I’m cringing at you retards

It’s fucking LAUGHABLE that you think his manifesto is useful or meaningful or eye openeing in any way. For one, there’s zero empirical data in the whole thing, his “power process” psychobabble has no empirical backing (and the power process is the basis for the whole book, LOL), and two a basic cost benefit analysis of industrial society shows its obviously worth it.

EVEN IF what he was saying is true, modern rates of mental illness were elevated by industrial society, it wouldn’t follow that we get rid of industrial society all together. It’s such a laughable proposition I’m not sure why this board takes it seriously (wait I know, you’re all underachieving chip on your shoulder contrarians who want to feel like you’re more enlightened than everyone else), it’s also particularly hilarious because there’s tons of non industrialized societies RIGHT NOW that we can observe and see how brutal and vicious life is.

Here’s the life that awaits you in a non industrial society: Half of you don’t make it beyond being a toddler, the half that do grow up to have a dozen kids, half of them die horrible deaths to diseases you don’t understand (and understanding it with some sort of formal system would be against “the power process” so you’re not allowed to do it), then you grow old with all sorts of aches and pains and you die of a horrible disease you don’t understand. LOL.

You people are abject fucking retards that spend your lives staring at screens reading diatribes written by depressed losers and you say that your life would have meaning if someone destroyed the screens and the pipes and the antennas around you. LOL. The truth is you’d be a depressed genetic abomination in primitive society and your tribesmen would kill you for being weird. Now fuck off with your Kaczynski bullshit and go outside.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>it’s also particularly hilarious because there’s tons of non industrialized societies RIGHT NOW that we can observe and see how brutal and vicious life is.
Niggers and shitskins
>Here’s the life that awaits you in a non industrial society: Half of you don’t make it beyond being a toddler,
Niggers and shitskins
>the half that do grow up to have a dozen kids
Niggers and shitskins
>half of them die horrible deaths to diseases you don’t understand,
Niggers and shitskins
>then you grow old with all sorts of aches and pains and you die of a horrible disease you don’t understand.
Niggers and shitskins
Oh fuck wew you really showed Uncle Ted and me.

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>it’s also particularly hilarious because there’s tons of non industrialized societies RIGHT NOW that we can observe and see how brutal and vicious life is.
No there aren’t. There are lots of “developing” countries, i.e. countries raped by industrial powers, with their own shitty growing little industries.

Is this how retarded Kaczynskiites are? HOLY FUCK LMAOOOOO

Hey retard, this is a literature board, have you ever actually READ anything? Go read PRIMARY sources on what life in America was like just 100 years ago, not even close to a preindustrial society, and you’ll find ALL OF THEM had stories of people in their family dying of causes they didn’t understand. And the America of the early 1900s was relatively advanced and filled with WHITE PEOPLE.

Do you not understand his? Are you that fucking stupid?

>ALL OF THEM had stories of people in their family dying of causes they didn’t understand
And now people get to die of diseases they understand perfectly and for which they can't afford to receive treatment or medications, or they can and it causes them to go into fucking bankruptcy lmao. PROGRESS! :D

based and redpilled

America 100 years ago was better than it is now, people die today from causes we don't understand

Tbf it's an unrestricted usage of the scientific form. If he wasn't so autistic he coulda been a silent millionaire like tha pynch

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Interesting, not unrestricted lol

>Modern gud!
>Past bad!

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le epic all caps for emphasis

His basis contention, that we evolved to live in small hunter gatherer tribes and civilization makes us neurotic, makes plenty of sense. Not that it's his idea

Read Ellul.

>It's fucking LAUGHABLE that you think his manifesto is useful or meaningful or eye opening in any way
Does Yea Forums actually think that?

None of his ideas are original; he states that multiple times in his further writings. Mainly he copy and pasted late Heidegger and Elull technology critiques. His proposition that technology and capital both constantly overcome their own limits is correct. So all the wacky techo-capital odd future lit up cock luck writters u prob like are up his ally.

It took a Harvard level math autist to notice that yes eventually humans become useless and replaced by machines of their own efficiency. Not much that can be done about it.

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imo most of the pathology of Industrial Society (tm) is due to the fact that we're living in Anglo-American Industrial Society in particular. I don't think we'd see this sort of thing as much were this not the case.

If we stopped all CO2 emissions today -- totaled every car, extinguished every match, sealed up every coal mine, and destroyed every power plant -- the oceans would rise for the next 2000 years.

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>100 years ago, not even close to a preindustrial society

Since 1970, total wildlife populations have dropped by 60 to 80 percent.

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can you elaborate on exactly what aspect of anglo-american culture is pathological, and how that doesn't apply to other cultures?

2/3rds of the planet's oxygen comes from ocean phytoplankton. They will die off if the ocean's surface warms by another two degrees. We're on track to surpass that by the century's end.

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How many engine blocks were there in preindustrial society?

90 percent of adults have microplastics in their bloodstream, brain, and major organ systems. Microplastics are found in all livestock populations.

