Why are textbooks so highly marked up?
Why are textbooks so highly marked up?
They aren't. The fucked up american "education" doesn't apply to rest of the world.
"Education" companies are actually fucking evil.
Demand is so high they can charge whatever they want
Because you live in a dystopian Jewish society where ripping off sick and poor is considered national ethos.
>companies jacked up prices to take advantage of students
>students started pirating them or buying used older editions
>started changing the homework questions and putting out a "new" edition every single year
>the students started copying homework questions from their richfag classmates
>finally companies started putting those online passwords to do the homework, selling them separately for nearly as much as the book cost to begin with
>students started buying unused passes off ebay for $10
It's all a racket. It's been an interesting battle to watch unfold, though. Retarded boomer-run corporations can NOT keep up with the resourcefulness of a starving college student subsisting on ramen and eggs. Day of the pillow soon.
you antisemites are so weird. A systemic analysis of capitalism suffices to explain why this kind of exploitation happens, but you guys need some fucking boogieman to get your hateboners going.
>have a 2-tier education system
>ivy tier designed to gatekeep lawyer & doctor and other elite jobs
>ivy tier attendance >50% jewish
W-why you hate us jews so much, baka!
>it‘s just capitalism, goyim
The textbook situation is pretty much exclusive to US.
It's not about demand but supply, and that's not a complete answer really because text books have barely any printing costs at all. Professors nowadays just make you buy their overpriced text book just to do their class. It's academia jewery.
Its moreso that the demand is relatively inelastic. Buying the books usually isnt optional, so unless its some easy course where you dont work out of the book ever, students are forced to purchase it regardless of price (unless it was priced literally unaffordably).
you realize usury is jewish right? we ARE living in a jewish system, retard. Imagine being completely, utterly ignorant on the history of economics, from the sumerians to now. wew
Education is a pyramid scheme whereby state and capital conspire to aquire the future earnings of students. By now 70% of highschool graduates go to college and incur debts under the assumption that by this act alone they will become employable. Since maybe a majority of those people are cognitively unqualified to work in an occupation which would justify a technical university education standards have to be dropped and new fantasy disciplines have to be invented. These are often mere fronts for indoctrination classes that instill an ideology of state expansion into their victims who then leave university with a faux class consciousness and corresponing inability to find work they deem suitable to their status, which creates a revolutionary yet deeply bourgeois activist element that can easily be integrated into the corrupted system.
So this isn't exactly about this phenomenon in particular but these price increases are happening at all levels of the education system. The university system is broken and unlikely to recover.
usury predates Judaism, retard
Pasta also predates italians but look who dominates the pasta restaurants all over the world.
>all the world is a utopia except America
Shut the fuck up retard, not even American and I still was asked to pay for expensive as shit books for my undergrad
couldn't have said it better you fucking retard, did you not read my post? I mentionned the sumerians and you have the nerve to act like I don't know that usury predates judaism lmao. Usury was 100% corroborated by jews (and italian bankers)
>not having to spend $150 per course on books is utopian
Pasta is an Italian world so of course Italians are going to dominate "pasta" restaurants. Tons of people have the same types of food, they just call it something different.
>>usury is jewish
>literally predates the very concept of judaism
>hurr durr sumerians are Jewish now
Capitalism exists outside America. Sorry if that annoys you Chavez
>only 150 buckers per semester
god i wish that were me
>$150-$200 per course per semester
>4-5 classes per semester
>$600-$1000 per semester
>8 semesters
>up to $8000 just in books
nvm, i'm retarded
Can’t you guys just print out pdfs of your textbooks? There are multiple copy shops near my university where I can print out expensive textbooks for 10€ each. Or just buy them used. Fight against the jewery
I pirate textbooks whenever possible, the problem is that nowadays the Profs have caught on and write supplemental BS that you have to buy from them personally.
hindsight is 20/20
to further scam idiots getting a miseducation
That or they have online access codes that are required for homework, projects, etc
Federally guaranteed student loans = cheap money --> predatory universities looking for a quick buck --> ridiculously expensive tuition and textbooks
If they would stop throwing loans at every idiot with an undeclared major, tuition would drop instantly. But they won't stop throwing these loans because it's impossible to erase student debt by bankruptcy; there's no risk to issuing the loans. If the system were changed and you could default on your loans at the risk of having your degree repossessed, the entire system would be fixed overnight. Lenders would have to account for risk instead of having all their risk magically covered by the government.
