A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn

Why or why not should I read this? A friend lent me a copy and I need to know if it's going to be a waste of two weeks of my life or not.

Attached: peopleshistory.jpg (260x383, 21K)

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your life is a waste of time so read it if you want to or don't.

Happy Easter!

>A people's history
>doesn't specify which peoples history it is
Not even through the cover and it's already shit

nihilist faggot detected

I'm not a nihilist, I'm referring specifically to OP.

Memes aside this book is great, which means poltards will hate it

I'd recommend reading something less politically charged and modern in its values first.
a) because this will show the other side and give a fuller picture.
b) because it will give you a better idea of the narrative Zinn is rebelling against.
Then look into the stuff people wrote in response to it to see who you agree with.

It's a marxist interpretation of US history. Everyone's a victim except old whitey except the working class white when its convenient. Throw it in the trash. Zinn's a commie.

>Why or why not should I read this?
Books that set out to convince you of something are not a good source of unbiased and accurate knowledge about the world.

You're a smart fellow. You don't need someone else to tell you what to think. Get a book that is less ideological and more data/fact focused and make your own conclusions about what is working and what isn't.

If you really want US history, find a high school history text book from before 1980, say the period between 1960 and 1976.
Things have become so politically polarized since 1980 that everything has turned into subversive propaganda, spun into oblivion to serve hidden agendas.

It's superficial. If you want serious New Left historiography read William Appleman Williams


Better yet go back before the cold war, before idolization of Americas founders became mandatory, you'll get more woke

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>Things have become so politically polarized since 1980 that everything has turned into subversive propaganda, spun into oblivion to serve hidden agendas.
Not true, by the way.

>(((Howard Zinn)))

Yeah you should. Make sure to burn after reading and read lothrop stoddard instead.

Read it but keep in mind it’s extremely biased

I mean, if you want to understand US history, it's probably important to read books with all sorts of perspectives.

But I wouldn't make Zinn a first choice.

>Books are not a good source of unbiased and accurate knowledge about the world.

ftfy. But, then again, nothing is.

>Not true, by the way.
Absolutely true. The idea that Chinese railroad worker were as American as Mark Twain is an absurd and stupid delusion, yet it rests in almost all of our history textbooks.

Better to go for Cecil Chesterton, Claude Bowers, Grimshaw, and Rhodes


Try the Oxford's History of the United States series instead. It's way more comprehensive and more of an actual history and not a big argument piece disguised as a "history" like Zinn's shit.

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Not OP but I don't care about history so much to read 11 tomes about it. Isn't there a book that gives a quick overview of American history?

american history textbooks

Thank you so much for your helpful suggestion user, but which one?

The ones from Texas are the best.