Female author writes book

>female author writes book
>9/10 dust jacket blurbs contain the wors 'empowering' or 'liberating'

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Woman are mostly humen

Women are taught to embrace slave morality. Very sad.

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My query letter blatantly panders to feminism and I don't even care, senpai. Gonna get me a publishing deal. Hate the game, not the player.

>Hate the game, not the player.

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women can be nothing else

If society gives you something for free you are dumb not to take it.
Incels love to blame women for taking all these free lunches but never realize that it's thirsty men like them who enable it.

Men whine about camwhores making a fortune off of pulling ahegao selfies, then turn around and give them endless attention and are driven by desperation to open their wallets and send thots hundreds of dollars.
Professional feminists are just a different kind of politician making a living off idiots. They're smarter than the incels complaining about them, for damn sure.

If you're not a female your books going nowhere FYI. Feminists don't want a male author to "mansplain" feminism to them.

How the fucks can feminists not see how blatantly sexist and offensive that term is? It's demeaning.

you can't seriously think feminists care about 'equality' or whatever

Well, good thing I don't have that problem.
>women are oppressed for tens of thousands of years and deal with it
>men are oppressed for less than a decade and have a mental breakdown over it
Very nice schadenfreude feels.

women have never been oppressed, they have always been supported like children

What the fuck are you talking about?

that is sad.

>a woman
>this retarded
Checks out
The men being oppressed today are not the same men that oppressed women, and modern women never experienced oppression. You don't get to keep tabs on dead people.

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Facetious. Women were, at numerous times in history all around the world, not even allowed to learn to read. Women writers had to use male pen names, a trend that continued into very recent times. Why do you think JK Rowling (she may suck but set that aside for now) used her initials instead of her name? Women were continually discriminated against in the literary sphere. Now the shoe is on the other foot (and not even fully, because men ARE still allowed to read and write and ARE still getting published) and all of a sudden men act like the victims. You could have treated us nicely. Instead you coveted women as your personal sex objects and kept them locked in basements under veils and oversized baggy clothes, prevented them from receiving education, wouldn't allow them to get published or hold careers. Modern feminists may go too far, but you cannot argue women haven't spent all of eternity sans the last decade or two being treated like second class citizens.
It's like watching a rich kid being told to get his ass to work and he cries and threatens suicide after the first day on the job. You're all real damned cute, you know? I don't hate males, but it is absolutely inarguable that women have always faced discrimination and oppression.
I apologize to janny if he wants to delete this /pol/shit. But they have a point, you know.

>Women were, at numerous times in history all around the world, not even allowed to learn to read
They were still being supported and protected. And they still are today. Men pay for their existence by tax, by giving them pretend jobs, by alimony, child support. Men do all the dangerous and useful jobs, etc.

you are a meme gender, it's just the way evolution happened, youre supposed to be pregnant and raising children. Not having any children is why youre all insane now id guess

Excuse me, but I pay more than my fair share of tax, and I've never been handed a paycheck by anyone just for existing.
All I ask for is to not be forcibly married at age 12 to some 50 year old guy who pumps me so full of babies i'm dead of childbirth by age 35 after a lifetime of being forbidden to leave the house or gain an education. I really do not think that's too much to ask.


Only incels would be this insecure about women

You talk of the past as if it was bad.

the current situation is only a temporary reprieve from the cruel realities of nature, in fact the people contributing the largest to the societal collapse that will be the catalyst for a return to your natural subservient position is driven are women