What does Yea Forums think of Isabelle Stengers, Bruno Latour, and Ilya Prigogine?
What does Yea Forums think of Isabelle Stengers, Bruno Latour, and Ilya Prigogine?
there are not enough anons familiar with academic philosophy to give you a good answer. Latour is the real deal though
ive heard of latour never heard of the other two
Here on lit we think continental philosophy is le wacky postmodern anti-science, so these three can only be non-entities
they are not anti-science they are anti-scientific imperialism
exactly, hence that lit is not in the know
they should be since lit hates stemfag bugmen
This is the real answer, there's a reason the philosophers discussed most on this site are all memes you can learn about from a scroll through Wikipedia.
>the philosophers discussed most on this site are all memes
like who
To be frank, I didn't know who they are.
This isn't to say that I disapprove of them, or don't find them significant, only that they were unknown to me until now.
stengers is awesome and order out of chaos is also awesome
never read latour
These are the types of philosophers you read in a philosophy classroom, the non meme philosophers:
If you are reading Nietzsche or Kierkegaard you are unironically reading some legit meme level philosophy, at least academically speaking.
ive read kierk and nietzsche in my philosophy classes i don't know what you are talking about. the only one ive read off that list is butler and that was for an english class.
I’m interested in reading Latour
That list is definitely from an Anglo uni. When I mentioned meme philosophers I more meant like the types who get talked about on this board more as memes i.e. with a surface level understanding based on a skim of wikipedia than actual philosophers. For example, people posting passages about anuses and vaginas from Deleuze and making posts about becoming rhizomes rather than actually engaging with the philososphy in a more boring but interesting way in the manner you're forced to do with Latour et al. who aren't as amenable to derviving memes from a quick Wiki skim.
Try "Why Critique Has Run out of Steam" its pretty funny, highly relevant, easy to find, short, and gives you a basic introduction to the way he thinks.
yeah, you usually read memes in introductory philosophy classes. go look at the citations being done in academic philosophy right now and tell me how many people are using Kierkegaard. Zizek was actually one of the few philosophers to try and revitalize him in a modern academic sense.
>the types who get talked about on this board more as memes i.e. with a surface level understanding based on a skim of wikipedia than actual philosophers. For example, people posting passages about anuses and vaginas from Deleuze and making posts about becoming rhizomes rather than actually engaging with the philososphy in a more boring but interesting way in the manner you're forced to do with Latour et al. who aren't as amenable to derviving memes from a quick Wiki skim
oh, in that case the big memes are Nietzsche and Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard is used more in contemporary theology from my understanding, so he's not irrelevant, but agreed on Nietzsche.
Also contemporary academic philosophy is largely analytic which, to quote Augusto Del Noce, is the most barbaric form of thought ever invented. I wouldn't place too much stock in defining what is worthwhile or credible based on the standards of academic philosophy
Recommend reading for you Deleuzian/Whiteheadian anons
half those r*tards are infuenced by nietzshce u freak
Rorty maybe
dismissing nietzsche is the ultimate dunning-kruger.
>academic philosophy is suffering from the dunning-kruger effect
user, the truth is most academic philosophers don't find use in statements like "I am dynamite". Yes, he's a fun read, and yes, he was very influential to movements like existentialism and post-structuralism, but academic philosophy doesn't do much of either of those things anymore.
boring. you're too caught up with propriety and respectability. you realise that's nothing more than performance? i enjoy analytic philosophy, but it's not the be all end all.
Deleuzed and Whiteheadpilled
I think you're confusing me for the entirety of academia. I don't even enjoy analytic philosophy
personally I agree with Galloway's position on Latour
never read any of them, but I think they suck
cringe analytic autists
which is?
Anyone here read Cosmopolitics?
Haha what horseshit. Latour himself isn’t even studied in France outside of anthropology departments...
stengers is based but latour is a hack
based illiterate user; Latour isn't even on that list