I'm going to read Kaufmann's Pocket Nietzche, but I'm curious if there's any recommended reading beforehand?

I'm going to read Kaufmann's Pocket Nietzche, but I'm curious if there's any recommended reading beforehand?
I heard Dostoevsky was an influence for him, should I start there?

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Kaufmann is literally propaganda. Learn German or buy another translation
Kaufmann is a j*w

Noted, do you have a recommended translator?


Kaufmann is fine op

schopenhauer but no chance you'll understand him

start with the greeks


I'll dip my toes in Schopenhauer

Don’t read Kaufmann, there are plenty of better translators

Don't buy into the myth "of read 'x' first." But Nietzsche is the most "start with the greeks" writer since Avicenna.

He spends a lot of time making oblique potshots at other philosophers and contemporary intellectual figures and movements. It's probably not necessary to have read Kant and Schopenhauer, but that's something to keep in mind if you ever return to Nietzsche's writings.

Kaufmann is fine. The Cambridge series of translations are good, too, and they typically have very good introductions.

Any Germanon here?
Should I really learn German just to understand him better? Do we really miss important things if we just read the translation in English, especially Kaufmann? Or is it just an e/lit/ist meme?

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German and English are so close they're practically the same language. German is piss easy to learn. But translating between them is pretty one to one (okay maybe not so much) but you won't be missing much from reading a translation compared to the original in comparison to reading something translated from Chinese or something.

His prose is very beautiful in German but in terms of understanding I think it would not be worth it.


Ludovici. Infinitely superior translator and I've read both.
It's funny Kaufmann shills will always cite two instances where Ludovici made a translation error; he accidentally mistranslated 'cosmological' to 'cosmopolitan' and another one where he mistranslated 'clear' as 'German'. Kaufmann uses this as the basis for denigrating all of Ludovici's work without being able to cite any other mistakes.
Meanwhile reading Kaufmann's Will to Power, it is riddled with numerous spelling errors and the prose is generally very simple and rigid, and generally subpar compared to Ludovici.
I would go with Ludovici, to be honest, it is always much better to have a translator who is closer to the time (and before Nietzsche was politicised), Kaufmann is quite subversive (wonder why?) and a poor translator.

never post again

standard translation problems blah blah. reading nietzsche in the original is absolutely spell-binding, but there are some issues that pop up.

for instance, nietzsche writes: ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum.

that gets translated as "without music, life would be a mistake." that's what those words literally mean, but it does not get a handle on the connotation of the word "Irrtum," which not only means mistake--but a mistake that cannot be corrected. you can genuflect on the meaning of that.

Kaufmann is fine, you might read his biography of FN.

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Don't listen to that dumbass. There's nothing wrong with Kaufmann's translations.

Really, fellow Whites, let us not allow antisemitism to pollute this board.
Remember the 6 gorillion!

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Ludovici's choice of wording sucks and reads like crap compared to Kaufmann. Also,

>Kaufmann's Will to Power
>spelling errors
Stop reading computer generated online scans.

No, maybe you just need a literal retard-tier dumbed-down Kaufmann translation to understand Nietzsche.
Also I have the physical copy and there are spelling errors in it.

There's nothing about Ludovici that's better than Kaufmann, it's really just a matter of stylistic preference.

Why is there so much Nietzsche discussion all of a sudden?

Kaufmann softens certain conceots

Damn, I didn't know. This has deep metaphysical implications, if we are to accept schoppy's definition of music (as parroted by Nietzsche in his earlier books) 'Music as direct representation of the Will'

It's an alternative to 'God is Dead'. Man has alienated himself so much that there is no going back. The mistake cannot be corrected. I'm french but the authors I am most familiar with are Jung, Nietzsche and Heidegger. It's always bugged me to read them in french - because I moved to an english speaking country as a teen, I've experienced firsthand the inevitable loss occuring in translation.

Both of you do know that Nietzsche basically worshipped Jews right? Guy was obsessed with them.

>schopenhauer but no chance you'll understand him
you have not read Schopenhauer

Absolutely false, he would be considered an anti-semite today. He simply didn’t want to see them harmed.

Kauffman basically aped ludovici’s style

Read: Hollingsworth, Ludovici, Mencken, Norman, etc.
Avoid: Kukmann

Aped? He heavily improved upon it.

No, he really didn’t. He copied and made a few words simpler

Lol, Nietzsche held some weird views for sure but that isn't all that different from how Zionist Jews view Jewish people and nobody's arguing that they are anti-semites.
Most of mustachio's actual anti-semetic views he espused when he was young and even then he only briefly flirted with these ideas.

He even called for the public execution of anti-semites near the end of his life.

I will concede, however, that Kauffman's translations can be a bit sanitised at times but this seems to be more of a reaction to those who would profess him (Nietzsche) to be one of Hitler's great inspirations, when in actuality Hitler just didn't understand his use of irony.

>Are you retarded? Or do you just not read
> That the Jews, if they wanted it—or if they were forced into it, which seems to be what the anti-Semites want—could even now have preponderance, indeed quite literally mastery over Europe, that is certain; that they are not working and planning for that is equally certain. Meanwhile they want and wish rather, even with some importunity, to be absorbed and assimilated by Europe; they long to be fixed, permitted, respected somewhere at long last, putting an end to the nomads’ life, to the “Wandering Jew”; and this bent and impulse (which may even express an attenuation of the Jewish instincts) should be noted well and accommodated: to that end it might be useful and fair to expel the anti-Semitic screamers from the country.

> The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe; they know how to prevail even under the worst conditions (even better than under favorable conditions),

Okay, and simpler is better. It's not a matter of reduction, but a matter of cleanliness.

>Lol, Nietzsche held some weird views for sure but that isn't all that different from how Zionist Jews view Jewish people
He implies they're genetically unfit to be aristocrats and also mawkish. All he did was defend them from vicious anti semitic libel. Le Jew worshiper Nietzsche (so based sticking it to those nazis xD) comes from his mental breakdown days when he said that anti semites should be shot
Great, where's the part where he worships them?
"Jews are mawkish" "jews have slave morality" damn he really was worshiping them

Is this supposed to prove me wrong? He also called them mawkish, sentimental, dishonest, unfit for positions of high governance, and though they should be absorbed into the European population rather than permitted to exist as a separate race.

Durr he didn't hate them so he worshiped them

>adds footnotes to cushion the offense to your modern liberal sensitbilities in your path

what do you do Yea Forums?

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Kaufmann's translations are fine don't fall for the "muh jewz" incel meme.

Can I read Nietzsche once I read everything by Camus

I never said he worshipped them. He said they had a lot to offer Europe and should be assimilated

I'm different than the original person you were arguing. Where did he call them Mawkish?