What are some books that seriously tackle nihlism?
I see most anti-nihilism arguments as getting into some language-game that is rooted in a bodily existence, rather than aggressing the pointlessness of life.
What are some books that seriously tackle nihlism?
I see most anti-nihilism arguments as getting into some language-game that is rooted in a bodily existence, rather than aggressing the pointlessness of life.
The only thing you can do is try to feel at home with the world by doing the things that bring you meaning
Seraphim Rose, Nihilism
Leopardi- dialogue between Plotinus and Porphyry
god I wish that were me
Buddhism. Nihilism is psychosomatic cope, moksha for inferiors, physiognomic nematodes
Literally you can only argue against nihilism with theology and religion. If you want to read somebody who argues against nihilism in a truly convincing manner, then read Kierkegaard. That's how I grew out of nihilism. Pic related is a guide on a recommended reading order. Personally I started with Fear and Trembling.
your autobiography ft. a homosexual chapter
Why did you come to this conclusion?
nietzsche, kierkegaard, levinas (if youre idealist)
Where can i read this?
Google it
imagine not even being able to enjoy an ice cream cone like a normal person
i like ice cream. but if you were to make me think about it with meaning it becomes something else
imagine not being able to appreciate beauty like a normal person
absolutely fucking horrible
The real lowly and shameful being is you. You who let others determine what you value and what you despise.
Kierkegaard essentially answered the existential question. In a way he is an answer to Nietzsche. Nietzsche argues that if God is dead, then we must become gods, ie, become our own source of meaning. However, over the past century in a half this has proved impossible. Without God, people instead look else where, such as the State. And when that happens millions of people get killed. This is because, in my view, worshipping the state is worshipping a false idol.
Regardless, Kierkegaard shows that the only way to truly answer one's existential problem is through God (or a religion), there is no other way. By portraying the Aesthetic model of existence (hedonism which is Nihlism's philosophical conclusion), and the model of existence that seeks to reduce suffering (the knight of infinite resignation), it becomes clear that the only mode of living in which people are content with the world is if they can take the leap of faith and become a Knight of Faith.
Ecclesiastes literally beat him to it
now i want to fuck asian chicks
yeah to a fucking -6/10 you are
Why is the image mirrored?
>seitilibissop sseldne
how does the existence of god prove meaning? i see god as existing to learn himself and in hegelian terms. i dont really get why people think theism solves nihilism.
>hedonism which is Nihlism's philosophical conclusion
why would i be hedonistic if i believe life is pointless. that makes no sense.
How could you possibly convince yourself to believe in a religion, when you can see how many different varying religions there are.
How would one even choose a religion?
Do you just pick something local in order to fit in?
Do you pick the most popular one?
Do you pick the one that has the most similarities to your cultural values?
Religious people never like to admit they get brainwashed when they are young and have to live with their brains full of fuck for the rest of their lives.
This is the though process of how Nihilism leads to hedonism:
>Nothing matters, there is no meaning to the world and life sucks
>Since nothing matters I might as well fulfill every impulse I have and maximize pleasure, regardless of if it is ethical or not, since there is no reason to being ethical.
>The only reason ethics might matter is to ensure social stability, but so long as I don't get caught, then I am doing nothing wrong by breaking social ethical codes.
That is how Nihilism leads to hedonism. The only pro to life not having meaning, is to take advantage of breaking the rules restricting you from pursuing pleasure. However, in the long term this won't lead to happiness.
i read plotinus and thought about the soul, but i always felt spiritual. i think atheism is soulless and a big problem, if anything the biggest brainwashing out there.
i don't care to have ~impulses~ because those are rooted in a bodily existence. besides that i just said that i feel that life is pointless, i do not wish to create a meaning in hedonism because it is MEANINGLESS to me. i have never drank alcohol or smoked, taken any kind of drug etc. im very much the opposite of a hedonist.
hedonism is a meaning in itself, immorality is not amorality etc
This is why I like how Kierkegaard emphasizes the importance of individuality in religious belief (he hated the Church and had no respect for a clergy class). In fact, in all of my reading of Keirkegaard thus far, a lot of what he says can apply to religion in general, not Christianity exclusively. I see a lot of cross over between Kierkegaard and Buddism for instance.
The way I think about it, is that there is one true God, and all other religions are different reflections of that God.
You call it soul. I call it mind but we both talk about the same thing.
And what I am saying is that life isn't pointless if you can come to acknowledge that there is a transcendental law that governs our existence. And if you are coming from a place of Nihilism and would like to find meaning, then reading Nietzsche, then Kierkegaard, should convince you.
If you are happy with believing life is pointless (which if you were truly honest with yourself, I highly doubt), then don't do anything. Don't even bother asking the question. But the fact that you are looking to find a point, even if its only through debate on an anonymous image board, is proof that you are discontent with feeling that everything is pointless.
There is no such thing as nihlism. The only nihilists are dead
Nihilism leads to hedonism, it isn't hedonism.
yes in a sense. reality being both mind and physical made me believe in 'god'
>transcendental law
god does not know himself yet and lives in form of man, so what law do you speak of ?