public school and graduated with shit grades. I had to go to a terrible university. Hopefully I can transfer somewhere better.

You just went full American. Don't do that again.

just learn latin grammar and read the complete Shakespeare


burgers literally cannot stop embarrassing themselves

British public schools aren’t even that good. The main thing they teach is confidence.

mfw bongs brag about 3rd place unis

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>aren’t even that good.
>The main thing they teach is confidence
Pick one user

>went to Italian classical high school
>too few people in the class so when there was English they merged us with the linguistic school
>learnt Latin grammar,Greek grammar AND Shakespeare
Lol get on my level plebs

I think he was joking but you know no one really calls them public schools anymore.

>learnt Latin grammar,Greek grammar AND Shakespeare
this is standard

Be thankful you weren't buggered.

>unironically wanting this
Be glad OP. All it did was turn me into a sheltered unsociable loser who is only good at getting high grades.

throw some acid in your own face, read classic books out of the ciriculum, challange a nog to fight, throw away your lunch money, dont brush your theth for a week

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harsh but fair

>How can I compensate for never having been to a British public school?
you mean how can you be thankful for never having been to a british public school?

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Nah. I went to one and we had several dumb kids up to age 16 who were just kept around because it would have scandalised the customer base to force them out. They were only told to go after they'd overachieved at GCSE level. School then replaced them with new customers, a percentage of whom again turned out to be shit.

The rejects went to state schools, but carried a pocketful of decent results with them.

That's a state school, not a public school.

I think people have slowly started adopting the American terminology

Are people there taught to be patrician or hard working?

Are the factors to success implicitly or explicitly stated? For example, do they have university advice that explicitly says, "Apply to Oxbridge and then these few unis?"

When you grow up in posh circles that sort of thing is taken for granted. It's a given from a young age that you're off to Balliol when it's time.

I went to one of the few best american boarding schools and then an ivy. I know its not eton or whatever, but i think the trend is probably mirrored; my schools were probably great in the 80s, but now the classical cohesive thrust/orientation is gone and with it lots of the cozy things people associate with these sorts of institutions. Having to go to a “unity and diversity” day once a month while spending half of the ancient history class discussing pre-colombian America is a downer. University was worse; maybe a top NESCAC would’ve been better, but I doubt it. Recently visited a friend at oxford at it was cozy, but also felt a whole lot like everyone was playing the “being an oxbridge student” game—the string of tradition has been cut and there’s no going back. I say all this to say that there’s no need to be jealous, what you imagine it’s like almost certainly no longer exists.

can someone please clarify the terminology? I'm an American and clearly you don't mean the same thing when you mention "public school"

in england we call your private schools public schools, public schools state schools, and trucks lorries

Thank you