This is the greatest poet to have ever lived. Say something nice about him

This is the greatest poet to have ever lived. Say something nice about him

Attached: dante.jpg (686x686, 152K)

cool hat

Based but you chose the absolute worst picture of him I’ve ever seen... when he literally has the most regal author portrait ever.

Attached: 89044EE2-21FE-4C5A-994B-68D5B78E2E62.jpg (670x1000, 138K)

He had a sword for a nose


Attached: 302381.jpg (300x242, 31K)

Attached: piazza Santa Croce a Firenze-2.jpg (1000x607, 52K)

All the handsomest men do.

Look what I’ve got Dantebros (1/3)

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Nice cover

Yeah Folio is brilliant

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goddamn Beautiful

there's something about the folio society that is really ugly to me

beatriz was like 12 lmao wtf dante

wasn't he also 12

Now that's what I call tacky. Back to plebbit with you.


This, you can always tell the Redditors by their love for Folio.

90% of their illustrations and covers are shit, and the publisher's name/logo always takes up too much space. This is one of the more tasteful ones.

wtf do you mean by being "reddit" in this context?

How's Beatrice?

Managed to pick up a copy of the divine comedy with illustrations by doré published by omega in pristine condition from 1984. Pic related but not mine.

Very impressed with the look of it but how do you guys rate the rev. Frances Carey translation?

Attached: 9780890095959-uk-300.jpg (300x400, 23K)

How did Dante come to be inextricably associated with red?

Just ignore them. Half the people on this board will insult you for doing anything aside from pirating and reading e-books like they do.

That folio society is pretty aesthetic, and as long as you didn't buy it to just show off, there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking it

>kike nose
Nice try, schlomo.

that's an aquiline nose

nah his shit doesn't even rhyme
I won't give him money not a dime

yeah difference between kike and aquiline, ignorant /pol/tard

>hey guys this Florentine backbench politician totally deserves eternal damnation
Medieval self-insert revenge fiction

That's not Virgil.

Sure but at a level of unprecedented poetic prowess and in a rhyming stanza he fucking invented lmao no big deal

That’s not me but thanks, I didn’t buy it, my dad got it for me for Christmas, it’s one of the nicest books I own, behind only my Easton Press Anna Karenina

The part where the sinners turn into weird lizards is dope, that much I admit.