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Two quarts of motor oil, poured on the ground, will render a million gallons of groundwater undrinkable. Half the planet's freshwater supply will be too polluted to drink by 2050.

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>empirical data

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Individualism is the big one, but really all of it is pathological. Nothing good has ever come out of the US and UK.

Technology is always used before it's understood.
The early developers of the internet couldn't predict the ways we would become interconnected.
We're just a single fuckup/"breakthrough" away from hell on Earth.

Based Level: Over 9000

>the oceans would rise for the next 2000 years
how much though? Not enough to matter

Anyone who takes environmental apocalypticism too seriously is naive. Scientists have been changing their claims about this for decades.

Climate change doomsday theories are probably rubbish.
Climate is something that's always been changing. Sometimes drastically within a relatively short period.

Im more concerned about the ecosystems. I don't think human beings should change the face of the planet for utilitarian reasons. Because there's a lot more to "life" than the economy.

pretty much this. we make 3% of the spooky doomsday gas in the atmosphere every year while the other 97% is natty

MEANWHILE 100% of plastics in our oceans are man made. Estrogen from birth control is all from wamans who wanna whore it up at the cost of local water and enviorment. There is mass deforestation to create new agriculture lands, acres and acres lost never replanted. But yeah, places like Canada are hard at it with carbon taxes, Really stickin it to the pollution problem. Dumb whore driving your kid to karate practice he should stay home instead!

The plastic in the ocean is the one real environmental thread that terrifies me.

there are bacteria evolving that can break the plastics down

>He thinks pajeets, spics, chinks and kangz give a shit about the environment
>He thinks anybody besides anglos takes the very idea of environmentalism seriously

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oh ok, thanks now i dont have to worry or recycle!

that is correct

Oh shit. Then let's NOT stop them!

>muh empirical data

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>there’s tons of non industrialized societies RIGHT NOW that we can observe and see how brutal and vicious life is.
his idea was never to NOT be brutal and vicious

Shouldn't you be on /pol/?

No one is saying you have to take everything he said at face value faggot. It's just meant to be thought provoking, which it is. If you really want an academic critique of technology read Ellul.

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Holy fuckkk you are retarded.

> you need empirical data to prove what is obvious

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If what you think is "obvious" can be challenged by existing empirical data then yeah you do.

>muh data
I bet you read Dawkins and DeGrass

>his “power process” psychobabble has no empirical backing
What empirical backing do u need about that? people need goles, people do thing to achieve them, sometimes thy succeed sometimes they don’t. Are u retarded?

>believing some numbers on a paper over what you've seen and experienced in your own life

There's some empirical evidence for that though. In fact, you and Ted got the verbiage to describe your feelings on this from the psychologists who studied this phenomenon before Ted got around to rambling about it.

>using personal intuition to diagnose yourself, never mind the rest of the planet

keep reading faggot you haven't understood him yet. his argument isn't that non industrial society is a fucking paradise. Read: The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarcho-Primitivism

Absolutely based and correct.

you haven't read a single word of TK, other than the manifesto, kid. (Who reads a manifesto and thinks he's done with the author lmfao? Reddit commies? Illiterate proles?) So answer this; Why would you make a thread out of a topic you haven't researched, of an author you haven't read?

Why do you, pathetic incel, spend your teenage years wasting your time on a literature board when it is very obvious that you haven't read anything?

Why is it that only the biggest zooming zoomers end up on Yea Forums? because intellectualism is the only thing they can pretend to as their peers are obviously superior to them in every way (socially, athletically speaking) and intellect is exactly what they see lacking in their peers. So by contrast, they envision themselves as intellectuals when infact, they are not. They really are the biggest failures in life kek. Think back on those high school days where the autistic virgin kid would mumble to himself that he's oh so much better than his inferior, wordly peers! Nah, he's just a failure through and through.

Why do you think that with your average intellect, you could ever produce an argument that could ever come close to that of Kaczynski's? Ellul's? Debord's? Heidegger's? Lmfao. You are non existent. Typical delusional zoomer.

by the way
>empirical data
>empirical backing
Empiricism is the lowest form of intellectual activity to Man. Imagine being so alienated, so dumb, so lacking in intuition that you have to rely on your SENSES to gather information? Trusting your senses is adding another layer of possible distortion to the truth. It literally is the lowest form of knowledge possible. No wonder it was the alienated anglos who decided it was the end all philosophical system. Reminder that the word 'meaning' in english is devoid of meaning. It's a tautology; meaning is meaning. Wow.
kill yourself zoomer scum, end your life pathetic failure

My only consolation is that any species so willing to drive off the cliff and deny it all the way down deserves to explode at the bottom
If humanity was worth saving, it would at least attempt to save itself

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What else would u read, user? I loved the manifesto and want to read more

I bet the nigga who wrote this post watches destiny and browses reddit

Read his two other books. If you want an in-depth analysis of technique read Ellul. if you want a more abstract take on technique and being, check out Heidegger. If you're the dreamy type, but still somewhat grounded to reality by necessity, read Debord. TK's worth stems from his almost anti-intellectual stance, à la Nietzsche. I have read many philosophers, as well as a good portion of the canon, yet nobody else did it for me like TK did. I have a knack for mathematicians though.

not me, but i also read Penti Lincolla: will life prevail. He recognises problems similar to Kaczynski although more on the nature cide, but his solutions are exactly the opposite of kaczynski's ideas.

