What kind of things you guys like to do, besides read books?

What kind of things you guys like to do, besides read books?

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people here don't read books

nice try faggot


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Learn languages. Comfy hobby, definitively rec it

I enjoy crying on my floor, drinking alcohol I can't afford, and contemplating suicide methods and wrist-cutting.

this, also listening to burzum

>listening to burzum



Paint, piano and write
Never have enough time

i like exploring,walking the earth,observing nature.i like setting goals and accomplishing them.

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Pretty much the only thing I do besides reading is study maths, as I'm working towards a maths degree. I would say it's about 60:40 maths study to reading.

i like to fuck some white chicks LOL i already know u white bois be going crazy in your computers LMAOO


I like museums and films I guess, it's hard to quantify all the stuff I might enjoy doing. It's too bad I don't have friends who want to do the former, or anything that isn't an organised, monthly to bimonthly "get together"; I can't remember the last time I met up with someone for the sake of just hanging out or drifting around town.

I need friends, user.

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i like to do those things too
but i live in brazil
get a gf
at least you can put your peewee in her

>get a gf
>at least you can put your peewee in her
I don't need a heterosexual relationship, I need a homosocial one.

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Thai boxing
Fight with gf

>read books
Heheh, no.
But I do unironically write bad fanfiction.

Where are you from?

Weightlift and run
>tfw fitlit


Preferably all at the same time

Western Sweden, user.

I've gotten somewhat good at doing things on my own in my post-high school-friends existence, but it's usually less fun.



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Shitpost on Yea Forums?

What a I shame. I'm from spain in my first year of university and I am too searching interesting friends to talk and make things with

Bummer, user! Good luck to you though.

You guys need a dinner with Andre

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I'm into the flow arts.

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Walking, writing + I have a dog and love my job.

What is your opinion on french+spanish+english?

i dont care about how well written the dialogue is, it should never have been a movie. there is nothing visual worth seeing. it should have remained a screenplay or novella. fucking stupid movie

I play, listen to, and write music. sometimes I play video games, but that's become less attractive over time and now if I'm playing a game, odds are I'm just speedrunning Celeste and Getting Over It repeatedly to do something with my hands while I listen to new music
>implying Burzum is good
post it


play chess. watch a little bit of anime. other than that most of my time is spent studying for uni (physics), browsing Yea Forums or reading.

yeah i know. how interesting

burzum is the most overrated trash ambient BM ever composed and is only listened to because Yea Forums loves sucking varg's based and redpilled cock. There's twice as good ambient BM from the same era and location, and three times as good nowadays anywhere else.

>hurr durr burzum is shit there's better stuff out there
>gives no examples

hunt through second hand bookshops for more books
The other day I found two Ross Mcdonald Lew Archer novels and Frank Snepps book Decent Interval

Get drunk, sleep

Probably studying for uni, if I’m doing something fun that’s not reading it’s EDH or playing my ukulele or watching anime

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>hurr durr spoonfeed me

10/10 lad
Same, it's lovely
And this. Practicing outside is great as well

chatting, nethack, reading things other than books.

Parse myriad ethical quandaries

Shooting guns, racing cars, gardening, hiking

i play guitar and trombone
when the weather is nice i'll go explore industrial sites around my apartment or nearby parks
once i month i'll go to a ssbm tournament, used to take it seriously

Things I do on a regular basis:

Advocate for socialism, atheism, nihilism, and lgbt pride.

Study philosophy.

Write a lot about whatever subject comes to mind.

Masturbate to scat porn with twinks and transes.

Collect flac files of mostly classical and ambient and audio equipment to listen to it with.

Have sex with my girlfriend and watch true patrician kino movies with her.

Browse tumblr for neat artwork.

Objects I collect:

- metal EDC pens
- wrist watches
- nice editions of books
- cute plushies

Idk what else I do, I'm a simple person.

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History, model kits, work.

philosophy, playing vidya, writing (philosophy and short stories etc.), exercising.

Go to concerts and play videogames. Music, literature and gaming are my main hobbies.

im stagnant right now but music is my main passion, i have 2 projects out with a tiny 'fanbase' and working on the next right now, mix of ambient/noise/downtempo sort of thing

vidya sometimes

trying my hand at writing right now too

I like to tinker with electronics, play guitar, archery and go to the gym.

I'm a foreigner working in a "developing country" (basically a third world shithole), so other than reading and work I fuck prostitutes for cheap af. I'm surprised I haven't caught an std yet tbqh.

Shoot guns and ski

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At the same time?

Which country?

Biathlon :^)

Prostate massages and heavy math studying