Why women read mostly shit tier books?
Whats go through their minds to choose mostly garbage?
Why women read mostly shit tier books?
Do you have any sort of evidence to corroborate those claims?
le balding glasses man detected
Personal experience
Most people read shit books
Please understand, women are not fully human and cannot appreciate books containing the emotional depth found in the classical works of literature. Evolution designed females to bear and tend to children, both tasks needless of greater intellectual perceptivity. It's quite insensitive to give women contempt for merely obeying their inferior natures.
They unironically need religion desu
Religious experience is as inconceivable to a female as any other sublime passion. The only religion a woman needs is family.
>Religious experience
I think hes talking about submission and control
They believe it makes them cute to read shit. They actually find themselves cute for it.
They have different interests. A woman will yawn at any philosophical text but she’ll masturbate furiously at a dumb text of aman seducing a self insert woman.
The vast majority of reported religious experiences have been by women.
Schopenhauer - On Women
They're more verbally talented than men meaning they read at lower IQ levels (+the average woman has more time), their peak IQ levels are lower and, this one is rather controversial, their overall average is lower as well. All this will result in 'choosing mostly garbage'.
Women don't read books to read books. Women read books to be seen reading books.
This man knows
More women read than men as a hobby. This means a higher percentage of plebs of that gender entering the literary scene. Most would-be male lit plebs just play video games as a pass time.
It's purely a numbers game-- If as many men read as women did, they'd mostly choose garbage too.
Why are men so obsessed with women?
A mixture of thinking with our dicks and society telling us that we need a gf or else we're worthless.
I somehow doubt women are half as man obsessed as men are women obsessed. Likely to them having a completely different set of social pressures.
Same reason men mostly read shit tier books, I'd wager.
SIlly question. Be fruitful and multiply. It's all we think about because we're meatsacks with a single job.
Because men are addicted to having access to the female body in the same way that a former heroin addict still has pangs of "good god I would throw my whole life and all these years of progress away for just one more time on heroin"
It's not something that makes sense or gets better or benefits from self-control. Self-control stops you from fucking OTHER parts of your life up by chasing the drug. It doesn't make the deep horrible longing for a feeling that is better than any other feeling and can't be replicated in any way go away.
as if women arent obsessed with men
They actually don't.
want fux moms
hitting these levels of a priori shouldn't be possible
it's a biological imperative
Most people read shit books
Women read garbage because they are garbage. Next question.
There are far more women reading as a video game or anime esque hobby, this means that those kind of simple tastes end up dominating the market. There are plenty of women that have great taste in literature
Imagine all your life, starting age 10, being coveted by half the population, you literally never have to grow up
Hopefully half of the population does not covet a 10 year old...
or ugly women