What kind of worldbuilding you guys have, maybe share some ideas/tips

What kind of worldbuilding you guys have, maybe share some ideas/tips

At the moment, the project/saga/book I am working one, for the moment, is roughly 27 times the size of planet Earth, this is just a picture of the northwestern protectorates/continents I have somewhat completed. There are over 25 other realms; I will also include other planets as the story unfolds.

Each of these continents has hundreds of thousands of cities, towns and I plan to create even individual profiles of the 28 million people living there (there are 16 billion people living on this planet) by writing a somewhat randomizer program, but in a sense that I can pick up "Mr DragonBorne" from Town A and watch who is his superior and what connection will have to its king

There also will be a dialect and own language of every region with its own pecularities. This is not something even Tolkien could have achieved in his lifetime, but with randomized algothrims and computer programs I am able to create worlds even biblical God/demiurge himself would be envious of

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Each of the realms also will have its own national epic, I will release these books "Posthumously" after the main character has suffered 3 of his 7 possible deaths; to give you out some extent and size of these national epics of the realms; the Fire Dragon Realm's scripture will be roughly the size of Mahabharata and the Bible put together (At the moment I have finished over 7% of that book, which is essentially a chronicle )

Every realm has their own version of the national epic, but there will be rogue dragon priests who worship the chaos dragons that have written heretical "Apocryphon" literature

Pic related is example of the Keblenite script, wholly developed organic hieroglyphic language spoken and written only by 10 people on a small isolated island. Complete language with its own syntax, structure and pronounciation

At the rate of our technology is advancing, I am just 18, in 50 years there will be AI randomizer programs and learning algothrims: I just have to gather data and put it all together

Even if I die, the AI will finish up my story and develop the world to the current prime; I am not a fucking Tolkien or Rowling or G.R Martin, I am a literal "Time Lich", even if I die there will be some sort of AI algothrims that will finish what I have started, even after my physical death (if transhumanism will not save me) i will inserty and canonize myself to this fictional world I have created.

Think the fucking egyptian pharaohs who build those huge tombs for their afterlife like started building them 50 years before they die this is my tomb of Tutankhamon I will build this huge fucking world I will be the literal God of it in a sense. This will be my Magnum Opus

Attached: keblenite.jpg (536x344, 77K)

Example of three of the cities on a small island west of the Capital

Each of the citizens of these cities will have their own biographies, dialoque and even interaction possibilities with the main character and I will be able to colect taxing data, health data and numerous other data will be added

There wil be millions of towns like these when I finish this project

Attached: 454656.jpg (5296x1832, 2.69M)

the blue circle shows where Dragon Realms is currently situated in the Galaxy (this is just part of one galaxy)

At the moment, the world I have created is roughly also the 4 times the size of our current known universe (by science), but Dragon Realms also has heaven/hell/spectrelands on top of the physical universe. All with simulated constellations, suns, their orbits and planets

One day, or revolving around the 2 suns takes 58 hours 46 minutes and 37 seconds, there is never a night, but a period of "mauve" which fades between dawn and dusk, only the dwarves underground know night time

Attached: 1555179224542.jpg (562x360, 24K)

Don't worldbuild. Just write your story. Characters, conflict, three acts. Write it beginning to end. That's literally all that matters. Everything else is just window dressing, just aesthetic. First draft finished, go back and edit it. Then is the time to start inserting and tying together oblique references to historical events and distant lands and trying to figure out how the world behind the scene fits together and adding depth. You won't have to waste your time on minutia that doesn't matter, that falls outside of the scope of the story you've written, that's beyond the edge of the set where the camera never films, that isn't part of your characters experience. Your job after the first draft is to make the ILLUSION that there's more there. You can put in a few offhand references to the world while you're first drafting, but don't give a damn about consistency or actually fleshing them out, so long as they SOUND good. Don't over explain anything. Don't give info dumps. Worldbuilding that isn't in service to a wholly formed story is simply a total waste of time. Just because Tolkien did things his way doesn't mean that's the best way to do it. Characters and plot first, for the love of God, or you'll never get your book out. Worldbuilding for its own sake is an excuse not to WRITE. You're in the business of making stories, not back stories, not settings, which are merely subsidiary and incidental.

