Why does it feel like this guy was the J. K. Rowling/Dan Brown/Stephen King of his time?

Why does it feel like this guy was the J. K. Rowling/Dan Brown/Stephen King of his time?

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It’s feels like that because you haven’t read him

>why does it feel like shakes/Joyce/etc was bad
Because people who get frustrated when they can't understand something within the first five minutes tend to give up and ask Yea Forums to make them feel better about their poor taste

because you have a low IQ

Damn, yall went straight for the throat lmao

You said that not OP.

>OP never said jk Rowling was bad! Haha got u

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>Why does it feel like this guy was the [list of bad authors] of his time?

*[list of mainstream authors]

>look Mom I typed another reply!

Why are you so uppity?


Sarcasm, I suppose.

He was the Tarantino of his time. Theatre was entertainment.

kind of! its pretty likely he wasnt the author of the majority of his work, its known for certain he had other playwrights collabing so some of his most famous "words" could very well not be his at all. he was mainly concerned with just putting on the play, entertaining the audience and communicating the broader concepts thru all aspects of theater as a medium rather than just the script. his work is actually good but the staying power is because he gets satirical/allegorically critical without using too many specific references of the day that we modern readers wouldnt pick up on. this was his colleague ben jonsons mistake, an arguably better playwright (although his morals were a bit more basic) concerned entirely with the literary value of his screenplays but way too of the moment with his references so reading him is an absolute pain of footnotes and context research

Because he's the most overrated writer of all time?

That paired with the fact that English is a de facto inferior language regarding overall lexicon.

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low quality b8

Why are you so downy?

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>Play writer
>wrote his plays partly rhymed
Poems and plays is the most cancerous genres of jerking stagnant forms that cannot express shit, like try to do handwork with bound hands, which is double shame for great minds like Goethe, who chained their immortal images and ideas in this retarded shackles. Let's face it, if the writer did not write prose, no matter how good he was in what he was doing, it would still be second-rate shit.

Too bad this board is filled with Anglophones.

Your post falls on deaf ears. You should understand. They don't know any better.

How do we counter the Angloid propaganda?


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Honestly who gives a fuck who Shakespeare was or were. I don’t see why the identity of the artist has any bearing on the art. Hamlet would hold up no matter who wrote it.

Your obsession with anglos is getting out of hand samefag

I have never "samefagged"

He was a literal who until the 20th century

I feel sadness in my heart for anyone who doesn't enjoy Shakes. Each of his tragedies are so beautifully composed. Rowling definitely cannot match that.

>>does it feel like this guy was the J. K. Rowling/Dan Brown/Stephen King of his time?

>It feels like that because you haven’t read him

The first few replies almost invariably perfectly encapsulate the right answer.


You guys talk like Shakespeare is this impossible thing to understand. It feels like you're watching game of thrones or something but with more elaborate dialogue. It's entertainment with fancy words.
I mean, this dude wrote romeo and juliet, are you kidding me?

If he has any equivalent it should the most acclaimed screenwriter of the XXth century, whoever that is. Someone who made classical, high-quality commercial hits as well as more avant-garde stuff. Stage play in Shakey's time was at the same time popular entertainment, news, social commentary, and langage-flexing.

Honestly Orson Welles feels like a good pick, even though he was not just a screenwriter.

You're blind to art you cunty fuck

Thou losest labour. As easy mayst thou the intrenchant air with thy keen sword impress as make me bleed

Don't think it was meant to be a "got u".

Go back to rebbit.

Dantefags still seething.


My diary is harder to understand than Shakespeare's work

It's not that the language is hard hard to understand, it's that it's beautiful. With the plays (tragedies specifically) the plot composition is what holds true beauty though. You thought I was talking about 'hard language', your impression of Shakes is R&J, and your pop culture reference was Game of Thrones; you're a high school student. Get to bed young man, Monday is a school night.


I Shakespeare's language honestly that hard for the average reader? I ask this because even though English is not my first language I never had much of a problem with Shakespeare. There's plenty of more "modern" things I find much harder to read

Not really. It's difficult if all someone knew of English was pulp genre fiction and television, but I think OP is referring to the popularity Shakespeare enjoyed during his lifetime.

Romeo and Juliet's main character is the metaphysical idea of love btw

OP didn't say Shakespeare is hard. On the contrary, OP is saying that Shakespeare wrote mainstream stuff. He wrote Romeo and Juliet which was the Twilight of his day.

You're trying too hard.

Not an argument

>R&J, Twilight
I hope Jessica says yes when you ask her to prom.

Apples and oranges and shit

>You guys talk like Shakespeare is this impossible thing to understand.
he's not impossible to understand. you just don't understand him.

You’re reading it?

Try to imagine it acted on stage/film really well

You are right?

>XXth century
No, don't. "20th" is bad enough.

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Holy fuck, reading her posts while she was masturbating to me is AWESOME and very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very

I love you babe :3. And this is a love that borders on INSANE amounts of admiration. Because there are other women that cannot do what you’re doing for me. And that is fucking awesome.
Yeah man. Yeah. Shes more than alright. Wow


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Not my fault that you're impressed by the John Green of his time

Why do Anglos have a hard time accepting that their dear Shakespeare is overrated mainstream trash? Dante is a bigger genius.

He is not bad but he is no Cervantes.

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One hit wonder

Your IQ is low.

I'd say the english lexicon has more potential than most major languages because of the mix of latin and germanic roots, of course most americans don't use it to it's fullest extent but if you were to you could convey the specifics and mood of whatever you're trying to say extremely concisely.

He wrote for literal plebs. He's seen as majestic now because of our degraded culture.


>Look Mom I typed another reply!

Your IQ is low

You're still mad that you can't understand Shakespeare so you return to this thread literally days later to reply with the shittiest comeback ever.

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Shakespeare is not hard to understand. Maybe he is hard to you?

Dante is wonderful too, would have loved to read a thread about why you love Dante than this thread about why OP hates Shakes. Also, not Anglo, I'm a spic.

I want Bjork to marry me :( she's cute. Cute!

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No one gives a shit about long ass novels.