I have completely lost interest with all modern politics and everything related to them...

I have completely lost interest with all modern politics and everything related to them. If someone asks me how I feel about Donald Trump or about AOC or whatever flavor-of-the-month issue is on CBS and FOX News I’ll just switch subjects. Is this the final sign that I’m an irredeemable brainlet?

Also, what should I recommend these people to read related to politics? It seems to me that most people don’t even know what they’re actually talking about when they are angrily shouting.

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Politics is the bastion of brainlets. Grow up and expand your mind. Start with thr Greeks nigger.

You're finally beginning to understand. I was also interested in politics in my teens but ultimately it's a very shallow way to see the world, there's much more to how the world works than the decisions of politicians. Most times discussing politics means having to deal with people getting worked up over issues they're emotionally attached to. And most news sources have become nothing but entertainment these days. You should start reading philosophy.

>start with the Greeks
>the republic by Plato
>politics by Aristotle
>can't escape politics

Ok look, I'll give it you straight friend, you aren't a brainlet for not being interested in the spectacle of politics as it is played out in the media, but you are a brainlet if you have no interest in politics whatsoever. There's a vast wealth of political philosophy which you should at least have some familiarity with, because politics in its pure sense i.e. debate and discussion about how humans should participate and relate to one another in the public sphere is fundamental question of existence. Pic related

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Playing with a very loose definition of politics, user. Those so called "political" works, and many others by the Greeks tbdesu, are more oriented around philosophy and the pursuit of truth and logic, the complete antithesis of the rhetorical dick waving contests and semamntic mindfuck games we know of as contemporary politics.

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how the FUCK is political theory the same as politics?

That's a sign you're a normal. The statistics show quite clearly that the average person (In America) has stopped engaging in politics the last few years. If you do meet someone that cares about it you're talking to an outlier

This is anecdotal but most really smart people I know, especially those in STEM and those good at things like logic, are relatively apolitical. Politics can be interesting but I think often times it's more intellectually shallow people who gravitate towards them rather than the really clever ones.

Political theory informs how politics works user, calm down.

That’s definitely not true in America

That depends on what you mean by politics. I wouldn't call some of the people on that list intellectually shallow by any means. If you adopt a narrow definition of politics as tribalistic squabbles and boring performative online ranting, then yea, politics could seem shallow. But if you take a wider definition and understand it as many of those thinkers do/did, then its a lot more interesting and full of depth.

The Economist is the top tier. Everything else is trash. 60 minutes is interesting to watch. Bloomberg is decent. I mostly stick to financial news such as The Financial Times, American Banker, Bloomberg, and The Bond Buyer. The rest is trash.

>it’s not politics but "political"
holy fuck, retard

if you think that calling people "fucking commies" on the internet as political discussion, then yes, otherwise, you haven't seen politics properly discussed

"Politics" in their current sense are a vulgar bastardization of philosophy and political theory and such. See

I need to find this new York times article but yes it's true mainly in the U.S.
The NYT just came out with a article showing stats on how Twitter was significantly over representing the political divide when compared to those that don't care/tweet about politics

NYT is for faggots

The Myth of the Rational Voter argues that engaging in politics makes the majority of people miserable.

its utterly detached from human reality, so this makes sense

Even when I see politics discussed in formal settings it seems that often times it mostly consists of sophistry instead of calm and rational debate without any feelings involved. I think this user is right: .

You don't need to pay attention to daily politics if you pay attention to the ideas behind them. If you don't know anything about climate change or economic policy, you are choosing to be a brainlet.

I find I can find international news and politics much more bearable, probably because I'm a degree removed, but also because 24 hour popular news isn't as common. You might just hear about the ideas being discussed, and then nothing more about it for at least a week.