Redpill me on David vs Goliath
Redpill me on David vs Goliath
When big animals back off it's because they aren't insecure and know even minor injuries can totally fuck their shit up (small scratch gets infected and they die, sprained or broken bone=starve) in the long term so it isn't worth it to engage.
I gotta say, Goliath is a pretty sick name.
fuck shitbulls. nice to see them get mogged and killed.
Goliath was the good guy, David is the actual bully
really depends on the animal. Some animals do not give a single fuck, like Crococdiles, or those little weird badgers
Shitbull BTFO
Crocs aren't know for being overly aggressive and territorial (they chill pretty fine in the watering hole) and honey badgers are not big animals. They need to abuse the meta of big animals not wanting to get hurt by this stupid fucking thing they know they could kill by being's always animals that aren't actually threatening that are the most aggressive/pretend to be, even weak ass canada geese pull this shit.
The Pitbull violated the NAP at 14 seconds by biting first and the tiger was forced to respond.
To be fair that tiger is still a cub. And fuck pitbulls, I'm glad it's dead.
Crocs dont care at all if theyre injured is what I meant. Their immune systems are really good or something
Also hippos are extremely territorial and large. Same with some elephants
I do get what you're saying about feisty small animals though, Canada geese are ridiculous
That's cruel. Also I hate dogs.
They are just scared they don't have practical reason for it.
Elephants and hippos have hides that make it hard as fuck for them to get hurt. The reluctance to engage behavior is mostly found in apex predators.
They aren't scared. At no point was this Tiger scared. The Dogs misinterpretation of its timidity as fear is why it died. I never suggested practical reason, this is just the reason they have the instinct. The Tiger is mostly likely feeling a sensation of "I don't want to play stop annoying me" as opposed to fear.
niggerdog got what he deserved
Fuck dogs
Nah he died to quick, cat should have played with his food aka tortured him, just so he realized just how outmatched he was.
Yea it makes sense
It's a cub vs an adult pitbull. The dog isn't that outmatched.
>dogfucking intellectuals
The shitbull would even be able to fit its mouth around the tigers neck
why are you capitalising tiger?
Is that even true? polar bears and orcas randomly attack shit all the time
who recorded this video?
& why
so do humans
The reason they always try to get the ambush isn't because they can't easily catch them in a chase and overpower them, it's because it's less of a chance of getting hurt. It's a really bad evolutionary strategy to just fucking murder anything you can that crosses your path because again, even a small injury can have massive consequences. This is less so the case if you have a strong hide or the animals you hunt don't have physical means of defending themselves.
He is German
Why didnt evolution focused on faster and complete healing
fucking nazis
nothing changes
It's resource intensive and hard to do. The qualities you need to heal fully might force you do be more simplistic or go the invertebrate route. Easier to just encourage not getting hurt so you can breed than faster healing or ways to manage getting hurt (like the intelligence and dexterity to make splints for broken bones or wrap cuts and such)
That is why i mentioned crocs above, they seem to never get infected
Because bit does not make sense and it's completely random
crocs are pretty passive, it's why they open their mouth to tell you to go away instead of just attacking, and why they let people slowly get up to them and wrap the mouth shut.
Nice! Just checked the vid-- Hearing the dog squealing and crying while it dies is pretty satisfying
Anyone got a link to the full video?
He you go bro:
I hope the savage that owns this tiger is eviscerated by it. Wild animals should be kept in a healthy natural environment. So many people are disgusting gluttons with no respect for the world.
You confused the word tiger with pitbull
Yeah, bears are the famous exception. Orcas are just cunts too.
How dumb do you have to be to think that the NAP is a compelling approach to morality?
almost as dumb as not realizing the post was a joke and reference to the pitbull NAP meme and just as dumb as someone who responds to your bait
Name me one thing an adult elephant should be afraid of discounting Americans of course
the NAP is a definite part of almost everybody's moral framework. Not as an ultimate axiom but a general sense of 'leave me be, and if you attack me i have the right to defend myself'. Very few people really argue with that, it's just lolbertarians try to make an entire system out of it
a rhino horns charge could probably fuck up an elephants hide
Lions do occasionally kill elephants
>he fell for the evolution meme
What? One of the defining characteristics between crocs and gators is that crocs are much more aggressive and territorial than gators. What species of croc are you basing this off of?