>empirical data
It exists, sure, but humans think in tools.

>empirical evidence for speculative sociopolitical analysis


Anyway you argue like a woman. An appeal to social status, really? It is womanly, and therefore wrong. You are a brainlet and you did not understand Kaz.

Yes, pretty much. Enjoyed reading Linkola but he's ultimately not as intelectually capable as TK. To ask for more governance to fix the technological problem is counter-productive since the state is an extension of the technological apparatus. This is what TK understood better than most.

>he truth is you’d be a depressed genetic abomination in primitive
Kid, the only genetic abomination is the one that wishes for institutions. The one whose entire existences relies on the good functionning of institutions. It's the technophile bugman who votes for more governance, more police, more medical staff, more institutionalized justice, more technology. It's the dysgenic product of agriculture. goddamn this is bait right?

Institutions = superorganism made up of weak genotypes
Individual = good genotype

Being in favor of liberticide institution is an unconscious awareness of one's frail genetic makeup. The body knows he is too weak to strive in the wild, therefore nothing is worse than returning to nature. If it means having our brains chipped, our rights taken away, and our children brainwashed into engineering schools, then okay.
This is basically what TK's saying in his anti-intellectual quote where he trashes 'rebellious' intellectuals for being completely part of the system. If we ever get to the point where western society is *actually* on the brink of collapse, 95% of the so called 'anti-western, anti-society' intellectuals will do a 180 and do anything they can to keep it alive.

whoa... someone was triggered.

The manifesto was meant to lay down the anti-tech position in a brief, concise, yet systematic way, so that it could be accessible to as many people as possible. that's why it's called.....wait for it.........a "manifesto"

If you want a fuller expansion on it's ideas, with evidence to back up it's points, and greater elaboration on the points, then you should read Kaczynski's two books "Technological Slavery" and "Anti-Tech Revolution"

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pol was a mistake

Cringe but redpilled

What else is there if not the senses to draw knowledge from? There's instinct but that's also informed by the senses in some manner

uni bomber fanboys are some low iq third worlders niggas
sorry your nigga low Iq third world brains can't comprehend the future and gotta be stuck in the past living like goat fuckers actually nah I ain't sorry you just been left behind by evolution

That's what anti-tech revolutionaries are trying to do!!! anti-tech people are human too!

Ted is basically the transcendental nick land. Rather, he is anti human from a natural perspective instead of artificial.

The both of them reject the modern world. One for the past, the other for the future.
By being anti human they also reject the dogma of representation. Which is what this neoliberal epoch runs on, identity politics, and nostalgia.

Ted and land, are revolutionary. They reject identity and look towards a future, one were nature has devoured us or robots have devoured us

Ted is one of the most important thinkers in the world, but he is also a criminal and rejected the neoliberal academia to go live in da woods

scratch that. Ted isnt of the past, he is of the future, the future of the dying earth

interesting perspective.

kinda reminds me of this image I saw on Yea Forums a while ago.

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t. nigger having existential crisis about ted

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>ywn see Nick & Ted's Excellent Adventure

This is the truth. We live at the end of history and all fascist and communist futures have been canceled.
Neoliberal global capitalism runs on two things. Nostalgia and identity politics.
To be revolutionary in this epoch is to be of the future and to reject the dogma of representation.

Nick land has done this with AI death. Ted has done this with wanting to destroy industrial civilization. They have created new futures in which capitalism is no more and they are smart enough to realize communism and fascism are dead and gay. So one is an anarchist and the other is a accelerationist

ted and land are basically two sides of the same coin

when shtf we'll have to break Uncle Ted out and make it happen

b-b-b-but ted bombed peoples

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These guys aren't even motivated enough to do an enthusiastic gesture for the photo

What nick land basically wants you to do is automate social and economic conidtions in order to create deterrotilization and acclrate techno capital towards its own destruction by AI death

What an an prim wants to do is accelerate the process in reverse, to de industrialize. I believe the an prims call it "re wilding

Both of these ideas are revolutionary and are opposed to the stagnate status quo and managerialism of the neoliberal epoch we live in.

And they reject the human identity for mother nature or the god AI

The communists and facists will never admit that ted and land are our greatest thinkers because one is a terrorist and the other a crazy amphetamine addict, and to admit they were right would mean that the commies and pol tards wasted thier lives while the crazy guys were right

>Here’s the life that awaits you in a non industrial society: Half of you don’t make it beyond being a toddler, the half that do grow up to have a dozen kids, half of them die horrible deaths to diseases you don’t understand (and understanding it with some sort of formal system would be against “the power process” so you’re not allowed to do it), then you grow old with all sorts of aches and pains and you die of a horrible disease you don’t understand.
This. People on this board vastly overestimate how much life sucked before muh industrial revolution.


bbbut muh values of honor and family and traditionalism that have been ingrained into my retard brain by modern media!!

