i'm thinking about getting this book
I've had some basic lessons in greek philosofy and i've read kafka and camus in my own free time
now for my question am I ready for this, i've read some basic notes on Nick Land and I am very intrigued by this man. what should I expect from this text. i've read some of his short stories so will this be in that genre or will it it be focused purely on his thinking?
Nick Land
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the way you type I can tell that you were born ready for this champ, go get em
It's the deluded ravings of a madman. We should really stop handing out Phd's to people, we need to reduce the number of Ph.D.'s by at least 80% any retard with a phd can just write a bunch of shit become a right wing grifter and now we are suppsoed to take them seriously.
nick land is cool but he's also a retard
People tend to say you have to read kant and marx n shit before reading land. But youre good, if theres shit you dont understand google it
English isn't my native language so I suspect this was a sarcastic comment, judging by my own bad spelling and grammar
>the deluded ravings of a madman.
this makes me want to read it even more
it's not even grotesque in a good or interesting way. He's not a good writer.
Hey hun
absolutely buttflustered prog detected
ISAIF is in no way deluded, nor raving.
he's actually a better writer tho
Land really let himself go
>bad writer
back to discord faggots
you've never touched this book
are you that afraid of someone even touching it?
maybe if you'd started with the early essays and actually had a grounding in the western philosophical canon you'd understand that a lot of his writings aren't diametrically opposed to your gimp ideology
>this story goes like this:
Read some of these essays first
Holy shit why
>I've had some basic lessons in greek philosofy and i've read kafka and camus in my own free time
>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.
I've never read this dude but every criticism I've seen of him seems to come from western Marxists AKA liberals with an edge who only say "Muh fascism" I don't get it, did he not cup the balls while sucking off minorities enough or something?
it's because he's a self avowed hyper racist, meaning he wants humanity to be replaced with machines, minorities first. Fanged Noumena doesn't have anything about that in it, but if you read his other writings, then he'll tell you all about it
>he wants humanity to be replaced with machines, minorities first
Not a very accurate take on Land. He expects artifical intelligence to kill off humanity unless dsygenics cause civilizational collapse first. He is an IQ type racist, not a 'fuck nonwhites', he lives in China ffs.
I was being purposefully simplistic since I don't want to type out a paragraph about some random Nrx who published his diary
Hehehehe, I love this site
you'll notice our posts are the same length but yours is wrong
lol got em
still more knowledge than you
Nick Land is a bit of a dinosaur these days, but there's parts of fanged noumena which are incredibly nuanced. If you really want to get into him you're going to need to familiarise yourself with a lot of writers like Kant, Marx, Deleuze, Bataille, Burroughs, Lovecraft, etc.. it would also be productive to read the collected ccru writings to contextualise a lot of the stuff he's talking about. I wouldn't have been able to make head nor tails of all the weird numogram/tic systems/geotrauma stuff had I not familiarised myself with the CCRU collection (which is honestly a more compelling work of theory fiction than FN taken as a whole).
>you're going to need to familiarise yourself with a lot of writers like Kant, Marx, Deleuze, Bataille, Burroughs, Lovecraft, etc.
Or you canthave sex and play video games instead
i got some accelerationism for your ass
You really think the former is a viable option for the majority of people here?
Even gay sex on grinder would be more enjoyable
I've actually read philosophy before, so perhaps not.
>I'd rather turn faggot than read
- Yea Forums
this post is so wrong my response is Hot Dog
> Slogging through fucking Karl MArx Deluze Battaile and Burroughs is better than passionately and lovingly succking down on a nice juicy cock
>I've actually read philosophy before, so perhaps not.
reading platos republic once < actual lessons
just a little bit of follow up rather than call you a moron, hyperracism will emerge out of transhuman projects, the idea is that the racism between races will be overshadowed by a new distinction along the lines of modified/non-modified. the upper classes will begin to bridge into a new species, or species (plural), and the the lower classes will stagnate in biological perpetuity
passionately and lovingly succking down on a nice juicy cock can only offer ephemeral pleasures, while Slogging through fucking Karl MArx Deluze Battaile and Burroughs can make you pleasingly pretentious for life
since you appear to think kafka is a philosopher I will have to cast some significant doubt on the quality of your lessons
tbf Burroughs writes about that anyways so you get a bit of it either way
low quality posts
high quality post
your professor's powerpoint about plato is not a replacement for actually reading plato
it's the closest thing i've read in my spare time that comes to it, it isn't my main interest in reading and even a child can see it does have some signifigance to it. if you refute this i'm starting to think you just skimmed some wikipedia articles. but hey i actually showed what I got so I could better my understanding. you're just hiding behind memes.
yo i've watched every episode of crash course on youtube and even read 'a clockwork orange' in my spare time, am i ready for this?
do you even know what 'noumena' means? i dont recall kafka covering it in any of his numerous metaphysical treatises loooool
Kafka's fiction certainly has philosophical content to it but he's not a philosopher per se. just read whatever you feel like man, if you pick up Land and don't get it, just read the stuff he references
doesn't matter, next meme
an actual decent awnser
that's why I made this thread, i'm still on the fence if should get it. maybe i'll deside after some sleep
thnx user
Do it. I just started it, and I've only scratched the surface of the preliminary readings. I mainly like the style, but it's definitely making me want to follow up with the referenced works when I'm finished.
>it's an original star trek episode
Isn't this common knowledge by now
literally who watches Star Trek any more
wtf someone stole xenodata from my mitochondria what do
call your xenolawyer
call the Turing police
seal the doors, punish the meatbags
mediate menacingly with their image in your and hack the ribosomes my glugolieke
>you're going to need to familiarise yourself with a lot of writers like Kant, Marx, Deleuze, Bataille, Burroughs, Lovecraft, etc.
