How to get into Schopenhauer? What to read beforehand?
How to get into Schopenhauer? What to read beforehand?
nothing, jump in with pic related then World as Will then from there where ever you want
I don’t think you should be so depressing
Before Schopenhauer:
Upanishads (there are several translations, either Radhakrishnan or Katz & Egenes should be fine)
Plato (at least Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo, Symposium, Phaedrus, Meno, Republic, Timaeus)
Kant (at least Prolegomena and Critique of the Pure Reason)
Schopenhauer (everything by Cambridge):
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason
The World as Will and Representation vol 1 & 2
The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics
Parerga and Paralipomena
Don't be a pseud and read his aphorisms
>Kant Critique if Pure Reason
OP dont listen to this idiot
This is more or less the correct answer if you want to do it "properly". But you won't die of confusion if you jump straight into The World as Will and Representation.
dont get into schopenhauer
confirming your doomer biases is a weak and submissive instinct. schopenhauer will only teach you how to let life pass you by more efficiently. the guy is a total sissy faggot.
what besides it do you recommend
please dont give some "read a survey of stoicism and hit the gym, i keep meditations on my bedside table" type answer, that's just as pussy-out as schoppy
Camus' Mythos of the Sisyphos
I don't have an answer for you. Probably there are no answers. but you're posting a "doomer" meme and asking how to get into a philosopher whose reputation is for pessimism, misanthropy, and misogyny. i don't see an interest in academic philosophy i see pathology and i advise against it. maybe i'm way off. what do i know? it's your call in the end.
>tells someone not to get into schopenhauer
>recommends Camus
HAHAHAHA its so obvious how many people spit back out shit they hear on here then when they reccomend a book they say CAMUS in place of schopenhauer LOL! Made me have a chuckle mate. I'm a traditionalist to the bone and have read both Camus and shopie and let me tell you op Camus is schopie if he was shit at making fiction and even worse at a philosophical message fucking hilarous
before learning any philosophy my friend, learn how to save the actual image instead of the thumbnail
Do what you want, what you really want. You have nothing to lose but your life.
Upanishads are not needed. A basic understanding what hinduism and buddhism is suffices completely.
None of that Plato stuff is actually needed.
Reading Kant is recommended.
I would also add to this list Fichte's and Hegel's works because Schopenhauer often deliberately opposes their philosophical views.
Schopenhauer got Buddhism wrong. It's like he understood the first Noble Truth to some degree, misunderstood the second Noble Truth, and forgot the other two even existed at all.
>Asking someone to read Hegel
What drives a man to commit such an act of pure malice?
Hey myan he tells you in the gosh darned preface to world as will what he expects the reader to be familiar with before getting into his own work.
Yes, reading Hegel is awful but otherwise you will hardly get to enjoy Schopenhauer's everlasting opposition to anything that his Hegelian.
no u
>Falling for brobait on fucking Yea Forums
What world are you from?
really bad response
true imo in spite of its horrible delivery
thankfully i, the guy u replied to, am not op. in my cursory understanding of schopenhauer he acknowledged how dreadful the mechanics of existence are, but still worked out a way to abide properly in spite of that.
edgy young doomers could do a lot worse imo, could be taking in as gospel dreck like the ted k manifestor or "conspiracy against the human race" or Houellebecq
Why by Cambridge? Is the E. F. J. Payne translation dated? (Everything I find by them is expensive)