But Ted is a de facto communist (by way of primitive communism) and Land a de facto fascist (virtually copy-pastes Italian fascist/futurist thought)

Life before the industrial revolution was way better than during the majority of the industrial revolution.
It was only after a couple hundred years of the industrialization process that the quality of life for the average worker finally rose above that of a pre-industrial farmer.

The industrial system is ending whether you want it or not, boyo.

So do you think that the next great global social crisis (like capitalism vs. communism or republics vs. monarchies) will be transhumanist/progressives vs. wilderness/anti-techs?

lolololol what high-school play is that? Who's the drama teacher in the middle?


>taking the kaczynski memers seriously

Land is many things but he's definitely not a fascist.

Note: I'm distinguishing between what Land himself says and what "certain people" (not naming names) assume he says. I'm also circumscribing the meaning of "fascism" to something that actually has information-content.

WHAT???!?!?!? WHAT WHAT WHAT???!!! Ted wants primitive communism?? primitive communism???? Dude, read his books. You are way out of left field.

He idolized wild nature and wanted to eliminate freedom PRIMARILY to give total, unreserved freedom to the individual...where the individual was free from large scale social control, and even if the individual was coerced by other primitives, then he was far more free to escape and live somewhere else. It was all about individual freedom dude. I have no idea what you're talking about.

When? Give me a date.

Cool. I'm going to lock you in a 10 foot by 10 foot room. I will supply all your food, water, and clothing. You will not be mistreated. You will be allowed access to the internet. You will never be allowed to leave and you will never be allowed to do anything I don't allow you to do. I trust you're going to be perfectly fine with this.

The future of politics is not racial or gender or sexual identity politics.
Its a choice between anti human, post human, trans human, and pro human

The future of the rightwing in a world were whites are a minority is not racism, its anti humanism. Human beings are the actual nigger. And we must accelrate capital towards the destruction of the world and of them.

The future of the left wing is in post humanism. Fusing with technology because of the Utopian belief it will liberate us from capital or our human identities

The 21st century will be delezuian

even francis fuckyourmama knew it, the man who declared the "end of history" had a small mention that transhumanism might become more of a threat to capital in the future

I'm not sure what Ted thinks of Linkola -- doubtless he's heard of the Penti -- but I'm certain they wouldn't get along. Linkola is too pro-government for Ted's hyper-individualism.

Imagine unironically liking Nick Land, and then misunderstanding him so badly that you think he has something in common with Uncle Ted

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>We are going to SMASH the bougie traitors and KILL the pigs and LEAVE THEM BEGGING under our FEET
>hey sweetie don't misgender my nonbinary fedora okay? dressing like a differently abled person is a human right

I know right!

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>francis fuckyourmama

Not the user you're replying to, but jesus, more people on this board need to read Vollmann. His first novel "You Bright and Risen Angels" is literally about a war between insects (representing nature, wilderness, ludditism) and transhumanist electric-men. Fun as hell, thirty years ahead of its time, literally about ecological collapse in a globalized techocracy

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In a post cold war world, in the global neoliberal capitalist order, nothing new is created, and art isnt created. The only thing that is creates is entertainment and products that maximize profit. They combine bourgeois nationalism (identity politics) with nostalgia (non risk taking). they are marketed and branded through niche and lifestyle marketing, and they are bought by the population, not as something they enjoy, but as a way to exercise thier identity through the purchase of commodities. ( star wars movies starring minorities, rappers larping as rock stars, name dropping kurt cobain instead of wu tang clan, koreans larping as western boy bands) to excel in the neoliberal market you must either be nostalgic, idpol, or both. Being both gains the whole market, being one of both is something that targets either white people or poc.

To fight against this, we must take up deluze/land and derrida. using their methods of acceleration and hauntolgy. We must rejegt the dogma of representation and look towards the future of ai death, Or we must pine for a future that never happened

Or we take up ted, and we look to a future were techno civilization itself has been destroyed

In this way, we do not worship the past, but look towards a future. and we undermine the values of neolibelism that upholds nostalgia and idenity as the highest values.

The most important people of the 21st century:

1. Deleuze, derrida

2. nick land and the CCRU, ted kacynski, mark fisher, Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov,

alexender dugin will only become important if russia pulls off the Eurasian union

And how, exactly, is your life directly improved by knowing that the earth is round? Serious question, user. Let's pretend I think the earth is flat. We both go to the store. We both cook ourselves dinner. We both pay taxes, pay rent, have the same worries and fears, want mostly the same things. Why is your life "objectively better" because you have some useless fact that I don't? Is my life better than yours because I know useless facts about medieval English culture? (writing a thesis on this now.) Don't be silly, user. Education isn't some abstract transhistorical good. You really only need to know the things that keep you alive. Anything past that is unnecessary. What use has a hunter-gatherer for astrophysics? The sun rises and sets. The seasons happen every year. The moon goes through phases. That is all he needs to know.