It's all part of wall streets plan to monetize the education process, to capture the students future earnings, in the current time frame.
some people don't know about libgenesis apparently
Yes, Shlomo, and I live in a capitalist state where books don‘t cost an arm and a leg.
Because leftists passed legislation forcing banks to give every student who wants one, a loan. These loans are essentially blank checks for whatever the schools and textbook companies demand so they have every reason to hack up prices.
subsidize something and the demand skyrockets but the supply is unchanged
Invisible hand of the market. Shake it, please.
Usury economy
The ideal economy under capitalism is an entire population that is so in debt, and so barraged by confusingly high charges for basic needs (like arbitrarily expensive one-use books required to get an education to get money to afford books), that it effectively just perceives social life itself as one big debt hell.
That way you can just lash people to a dozen different things: you need this credit to pay off that credit, this credit when you're young to afford this amenity to be able to get this credit when you're older, this debt to afford to live while you do this so that you can maybe be solvent in 30 years, etc. You bombard the population with this nonsense until they simply submit to it, and realize they have a thousand invisible chains tying them to daily expenses and fees and fines and arcane banking rituals.
All this is to make people forget that the real ground of economic existence is their social contract, which is rooted in their nation. Jews and capitalists want no nations, only debt zones and deracinated labor.
((((Who)))) could be behind this?
Latinfag here. Is there any difference between a textbook and an actual book?
textbook almost always refers to a book used for school/university
But if you were to study, say, Tolstoy, would War and Peace be more expensive that If you'd read it by yourself? I know that's a retarded question, but I really do not understand. Don't they read actual books in America?
The term usually describes an overview of information which is accepted as important or true within the established academic discourse and relevant to the course of study, also structured for teaching/learning. Think a school chemistry book. But professors generally also assign their own shitty books which you have to aquire in current edition for astronomical sums.
I say that because in my country of you need to read a book for college you just go to the library and buy it, there's no thing as textbooks.
It generally doesn't refer to all books you would read in the course of a class, but rather books specifically designed to be taught from.
A good example would be math or science books and textbooks.
A scientific book will generally have one area of focus and concentrate on that, whereas a textbook won't get too deep into most subjects and will lightly cover a variety of topics you would learn about in any given grade level/course. Pic related would be an example
Thanks, user
It's silly to get mad at textbook prices, it's the fucking professors that insist on making you buy them because they're too lazy to check the useless homework they want you to do. I went to a shitty college and the first two years I would've been fine with paying tuition just to read books and take an exam.
Not facultative.
The consumer price index tracks monetary inflation closest.
New homes also track the market more or less well, though they are not as competitive as markets because building a home in one lot precludes another home from building there - you can't quite simply increase the supply of local habitation, eventually you are sprawling away from the spatial focus of demand.
Medical services are not facultative the same way muggings are. You can try to avoid them, and you can refuse to pay, but when you are on the spot, you feel as if you have no choice. Most states regulate prices to ensure medical expenses aren't crippling.
Educational expenses are the worst. Even if prices go up, the comparative advantage of having a college degree keeps going down. If everyone has a college degree, it doesn't net you a better wage to get a degree, it becomes a necessity to get a degree rather than an advantage. Credential inflation is one of the biggest problems people don't talk about.
Easy access to unforgivable student loans has created an economic system without checks and balances. States have cut funding to college, pushing it into the private sector. Predator companies can charge whatever they want. Students are mostly powerless to influence the market. Universities profit from it.
>Students are mostly powerless to influence the market
just refuse to pay back the student debt, its that simple
Then they just garnish your wages.
Who cares? Why don't Amerilards just photocopy or pirate their textbooks?