The fuck are you talking about? Ambush predators ambush specifically because they can't easily catch their prey in a chase. That's the point of being an ambush predator. According to your logic every animal would be an ambush hunter then because there'd be selective pressure for that hunting adaptation. Where are you getting this information from?
If you say the pitbull is a wild animal that should be in a healthy natural environment I don't see why that wouldn't apply to the tiger as well. You probably just misread his post.
Chinese poachers
How is this literature?
thats still basically a cub bruv, not particularly impressive
That's called live and let live by smarter faggots than you, faggot, and it's also called quietism or imperialism by faggots smart than those faggots. NAP is what a pleb calls social science, like how augurs would portend and preach but then immediately accept the dictates of the sybils if they contradicted them, just the macedonians supplicated the Oracle, just like the Egyptians with theirs, it's a fucking cause and effect that you apply no central pressure to, no critical perception, just paddy cake fucking intuition that "usually people aren't killing each other." You're beneath even fucking Cretan law you fucking cretinous abortion
>don't make me fuck you up, senpai. don't do it
pibbie no :(
did he died?
Can confirm geese are fucking dicks
I would say this thread was derailed from the start because of the webm, but the phrase "Redpill me" tends to grab the attention of all the pseuds in this board and never stood a chance to get an actual discussion going.
This. Goliath was a blind pituitary giant who probably also had autism or something because why the fuck not.
That tiger is chained up
Dog body language inviting play = cat body language indicating threat
Whoever is keeping that tiger chained up is a sick fuck, and whoever allowed the pitbull near it knew it would be killed
This would not have occured in nature, humans are unironically the most disgusting animals of all
>Crocs dont care at all if theyre injured is what I meant.
They still back off from dangerous situations. Watch any nature documentary, they give up going for animals when they start getting stomped and shit. They're not brain dead retarded, they know they have to ambush animals because one well placed kick on the top of the head could possibly kill them.
>The reason they always try to get the ambush isn't because they can't easily catch them in a chase and overpower them, it's because it's less of a chance of getting hurt.
This is wrong. Ambush predators usually have no stamina at all.
There are usually no such retards and only tigers dare to assault other tigers, and fight between tigers is too dangerous, so they prefer to get away without a fight, preferably by just demonstration of force. The inbred wolflet is just retarded beyond any reason and gets what it deserved.
a lost back liner in rugby union
30 hyenas brought down an elephant not so long ago
Hyenas are nigger tier
>it fell for the kike nailed to a cross meme
lol that lion is a fuckin pussy
It's a fucking Tiger you dipshit. Fucking hell you're stupid :3
>Crocs aren't know for being overly aggressive and territorial (they chill pretty fine in the watering hole)
lmfao Hippos are so fucking TERRIFYING :3
My whole identity is based on me liking Butterfly. I wonder if she ever realizes that herself. I wonder if that makes her happy.
It's basically homo sapiens vs neanderthals abridged; like gilgamesh and enkidu. Difference being that the semites killed their Neanderthals while the Sumerians and the people that descended from them interbred.
>or those little weird badgers
they're called honey badgers
and they will FUCK your shit
Ayy lmao
The cub is tethered to something and still able to throttle that dirtbag shitbull so I'd say the nog was pretty obviously outmatched
>t. Noah, age 9
Keeping tigers chained up is degenerate. You call anything with standards reddit because you a weak willed fag.
elephants are so ugly desu
theyre like a scrotum monster
You seem to have utterly missed the point of the point, you can call it whatever you like, the point is that the moral principle underlying the NAP is a widespread sentiment.
>chained tiger
you can tell nigger filmed this