I don't think that contradicts what Marx wanted such as elimination of alienation from work (resulting from industrialization) and the withering of the state.

He praises the Chinese system which seems close to what Mussolini defined as fascism.

>He praises the Chinese system which seems close to what Mussolini defined as fascism.
There are several tenuous lines of reasoning in this sentence "leading"(?) to the conclusion that Land is fascist.

Than you're completely wrong about Marx. Marx surely wanted those things--but he was deluded in thinking that those things were possible in a world of advanced technology. Ted is pinting out that those things are not possible with advanced technology. Ted wants simple anarchy. not the ordered freedom of Marx that requires everyone to be enlightened for the comon good and to be able to control and direct technological systems for the "betterment" of mankind. Ted wants total complete anarchy. living wild. totally free. Marx may have wanted that too, but what he worked for was totally incompatible with that.

Kaczynski want a world were people are free to commit murder and get away with it scott-free, only bounded by their conscience. Complete and utter anarchy, like the most savage hunter-gatherer tribes throughout history. Marx was horrified by all of that.

It is not logical to say that Marx wanted freedom and so does Kaczynski therefore Kaczynski was basically a communist. You have to be a better thinker than that dude.

1/1/2040, at 22:37 Greenwich time.

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Put me in the screencap bros

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What is laughable is that you wasted time reading it

the thing about ted is he's great at diagnosis and terrible at prescription

Not really. His prescription is his strongest suite. It's just very dangerous.

He basically argues for why there is no other alternative but to force the collapse. You can say that this is terrible, but, as the conservatives say, "facts don't care about your feelings." If it's a fact that technological growth will inevitably destroy all human freedom and/or destroy the biosphere for now and for all time, and that reform of it in such a way that these things don't happen is fundamentally impossible.....then I fail to see how one could say his "prescription" is terrible.

land is not a racist, to be racist means to value human life. This is what people dont understand. Land is anti human. Nazis are still humanists, although its white humans only.

It's amazing. Probably the most rational thing ever written, word for word.

>the most rational thing ever written, word for word

I've literally never heard of Land before this thread, and I consider myself well read.

Where to start?

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Give a good critique.
Pro tip: you can't

this. lol.

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oh god more people are becoming doom ecologists

Well they should.

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What's the best way to A C C E L E R A T E so that we can finally deal with the carbon-based jew?

I am thinking of getting rich and sponsoring artificial womb research. Other ideas?

i read your diatribe and this is how you treat me?


It's really funny how brainwashed people are from the media. They know that the media is utterly corrupt and lies constantly, but then they only use this fact to reinforce their own preconceptions. When faced with something that goes against their world-view, they accept unconditionally the lies the media gives them and defend the media as totally reliable on that subject.

So it goes with Ted Kaczynski.

Good god you guys should really read his unpublished book "Truth vs. Lies" he predicted everything that's happening with Assange, Russia Gate, etc. etc. 20+ years ago.

desu right-wing anti-humanism is not necessarily about the distruction of the world, it's just about favoring capital over humans because humans are not actually inherently valuable

as a right-winger you're forced into a rhetorical position where you eventually have to ask yourself whether you agree with human rights and if you're intellectually consistent - the answer is a definitive 'no'. from there on you're basically one step away from being at the very least a non-humanist

Research the worlds rubber production.

tl;dr rubber can not be effectively synthesized and is one of the foundations of global industrial society. It can only be made from the rubber tree, which can only be effectively harvested in dense plantations.

It is extinct in it's native continent (South America) due to a hyper-deadly blight, which spreads literally like wild fire.

Rubber is now only produced on a few plantations in South East Asia. There is extremely strict containment measures to prevent the blight reaching these.

Hypothetically a single determined individual could bypass these measures, spread the blight to several SE Asian plantations, thus dooming all Eurasian rubber plants.

This would cause a global economic crash. No more automobiles, trucks or flights for starters, as wheels are 98% natural rubber. Trucks and flights are pretty important to the global economy.

It would be the single most devastating act of terrorism in the history of mankind.

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>But the main problem is that southeast Asian rubber is nearly fated to be ravaged by disease.
>Rubber is not grown at commercial scale in South America because of the presence of South American leaf blight, a fungal infection that tears through any trees planted too close together. Henry Ford struggled for years to industrialize rubber production, but leaf blight struck him a rare defeat. For decades, countries like Thailand and Malaysia have tightly restricted travel and trade from South America, hoping to keep leaf blight from crossing the Pacific.

Let's make a collaboration, everyone on the 4chains contributes 10 US dollaridoos and isntead of buying a private island, we orchestrate The Apocalypse.

There's a couple other relatively simple ways to REALLY fuck shit up, but unfortunately I can't post them as they can be tracked back to me lmao

Germans are starting dandelion rubber production. There are certain to be other options. Or the price increases some and people stop wasting so much in the dirt. Humans are pretty clever often enough.