>What kind of worldbuilding you guys have
>the project/saga/book I am working on
Strike out the first two words. Actually, strike out the third one as well. See if you can write a short story before you try writing a book.
>27 times the size of planet Earth
>There are over 25 other realms
>Each of these continents has hundreds of thousands of cities, towns and I plan to create even individual profiles of the 28 million people living there (there are 16 billion people living on this planet) by writing a somewhat randomizer program
Cool, but Dwarf Fortress already exists.
Honestly this sounds like a conceptually somewhat interesting project, sort of like something Brian Eno or Xenakis or Cage would be interested in doing in music, or Propp and some other structuralists in literary theory. But you won't finish it and it's really just producing and piling data without much artistic content or value.

What the fuck are you talking abotu

I have developed 13 new languages, 25 are in the works

I have created religious texts, I plan to create libraries full of religious texts, you have no fucking idea what the AI writing will be in 50 years, I will be the first one to connect my stories to creative AI, i provide them the data, they will produce the world

This is not some fucking Tolkien "le small hobbit wins goods" I am creating a real universe here with its own laws and physics, races, stars, planets, fauna and leaves

Every single fucking detail will be added to the point that people can in the future upload themselves to this, if possible, and live in the world

Yeah but can u tell a good story in that world lol?

People ultimately understand the world through stories. If it isn't a story then what you're doing isn't relatable to other people. Honestly even if you're world building just for the sake of worldbuilding you should scale back the project to a single world the size of earth because what you described just sounds gaudy. Quality over quantity my man.

>What the fuck are you talking abotu
Certified retard
>to the point that people can in the future upload themselves to this, if possible, and live in the world
Jesus, nigger, Elon Musk evaporated your brain. I don't want to live in your gay ass fantasy world/matrix.
>am creating a real universe here with its own laws and physics
lmao, you barely comprehend the physics of this world, and you want to change them?
You're very (though entertainingly) delusional, even for an 18 yo

What kind of stories you want
some kind of muh good vs evil? There is no fucking linear stories in my universe

there is no thing such as 2+2=4 or beginning, middle or ending, there are 7 different possible endings depending on which order one will read my books: TIME IS NOT LINEAR IN MY STORYLINE IT IS MOSTLY SITUATED IN 4TH DIMENSION

MY books are not meant for some little kids who read Harry Potter, they are meant for people who understand computer programs and learning algothrims

It does not even matter do I finish the fucking min story the AI will finish it in time, I give simply the calculations: it will make up better story than Star Wars, Lotr, etc all combined

Think BIG, think in 50 years, we just insert the computers some story creating algothrims it will give us out stories; I just will provide them the framework


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>Quality over quantity my man.

And what you mean by that? For example, if writer wants to convey total isolation and example of empty space, he would use example of something like the desert of Sahara, it was "as deserted as Sahara"

I have created a fucking planet system full of desert planets that are 70 times bigger than Earth, there are no deserts big that on earth

How would you even convey such emptiness without creating universe to behind it? Carl Sagan said: If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

I have done that and tht universe is 4 times bigger than our current universe (of which we know) + heaven/Hell on top of that

You came to the wrong forum, son, read the name of this board again carefully

>How would you even convey such emptiness without creating universe to behind it?

It's called good writing.

The universe in No Man's Sky is effectively infinite but everyone stopped playing it within a week of it coming out because it had no story and everything was borning because it was all procedurely generated and lacked creative imagination. I'd be more interested in a fictional world the size of a room if it had a story than a world that goes on forever put together by some computer algorithm. Sometimes less is more.

>Sometimes less is more.

How less can be more? More is more

So what you are basically saying that Tolkien made a mistake by making Frodo leave the Shire?

He could have made the same story by using The Shire as setting. Maye some evil merchant of far away country would come to the Shire and sell the Hobbits some addicting leaves and one by one the hobbits would get addicted to the highly addicting tobacco-like product

Why not just call it Lord of the Leaves? Why need some thousands years of history?
>just make le good story using what you got :) le reddit tip


Sure dude. You figured us out.

Why does your world look like bacteria?

