Hey lit can you help me? My bf has ADD and has trouble staying focused enough to read, even if it's a book he enjoys (like 1984). Are there any ways to help him stay focused, besides medication? He is a manlet twink and I'm a disgusting bear, if that helps. Thanks.
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I have pretty bad ADD. I listen to the disintegration loops and repetitive ambience. It actually helped me a lot and I found a playlist on Spotify he could use. Also, get him on adderall because that's been working for me.
Oops didn't see the besides medication part. Anyways here's the playlist.
ADD doesn't exist
oh nice bait, my bad
thanks for polluting the board with shitposts
I'm actually being serious. And maybe ADD doesn't exist, but something is going on with him. He can't focus even though I know he likes the book.
You're not supposed to "pay attention" to something you actually enjoy - ADD is a meme excuse for people who don't want to commit to something boring. What you're seeing is most likely being interested in the story, but not enough to wade through "annoyance" of reading and imagining the story world. Thats why most people go see movies instead.
If you want a bookworm bf, get one which does actually enjoys books.
a lobotomy helped me
It fucking exists I have it but I don't use it as an excuse. I'm not self diagnosed either I even have doubts about it but I do have it and check with my doctor every once in a while to see if it's still bad. I've read 6 books so far this year which is already like 4 more than last year because I learned how to actually deal with it. You are right that people use it as an excuse, at this point I can focus on a book better than people without ADD because I practiced. Sure I had to work harder but it helped me more in the long run.
Based, your BF is a plain ole’ old retard, coming on here to help him really shows that you care so much OP
This. ADD is just a way of patholgizing people who don't make good little obedient wage slaves.
I hope this is just a troll but I'll bite
I have it and it really does exist.
I'm almost a completely different person when I take my adderall. More normal and everything.
I can't read without it.
You pharmaceutical cuck you, so it goes
Adderall is a miracle drug and fuck everyone that thinks taking medication is bad
fuck him in the ass while you force him to read it'll turn into a dominance thing and he'll feel obligated to read
Just make sure to stay below 50mg. Takes a bit of effort to keep your meth addiction within safe dose range.
Doesn't change that meth treats only a symptom, and being a subjective experience in part (you feel very focused, but actually are much less than a normal person would be).
In the long term, you still need to train your limbic system so as to wire back attention focus => reward. Quite harder to do as adult, especially if there are cheap low effort escapes. Learning can help immensely, even if it feels as insurmountable pain to force oneself at first.
by that logic nothing you discuss here on Yea Forums exists. It's a cluster of symptoms caused by a lack of neurons in a certain part of the brain. In this case mostly the prefrontal lobe, (also the amygdala if i'm not mistaken)
These parts coordinate thoughts, attention, emotions and sensory information. When they don't work in harmony with the rest of your brain, this causes disorganisation and trouble in the aforementioned functions.
Increasing the amount of neurotransmitters like dopamine, help these parts to function more efficiently and thus make up for the lack. That's why people who take medication feel so different. When dependence starts to settle in though, you need more and more of these transmitters to get the same effect.
Medication if he is not already on it. It actually treats all but the most severe ADHD pretty well. I don't get why people are averse to taking it. At the very least its a good way to make some cash on the side.
user with autism and concentration problems here.
Listening to repetitive/instrumental music really helps for me, as well as being in a room/place where nothing is happening/is completely silent; every little word, sound and movement is already distracting enough for me to have to reread a sentence, let alone my own thoughts which I have to actively focus while reading.
It's not much, but I hope it helps.