Just post them haha we're not the CIA haha

lol no

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k you're getting raided now ;)

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>the media pushes honor and family values
lmao no

Umm I wasn't disagreeing with you. Try reading instead of automatically getting defensive.

Not false Tbh.

where do i start since i've read the manifesto

This is what i see the future of politcs as.

1. Right wing: Anti human acceleration, either through acceleration of techno capital towards AI destruction, or the destruction of technocapital civilization itself through rewilding the planet

2. Left wing: transhumanist/posthumanist liberation from the the body or fusion with technology in order to become cyborg. To liberate humanity from their bodies, thus liberating them from capital and from prejudice.
Cant be racist if you are just a brain in a robot body.

3. Pro human future: liberating humanity from capital by escaping the planet earth.
Would this be centrism?

I can legally fuck up robots though in the eyes of God.

They have no souls.

how the fuck does escaping the earth liberate humanity from capital lmao also you can't be racist but you can shit on lower model niggers.

How is destruction of technocapital anti human? Pro environment is not anti human, unless you're Linkola tier of "the human race is a plague".


why are all utilitycucks such absolute brainlets? should they even be regarded as human?

Everything is ultimately considered in terms of utility


Never heard of him before but loving his writings so far. Thanks user.

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well communism didnt work on earth, maybe it will work on mars *shrugs

dude, if you destroy civilization a lot of people are going to die.

Its putting nature before humanity.

This a rejection of the dogma of representation. Why do you think ted is so anti leftwing and anti idpol despite being an anarchist?

>half of them die horrible deaths to diseases you don’t understand
we are going to die because of diseases which are immune to antibiotics from now. Or because some retard will invent a biological weapon he will 'accidentally' lose, just like ebola. Or because some megacorp will decide to gift you some AIDS, just like Bayer did.

>dude, if you destroy civilization a lot of people are going to die.
Sure but he himself says this is the lesser evil, that the alternative is much worse for humanity.

Now, I was going to read and concider your argument, but then I noticed you use of the abbreviation "LOL". If you are using ridicule in your argument, then don't use language made by and for teenage girls.

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Honestly thinking 'noncapitalism = communism' is not accurate.

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you speak like he read his manifesto. Deaths subject is the entry barrier of the manifesto. If some thing seriously considers at least several deaths moralist will never look and never listen. He will close his eyes and shut his ears. No argument can outweigh the value of life in the moralist worldview if the society he listens to, the nerve center of his moral values, didn't allow that.

1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.

3. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later.

4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.

I don't know OP.
That's pretty eye opening.

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Ted an anprims prioritize nature before humanity.
Like land prioritizes machines and AI before humanity.
This goes against the dogma of representation and is against everything the modern political paradigm values "MORE WOMEN CEO'S, MORE BLACK HANDICAPPED TRANNIES PEOPLE ON TV YA'LL

But at the same time it rejects white humans too.

Nick land likes jungle music. Why? because it electronic music got rid of the human element.

What would the anprim equivalent be? field recordings.

same. I ran out of patience years ago. I'm fine with humanity going extinct. 1 person worth saving doesn't redeem the existence of a billion shrieking animals.

>half of them die horrible deaths to diseases you don’t understand (and understanding it with some sort of formal system would be against “the power process” so you’re not allowed to do it
>and understanding it with some sort of formal system would be against “the power process” so you’re not allowed to do it

We've actually moved beyond our fear of atheism at this point in humanity.
The time to believe in God again while practicing science is now.
These atheists screaming about God no existing are truly holding us back morally to the point where progress is now called "acclerationism".

Once again secularists are fucking us up back into a dark age.

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I don't even know what will happen in the next 10 years

Feels like things are decomposing while still somehow maintaining structural integrity

>Ted an anprims prioritize nature before humanity
Again, as I understand it (I'm not well read on this, but I know Linkola's and Kaczynski's general ideas), it's on a spectrum, and just because they largely prioritize nature (I don't know that TK even does this, I think he prioritizes human freedom even if he does care for nature) doesn't mean they don't establish a baseline ecological footprint that would be acceptable, to put it in some way.

Good on posting Tolkien, the Scouring of the Shire made an impact on me and is what made me discover TK.

The first baby boomer president didn't become president until the 90's (Bill Clinton).

Around the time we have our first Millennial president will be around the time that America balkanizes - hopefully peacefully.

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2 things are going to happen in the future. China is going to be forced to open up immggration or else fail (the ignored story being that china and east asia are in an even worse demographic death spiral than the west)
This is going to lead to everyone and everything moving east.

Second, russia is going to form the euroasian union made out of parts of old soviet satellite states, third world countries that hate america...and this one is a stretch, but the EU is going to have to chose its master in a post american world. Russia or america.