>there are 7 different possible endings depending on which order one will read my books:

Listen. I've published and produced fantasy and sci fi works. I've read heaps of professionally published and unpublished amateur stuff. I've gone to writers workshops for 20 years. I know so many aspiring writers who have fallen into the worldbuilding trap. Just look at /tg/. Its full of people like that. Most of these worldbuilders never got around to actually writing any stories in their settings, and the rest never showed Tolkein's restraint or dramatic sense and just ended up writing what amounted to first person encyclopedia articles about their worlds instead of actual stories about characters. It's a waste of time to approach fiction in this way. In many cases I'm sure it's done just to avoid plotting and prose composition because that's the real art in writing. Stop trying to create billions of "characters" that are just spreadsheet entires and work on creating one character who is actually interesting because he has some challenge to overcome in the world.

Are you retarded?

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World building for the sake of world building is cool, but don’t act like it’s the equivalent to a good story

Good world building should include many stories.

The books will be fucking massive, some of them will probably be published by actual books by publishers, but I mostly envision this project so large, so vast, that one will need even huge amounts of computing ower to simply even generate the databases to work

I even intend to include CIcada-like puzzles for the storyline; so the plebians might be reading their normal stupid fantasy shit "muh evil vs good frodo baggings le little guy can save the world" but there is also secret storyline hidden in the pages in plain sights that when the passages, and beginning cryptographic messages have been gathered; one simply eners the code and gets new story; endless possible combinations

It is not even possible to read these books without taking notes; I plan to start with English, but as the series go on one cannot even understand the later volumes without learning the languages/scriputers

This will not be for some fucking Harry Potter fans, I demand dedication, fanaticism and spending hours every day to learn the history of Dragon Realms, the reward of all of this, will be satisfaction and total immersion that no writer or fantasy creator has never tried before. The only problem , for the moment, is the limiting factor of computing power of our current feeble machinations, but I think in 50 years/quantum computing will solve this small obstacle

>Dragon Realms
jej you had me going

Good fucking lord you are retarded

Have you approached any publishers to actually ask if they'd be interested in this project? Something of this scale and type will need a publisher who is A. Interested in fumding this, and B. Good at their job

God this is hilarious. Great thread m8.

Attached: 56b.jpg (800x533, 225K)

yeah but no one fucking cares user
and they never will

We haven't had schizoposting on this level in quite a while, haven't we?

I'll be cheering for you, OP!! Please do your best.

Exactly. People can barely be bothered to read the reams of religious texts, real world languages, and information books about THE ACTUAL WORLD WE LIVE IN. No one is going to bother to put the work in for your autistic little pet project which, by virtue of coming from one mind, will unequivocally be more shallow than any of that

Stay poor stay idiot

Not all of us want to read some stupid books about some cuck shed man who finds life depressing and finds the love of his life only to later have existential crisis to realize he is gay or something

Oh I agree those tend to be boring as hell, and there are much larger things to attend to. But the ocean isn't just wide, it's deep. No point in a huge universe if it's paper thin, because it'll total to having less volume than something more limited but far more real

Something like the Mahabharata, is over 100,000 verses, one of the longest literary creations ever. It's scope is vast, characters alone totalling 870 pages worth of double columns to list their names. Every page contains philosophical explorations, poetry, moral quandaries, AND a system of deities, magic, demons etc to boot. And yet, it all takes place in Ancient India, and also took literally centuries to be created in its current form.

Attached: 220px-Ganesha_write_Mahabharata.jpg (220x273, 27K)

based retard

And so what? Are you perhaps implying it was not written by humans? Imagine what one human with computer minions, learning AI algothrims and randomized generators can do in length

See my post:
>Each of the realms also will have its own national epic, I will release these books "Posthumously" after the main character has suffered 3 of his 7 possible deaths; to give you out some extent and size of these national epics of the realms; the Fire Dragon Realm's scripture will be roughly the size of Mahabharata and the Bible put together (At the moment I have finished over 7% of that book, which is essentially a chronicle )

At the moment, I am thinking that one million verses might be achievable by 2027, 2 million? Depends what the current state of our technology is

When the AI will be able to do easy stories like "Alice went to store buy milk, milk spilled, alice was sad" I can start to insert my data and start to teach basic storytelling to the programs

But surely after a certain point you are just going to run out of interesting stories. One billion permutations of "went to x to buy x" don't make an interesting story. Can I ask why exactly you are doing this? What do you want to achieve with this work?

What philosophy underlies the chronicle?

Isn't some highschoolers Sonic fanfiction longest work ever? I can't remember it's name

Delusions of grandeur + crippling autism. That's why

You think it will read like some fucking Bible or something like "In the beginning there was the LORD"?

