Have a date tomorrow with my friend who is incredibly patrician, she loves Melville, Chaucer, Hawthorne...

Have a date tomorrow with my friend who is incredibly patrician, she loves Melville, Chaucer, Hawthorne, Goethe and KIerkegaard. Unfortunately she is also incredibly homophobic, so much that it is embarassing (she thinks a cabal of gays is pushing pedophilia and actually behind the scandals in the Catholic Church). Any books I could get to help her?

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Stop being such a faggot.

she clearly hasn't read melville

If she's good looking at all put a fucking ring on that thing!

My phone number

is she single and willing to date me?

I wouldn't try to change her if I were you.
Maybe tell her about Melville or Wilde ...

Your friend sounds awesome and you should marry her. Unless YOU are a faggot, of course.

quit it with this gay nonsense!

Attached: tve34091-19990110-1016.jpg (320x240, 51K)

imagine thinking whiny bigotry is a personality in 2019

If you won't marry her faggot, I will.

plato's symposium, lysis, charmides, phaedrus

actually if you use the word bigotry it means you are from reddit see for a list of words we're not allowed to use here anymore

behold, a butthurt faggot.

She loves Moby Dick and has memorized whole passages.

Ironic, I know

She is hot

ruroh raggy

>whiny bigotry

On the contrary, I am a practicing Catholic and this is what fuels my hatred of gay people. Sodomy is a sin particularly despised by God for the same reason masturbation and birth control are: it perverts the life-giving act of sex.

As opposed to dating a girl who thinks being a whiny liberal is a personality. I'll take the one who doesn't secretly resent us both for being white.

>calling people bigots on Yea Forums

post some pics of her or she doesn't exist.

she is literally too good for you

have sex or go back to /pol/

I () am only speaking from personal experience.


>(she thinks a cabal of gays is pushing pedophilia and actually behind the scandals in the Catholic Church). Any books I could get to help her?
They are. Look up the Lavender Mafia, or sometimes Velvet mafia. They pushed out the current true pope, Benedict, and installed the false pope Francis

Poor imbecile.

>she thinks a cabal of gays is pushing pedophilia and actually behind the scandals in the Catholic Church
this is unironically true though