Then when all that happens russia is going to form an alliance with the risen china and basically the american eilite are retards who didnt realize jar jar russia was to key to all of this and they should have broken russia away from the east instead of antagonizing it

Neo china arrives from the future

>hopefully peacefully
no way

Sure buddy

I said hopefully.
America is going to balkanize either way.
Pray it happens peacefully.
If not, the 2nd American Civil War (or whatever you want to call the coming period of civil unrest) will be one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history with massive civilian casualties.

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>Never heard of him before
>loving his writings so far

>they have destabilized society
In what way?
>have made life unfulfilling
>have subjected human beings to indignities
No worse than ages past, and getting better every day.
>have led to widespread psychological suffering
See above.
>in the Third World to physical suffering as well
This is ironic coming from Ted if you think about it.
>have inflicted severe damage on the natural world
The only one that makes sense.

Not off to a good start, I'm afraid.

Feels good to live in an irrelevant far-off country (though we may get fucked for our resources in the future).

The answers are all in the manifesto. Read it first, before asking everyone to type out what's already written. Those 4 paragraphs are the introduction, and their claims are reinforced in the bod, but also in the subsequent book "Technological Slavey."

"Two competing, entirely legal self-propagating systems that have arisen in
the U.S. during the last few decades are the politically correct left and the
dogmatic right (not to be confused with the liberals and conservatives of
earlier times in America). This book is not the place to speculate about the outcome of the struggle between these two forces; suffice it to say that in
the long run their bitter conflict may do more to prevent the establishment
of a lastingly peaceful world order than all the bombs of Al Qaeda and all
the murders of the Mexican drug gangs."

-Kaczynski, "Anti-Tech Revolution" pp. 52-53.

the problem with pol tards is they think that everyone thinks the same way they do. Most people are docile cows and enjoy safety and comfort. If there is any violence, especially violence done out of nihilism, they will call upon the government to make you go away and take away civil liberties.

Like that idiot from new zeland

Western civilization is nearly over.
The great flood is coming, only this time the "flood" will wipe the genetic slate clean and DNA like yours and ours will be swiriling around the toilet for one final flush just as it should.

You want to know what the future looks like?
Imagine a boot crushing your face forever.

The problem fuckface is the reason why we will never effectively use this super is that we are all deranged retards and we deserve to be slaves.
We need to be slaves.
We need our mommy/daddy/nanny telling us what to do - always holding our hands and telling us to be quiet and sick dick harder.

Can you imagine the chaos that would result if everyone thought for themselves? Read the intro chapter of propaganda by Edward Berneys.
We make the most imporatnt decisions the same way make up our minds on the least important descions - by looking at cute logos, sexy advertisements and screaming news ancors.
You deserve to have all your teeth fall out. You deserve to be tagged like some zoo animal. to be welded shut inside a metal coffin and shot into space.

Anyway the point here is that the world is ending so you might as well go check out some cool movies and play some cool video games.
The world is on fire and no smells the smoke.
So go find a nice walnut hutch to put books for display and things in.
Find a nice vase thatr you like for your firlfriends apartment, even thoughs he never changes the cat's litter box becausee she is a leg spreading asual-dater, make sure the apartment is full of nice things even though you spends 45 minutes at a time tongue kissing her hairy slit.
Find a wicker chair you like and sit in it.
Imagine making $35 dollars a day and buying kitchy shit thinking your life is full.
None of this matters so I'm not fixing typos fuckl you.

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One person knows the earth is flat and wallows in his own misery along the shore like in untold generations past.
Another person realizes the earth is round, informs his tribe, and uses the newfound knowledge to develop new techniques of navigation and shipping, so that some day he will come and rape your undeveloped village into non-existence and cleanse your paternal lines from the face of the earth.

>To liberate humanity from their bodies, thus liberating them from capital and from prejudice.
You need capital to buy and maintain that body.

>Cant be racist if you are just a brain in a robot body.
My body is better than yours, my superior body from superior country, my brain is better than yours, my superior brain from superior genetic stock.

>liberating humanity from capital by escaping the planet earth.
The only realistic way to leave earth is through the search for capital. Capital furnishes an expedition in return for resources, creating new markets and so on.

It obviously hasn't yet been a disaster for the human race if you look at the demographics, and just as obviously will be when you look at the long-term trends. The problem is that there's no fixing ourselves, and we are going to drive ourselves over the cliff, like the brutal, trollish monkeys-with-nukes that we are.

You're complaining about a lack of empirical data while also making very heavy assumptions about what life in a non industrial society must be like.
It's a bit hypocritical and presents a false dilemma.
The whole point of what Kaczynski was trying to say is not that we should all just voluntarily be living in the stone age for no reason but that human civilization has simple grown too big too fast. And I do think that is undeniably the case and the industrial revolution is the obvious point in history where that began. It's like the point of an exponential graph at which the exponential growth begins.

>we are going to drive ourselves over the cliff
lol no we're not


true. but in times of great crisis and disruption, the rules change, and people throw off their passivity and learned helplessness. We may be entering a period where such disruption naturally occurs...in this case the world will be ripe for an anti-tech revolution.

Leftish type detected.

