1 perma ban please!
1 perma ban please!
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IS THIS ALLOWED??????????????????
that's not how you use a hula hoop
why are girls so weird bros
I honestly don't know.
that happens when you sell your penis to satan
wtf i love girls now
Mods! Ban him!
>those perfect female bodies
why it upsetting you
Why I cannot have these :(
because he is poor
because I am voluntarily celibate and refuse to have sex outside of marriage and probably won't ever get married because society is disintegrating before my eyes
why are you volcel?
Americans' poor sense of aesthetics is one of the most offensive parts of modern life.
because i am an unironic 100% serious Catholic. God is real, and through the sermons and life of Jesus Christ has taught us the way to live.
I know I am free to do what I want, but would prefer not to sin.
oh boy, you are stupid
it gets worse
we will make it my man hang in there
is that the nofap struggle image?
Have you arrived to God through reason? If so , care to share the main argument?
i do not believe you. nobody do that, you can't really believe in god
>Have you arrived to God through reason? If so , care to share the main argument?
There are a few ways to arrive at concluding that God is real and Jesus is who he says he is. Revealed wisdom in Scripture, mystical experience, and the arguments of the philosophers. Read Aristotleplotinusaquinasandthegospels.
i don't even want sex no more, human beings are disgusting and weird. Have you ever seen inside one.
I mean no offence but I am sorry if your ignorance prevents you from understanding how God is real, but all I can say is that is exactly how the princes of this world -- your masters -- want you. Read philosophy, read Scripture, and pray.
Whats with everyone in the world who isn't American blaming America for everything? It's easier to blame someone else then to admit it's more than that
Nice. I have just finished the first volume of Copleston, which covered all of those except the gospels, yet I still don't believe in god :(
you have a body too you know.
>i don't even want sex no more, human beings are disgusting and weird. Have you ever seen inside one.
Pretty sure everyone here has been inside your mum.
You have to post CP. The only time I ever got permabanned was in 2014 for posting this picture with "lol" as a thread and having 50+ prior bans.
There are many ways to use a hoola-hoop
Thanks for ruining so many losers' no fap streaks.
It takes time I guess. It took me many years, experiences, and studying different approaches. Try reading Jung and Campbell. The mythos of Jesus is different from all the rest of the world's myths in a very important way. It was actually fulfilled. You could say it is self-fulfilling, designed that way by the authors of the New Testament, but I don't think so. The divine took human form and lived among us as one of us.
Women aren't human
please do not post any more jezebels please
big if true
how ignorance can prevent me from belief? what did you know that make you believe in god?
What book do I have to read to get cunny like that?
Mods are asleep = epic thread
>blaming America for everything
You're right, it's not really America as much as Anglos in general.
That's the worst part. I recently dissected a heart and realized soon after that I have one in my chest as well. All those fucking strings and flaps and shit, just gives me the shivers.
>Women aren't human
Mmmm. Okay.
I wish you would get off our planet.
ignorance is not what you are, it's what you don't know. if you have not heard the gospels, the word of God, then you could hardly be blamed for being ignorant of them.
see above. read aristotle. read plotinus. read aquinas. read the new testament. read some comparative mythology that puts the Old Testament into perspective and gives Jesus his historical and cultural and theological roots. without those, he's just a boddhisatva or a zarathrustra.
get reading.
That's stupid. Doesn't matter anyway, you'd be an incel if that wasn't the case
Just sin and then sincerely ask for forgiviness
>thats stupid
no u
that's not how it works. you can be heartily sorry for your sins. but to knowingly add to Jesus' suffering on the cross with the intention of asking for forgiveness later AND with the expectation of receiving it because God is infinitely merciful is an EXTREMELY bad idea. you have an immortal soul. the Greeks established this. don't throw it away for temporal pleasure.
Fresh outta /his/?
I'm smart
butterfly why are you such a cunt?
it's like going out and acting contrary to what he taught and expecting to be spared from the fires of hell because his love is infinite.
you have placed your own pleasure ahead of God. made it an idol in his place. this is not gonna fly with the man.
that's what you are. you can only laugh at it. and human body is not disgusting at all. it is fascinating and most complex thing that we know in a whole universe.
>Voluntarily celibate
The only thing that means is you are a coward.
>society is disintegrating oh no!
I hate to break it to yuo , but that's what society has always done. Society is continuous cultural disintegration, the trend has always been towards extinction. Devo was right, take the potatpill
no, it means i value women and my relationship with God. it means i won't trespass against him or what he did for all of us. it means i won't ever have to even think about aborting my own child.
i don't like you. i think you are mentally ill in a bad, not good way.
>i don't like you. i think you are mentally ill in a bad, not good way.
the public didn't like Jesus or his disciples in his day, either. it's okay. you are nothing new.
you neither.
I agree but I can't help my primitive reactions. It's so weird to think that there are so many beings that are alive and moving. Filled with beating hearts and shit. At least other internal organs don't move.
why do you say i am mentally ill? i want to hear doctor user's diagnosis.
Dogmatic, take yourself too seriously, and so seem like the worst kind of person, hence mentally Ill "in a bad way", like bin laden. Not op, but what I think he meant.
Because anonymous are shits
>believing is stuff bad
>you are too serious even tho i have seen only 2 sentences form you
you are the mentally ill person my man
imagine getting an open wound from shrapnel that tear your flash apart and you can see your inner and bones.
hardly. you have no idea. there are many points of doctrine where I disagree with the Church, but I am very serious about the personal, mystical relationship with God.
>take yourself too seriously
i started my part of this discussion by posting wojaks you big dummy. i am serious about OP's posting jezebels, it's bad for everyone and for the board, but I don't seriously have a problem with that. the rest of our conversation, when people started asking questions about my beliefs, was had in good faith.
After I started doing dissections I often had vivid dreams of being opened while I was alive.
Fuck off butterfly. I’m tired of seeing you shit up this board.
no, i mean literately ill. he hurts himself because of delusion and this is delusion or uses it to justify destructional behavior and that's what ill people do.
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does Yea Forums not have a single fucking janitor?
KYS redditor
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