What to read next?

I just read Spengler's Decline, Yukio Mishima's novels, all of Graham Greene and Houellebecq, and the poetry of Ezra Pound, Eliot, and Yeats.

Where next?

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This is so weird. Did you get anything from Decline or any of the other books

You'll have to read whatever the next user to roll dubs suggests

Imperium I think

What kind of mincing, useless reply is this? I can throw it right back at you: "Yes I got based and redpilled from them"

Are you retarded? Can you come up with anything that you received from these books?

Yes. And yet, that is explicilty not the topic of this thread, so either your reading comprehension is shit or you have some ulterior motive for shitposting. I can hazard a guess because it's pretty obvious. But you could just fuck off instead

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What a wholesome looking fellow

Was it autism?

Your post quality would indicate as much. Here's your last you, faggot

I mean yeah, I was curious because it seemed like you went through books like a conveyor belt. If you care for my recc still, Introduction to Daoist Thought, by Mollgard.

>muh white faggot proselytizing eastern religions
You are such a fucking meme, and even cringier and more obnoxious than an evangelical.

Did I piss you off that much?

Anyone in your life who knows about ypur fascination with taoism mocks you behind your back, including any Asians you know. Not even a little mad. Maybe I pity you a bit, but I think it's mostly amusment.

Thought a reality check might help but whatever. Stay a virgin freak.

Nice style. Shame you're so raging.


? You seem to think everything is a competition so whatever I say to you you'll reply indignantly to remain on top. I'm done here.

>I just read Spengler's Decline, Yukio Mishima's novels, all of Graham Greene and Houellebecq, and the poetry of Ezra Pound, Eliot, and Yeats.
No you didn't. You'd have something to say about any of them if you did.

>Where next?
for you? for someone who actually read those books: Joseph Campbell's Masks of God.

not the loser brainlet you are arguing with but here is mfw I see that OP only made this thread so he could shill his dumb taoism

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reminder that Yea Forums is a western theology board

go to /x/ for the eastern "lol who cares" philosophy

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