It's strange to me that Pinker, who seems like the polar opposite of Ted, really is the one who sells me on Kacznyski's thesis. Objectively industrial society has a better quality of life than pre-industrial society, on basically on metrics. But despite this it really does seem like there's almost universal malcontent and dissatisfaction occurring when we're living in what should be the peak of human existence.

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We should be living in peek human existence. Instead we are wage-slaving our whole lives to keep the rich afloat. I rather have my standards of living decline a bit for lower work hours. The only way of attaining what this is an anarchist or communist society.

If being a wagey is so bad, go Amish it up.

Kaczynski has a few good points but most of his manifesto is nonsense. /pol/tards who only skimmed through (or maybe never read it at all) only worship him for pwning libtards epic style, and never read the part where he dissed conservatives as well. Everyone else who worships him aren't even intelligent enough to understand Ted's ideas, let alone understand why they may be inaccurate.

Its kind of crazy when you realise just how precarious the global economy is, because so much of it relies on delicate supply chains. Cobalt is another great example, its used in lots of tech like autonomous cars, yet the vast majority of it comes from a very unstable region in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and there's no real big alternative sources. And as an added bonus, China basically controls the entire cobalt supply chain so could cut the rest of the world off whenever they want.

since you guys are so obsessed with intelligence, then how do you adress the fact that I have read a sizable portion of the canon, that I was tested at 150IQ and that out of all the authors I have read, Kaczynski is one of the most important? I would love for mediocre college students to give me their valuable opinion as to what makes something intelligible, well, not intelligent? Hahaha I love you plebs. Entertaining. Like a dog chasing its own tail.

>obsessed with intelligence
Heavy projection. You are the one obsessed with intelligence considering your entire post can be summarized to "guur ghhruu im inteligent i have 150 big brain points." You don't need intelligence to understand Kaczynski.

Anons on here treat Kaczynski the same way schoolgirls treat their favorite male pop star.
>uwu I wonder if Teddy would agree with me on the current state of world politics, uwu desu I bet he would agree with me

guaranteed replies nice job fisherman

boo hoo ted was right or wrong!!! I am offended by your remarks because I am either being ridiculed or find the ridicule personally injurious in some manner. Shame on you for saying things and having an opinion so rude. by the way, I went to Oxbridge Yarvard and my IQ is 225 or I have just come here to argue about the unabomber. Outdated meme goes here, in a pathetic bid for public support in the form of chuckles.

>start with the Greeks

>le /pol/ is boomer conservatives maymay
highly cringe and bluepilled

>empirical data
Ever heard of theory retard?

Humans exhale CO2, and are therefore responsible for CO2 emissions as long as they breathe.

I have very low expectations of Yea Forums users these days but I am still very disappointed in all of you for thinking for even a second that OP is anything but a troll. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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The world ends at least once or twice every year, faggot. We're going to be annihilated a lot of times till 2040.

Immanentize the eschaton, as it were?

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>having some chances of being saved is worse than having no chance
Dude, you are actually a waste of oxygen, fucking kill yourself.

Actual complete fucking moron, been a while since I read a post this dumb

Yeah. The longer things drag on, the more my hopes for a peaceful resolution vanish in smoke

>rubber can not be effectively synthesized

wrong, your argument falls apart


>from petroleum pyproducts
How is this any better?

Wrong, wrong, you're wrong. You didn't understand a fuck. He is not advocating for societies with no industrial property, but to live naturally as life is itself. Read again furfag.

helped americans win ww2

That certainly wasn't a good thing for my nation.

bad luck then, ahmed

Also, you ignored the fact how producing plastics, rubber, etc. from crude oils byproducts, doesn't fix the problem with global supply chains.
Now the one third of the rubber that was previously produced through rubber trees, must be produced elsewhere.
Market demands it.

This has peeked my interest. Reading TK now. What's with him referring to himself(s) as "we"

bit confusing.

Butthurt leftist drone detected.

>he thinks anglos are the only white people
Dirty anglo

What did he get wrong

If it's just a supply shortfall, the market will adapt. People will use twist ties instead of rubberbands. Your tires will cost a bit more. The world economy isn't going to crumble. In all likelihood rubber products will be cheaper in twenty years, as has repeatedly happened to doomsayers of this sort.

Ted is absolutely right with the logic of power process but nobody will dump technological civilization because we are all cowards and longed for this, for this death. Obviously, life outside civilization implies hardships and suffering; nobody is willingly to bear this anymore, so technology and civilization are being born. But these things are precisely the gist of existance, the primal motor of life. Self awareness was a mistake, a crime against nature. History, since the invention of agriculture, is nothing but will to die.

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>empirical data

go perform your surrogate function you walking infection

Leftists (not retarded liberals, but actual radicals like ancoms) are some of the only people who would willingly understand Uncle Ted, much more so than most "conservatives" that think all of this is a myth and corporations should be free to fuck anything they want
Ecofascism is the only ideology on the right I can imagine that gives a single fuck about any of the things Ted does