Pure horse shit Marx,Capital & Schizophrenia,batallie and lovecraft and you'll be fine. By Marx I mean like Capital v.1 only. Deleuze is the only core you need and a good imagination
Has Land ever subjected himself to vivisection for Monsanto?
If not he's just a pseud bullshitter.
There is a PDF of it online somewhere
Light up crack pipe and read CCRU website first. Only once you progress to shooting meth, you'll be ready for FN.
i would add Heidegger to that list, even if Land doesn't talk about him too much. and maybe Baudrillard also. not essential but adds considerably to the whole story.
Utterly Abhorrent post.
Yea for sure, big figure in the accelerationism cloud
#ACCELERATE should cover all the stuff you need to now but doing your own research after is a need ofcourse.
Who has done a better job accelerating, xenofeminists or accelerationists?
>China, Mein Gott, is this our future?!?
Eternally BTFO yet again.
Trans people are a living representation of g/acceleration(gender acc.) also being hooked on heavy meds is a plus aswell. Xenofeminism wont come now but soon... Their needs to be a platform for deception before deception can take place :)
>Deleuze and Guattari
Nietzche and Marx are required for D&G, and D&G is required for Land. This is the absolute bare minimum
>all accelerationists want neo-China
low iq take user
ufblog is going mighty slow also
>oy vey no more white gentiles in higher education!
>can't meme
>talks about iq
it is known
can anti-accelerationists meme though? this has never been proven
you people are lazy, you need Kant in the assemblage
your literally in every thread can you fuck off
>i know you are but what am i
Come on now. You must be better than this.
Why would they need to? Accelshits do all the work already.
>lazy accelerationists
Is accelerationist to turn a dude into a cock addicted sissy?
Ted was still a madman. I mean he was obviously pissed off and he was willing to break all social norms, that's pretty much what it means to be a madman. I don't even think it's bad to be a madman, but you can't just change the meanings of words to fit your narrative.
what would Cthulhu do
>implying it wasent us meming him a few years back,spamming his old blog to shit,twitter popular,memes, and tons of people getting sucks into the old Cosmotechnics/Acceleration threads then buying his book. He isent dumb, delusional?yes. But then again every philosopher is an egotist
nigga what does anybody pretend that shit makes any sense
Accelfags really are worse than leftists at memes.
Fucking embarrassing.
why do you hang out in these threads then? the lady doth protest too much, methinks...
>hmm yes this man is using all the buzzwords i like to use, by god! he must be one of the most important philosophical voices of recent times!
Why do you shill these threads instead of just sticking to your discord?
just me, you, and 33 other discord trannies
D&G are just a form of self-brainwashing. By the time you're done with it you're willing to accept anything that comes down the kike.
that has got to be a typo for the ages
>Marxists AKA liberals with an edge
t. amerifat who doesn't know what marxism or liberalism are
>tfw butterfly goes full natsoc
ALL reading is self brainwashing and jewish
It's memes are good in proportion to how popular it is
Are there any essays where Land talks about AI in a non meth fueled way?
I'd actually want read his coherent thought on the matter.
D&G&Derrida et a didn't actually write any philosophy. They're what Chomsky was taking about when he pointed out you can have syntactically correct sentences that have no meaning. Their works are Rosarch blots you can project whatever you want onto. If you're clever you can play the same game or at least play aong and hey ho, you're Zizek. Or some other "continental" philosophy academic.
Peterson was absolutely correct in his attitude and lack of erudition. You don't have to read anything they wrote or even be able to name five of them. All you need to see is the fruits of their labors: entire populations of insufferable childless women.
All of these pomo philosophes who talk about "technology" and AI and so forth don't know the first fucking thing about it. Nick Land's ideas about AI are no more informed than the gaping mouths inhaling a TED talk.
>right wing grifter
i have to give it up to leftists, they sure know how to dismiss ideas without ever understanding them
>If you're clever you can play the same game or at least play along
user: i am not clever
>Peterson was absolutely correct
I'm sorry you have emotional reactions which stop you from thinking.
It's literally all they do. Years ago I was a committed leftist and dismissing other people and ideas with snarky quips, then repeating platitudes, was the only intellectual exercise we ever practiced. It's been honed to a high art form. Zizek is correct in his assessment of ideology as something people practice without realizing it. This process of self-righteous dismissal is wholly unconscious. Once you notice what you're doing, and see everyone around you is doing it too, it becomes utterly horrifying. I can see why Zizek gets bent out of his mind on speed before he does his public appearances, especially when he's sitting next to his colleagues. It's the only way you can have a conversation with these people without losing your mind.
Incidentally, all someone like Peterson ever needs to do to hand Zizek his ass in a debate is wait until the adderall is in full effect and the post nasal drip is making him sniffle thirty times a minute. When they're half an hour in and he's really out of his mind, rambling about Castro and Hitchcock and Derrira, just say "Hey. Slavoy. Are you high?" When he starts raving or trying to misdirect, you just bring it back: "You're on meth right now aren't you?" ... "Oh yeah. you totally are, look at that nasal drip. You're twitchy as fuck." Just keep bringing it up until Ziz has a breakdown.
Not something I want to happen: I like him a lot. But if someone wants to finish him in a debate, that's how to do it.
>Zizek is correct in his assessment of ideology as something people practice without realizing it
Makes you wonder why we even bother trying to talk to their conscious brain when it’s the other parts that are doing the heavy lifting
cool it with the anti sembutism pls
>By Marx I mean like Capital v.1 only
Accelerationists are actually heavily inspired by volume 3. In fact they are probably the first people to bother reading it in half a decade.
Butterfly, you are basically the first namefag Yea Forums has had and you are constantly based and profound. Can you link some of your writings, I'd love to read some of your publications, or even just a blog.
that's ted, fool