Those texts are way too religious & use religious terms entirely too much - i.e., "supershakti", "goddess", "SHIVA,"" Etc. In fact they belong in the long disconnected romantic movement. So they are very unconnected with reality. Me, on the other hand, and "scientists" & computer scientists ARE NOT poetic bullshitters

In am not interested in getting a lot of "religious drop outs" who want some sort of cheap barbara pushup doll to replace their Bible studies or Silmarillion: I want real bad, hardcore people, but not nerds; vital and strong people to dedicate their lives to study the Dragon Realms

The themes wil consist of:
(1) Time-travel - past, present, & future explorations.
(2) (Sex) magic and rituals of a horrific type -
(3) Elemental Explorations & work with very strong Dragonical and Lizard-type of energies
(4) attacking any body who gets too close to it
(5) magical mathematical formulae that governs the laws of the Dragon Realms physics
(6) a secret method of control of the Quantum mechanic world of physics via the priests control of the dragon shards
(7) getting more Energies out of the outer Aethyr
(9) some eating & drinking -
(10) ( fucking & sucking )
(11) organizing gnostic systems, enlightenment type of systems of encyclopedic terms and religious concepts

More than I anything I am writing this out for sheer power & good times - Fuck the goody-goody worship of some archaic languages and dusty books written by some dead fucks who could not even understand any basic programming languages: I AM NOT WRITING THIS for some history club or a nostaglia-buffs' coffee shop by any means where old people gather to smell each others farts and prose



Real, bad, hardcore people don't dedicate their lives to reading shit called Dragon Realms mate. They're too busy going out and doing real, bad, hardcore things. Like, actually living their lives, actually having sex, actually practicing spirituality

>computer scientists ARE NOT poetic bullshitters

>(fucking & sucking)
I've changed my mind, this is a work of genius and I will be the first scholar of your Dragon Realms

Unironically based. Keep in your quest to become god user

So basically you hate art and history, which has motivated you to invent your own art and history based on computer science? This is some top level schizo posting.

Hey op, I wanna read your stories. I'm a real bad, hard guy myself, and I love hanging out with other real bad, hard guys. Nothing gets me badder or harder than four-dimensional quantum dragons, especially four-dimensional quantum dragons that are connected with reality.
There have been way too many times that I've read stories written by mortal men that were clearly nerds disconnected from reality. "Fuck," I would repeatedly find myself sighing as I pump down brews and read some romantic asshole like Tolkien or Hegel, "if only this story was written in its own esoteric computer-generated language and made by a transhumanist AI god instead of somebody way more good and soft than I." It seems my wishes have been sensually granted in a manner firm and playfully approaching rough, but not like painful. Mmmm.

Yeah, this guy will be the Terry Davis of fantasy

I'm impressed, OP.

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Bump. I'd like to here more about it.

Can you post an excerpt from one of the books, Holy One?

A fanfiction about super smash brothers is the longest unofficial piece of writing ever. It's still unfinished at more than 4 million words.

>Everything else is just window dressing, just aesthetic.
Stories and characters can stem from world building and visa versa. What user is doing is pretty cool as he's creating a base of creativity that can not only be used for stories but other things like video games, card games, etc depending on what he wants to do with it. Approaching story from a world building point of view is interesting in itself as it sets the rules,limitations and possibilities of the story before it's even conceived.

>AI will do it!
>I don't know how, don't ask me! I'll figure it out in 50 years with quantum computers.
You already have a lot of computing power at hand, why not start with a single city and then scale it up?

Did you actually read his autistic ramblings? He isn't building a world, he came up with vague fantasy schlock ideas then decided to run a shittier Dwarf Fortress Legends Mode simulation over and over to make lists of names and procedurally generated mush. He isn't creative enough to create anything but thinks AI will magically make up for that.
A good, creative world-builder could theoretically do what you're talking about, which is why Tolkien is still talked about today - he was the best, and almost all of fantasy is still playing about in his world with small twists.
Op is not nearly as talented as he thinks he is, and funnily enough also seems to have a pretty poor grasp of the technology he thinks will make his world for him. There's more meaning packed into the average model railroad set than a dozen procedurally generated galaxies like op wants to make. He is 18 and probably has asperger's, so this impossible for him to comprehend and having it pointed out enrages him.

OP will end up writing his stories with feces on hospital room walls, mark my words.