Post an image

>post an image
>get a book recommendation based on that image

Attached: 58018154177 morris scott dollens Morris Scott Dollens.jpg (534x700, 80K)

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"Kaleidoscope" by Ray Bradbury

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the new testament

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The Island of the Day Before

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"The Stone Ship" by William Hope Hodgson

"Georgy Porgy" by Roald Dahl

"Survivor Type" by Stephen King

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Suicide by Your Near Future :)


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After Man - Dougal Dixon

The Silmarillion

Pale Fire

Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson


The Call of the Wild

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The obvious one is Revolutionary Suicide, but I'd recommend The First Civil Right by Naomi Murakawa


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Settlers by J Sakai

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Is that Adam K???

Something Wicked this Way comes, Bradbury

Not an image, but an album.
If you like doom/sludge metal you'll like it.

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The Great Replacement

Attached: caspar.jpg (3000x1800, 782K)

Little Women


Old Mortality

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The Old Curiosity Shop

Scaramouche, Sabatini

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neverending story. shoot sorry dunno just thought id take a crack at it

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Watership Down

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The Book of Proverbs

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Hard Rain Falling

What books take place in Edinburgh?
All I can think of is the Illusionist film

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Interesting. I got an audible credit so why not. Randomly chosen pic from my saved pics.

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I mean... I feel like you posted that knowing someone was gonna say Roots.

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Heart of Midlothian, Sir Walter Scott

Alan Quartermaine

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For a modern instance, Trainspotting- surprised (you) missed this. Also, I'm sure your gal Muriel Spark has a novel or two that.. wait a minute, clearly this is a false manifestation of the Psyche, the Pappilion, the Schmetterling....

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Haggard? Clearly an imposter.

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Hamlet's Mill

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Attached: bow lake.jpg (400x240, 12K)

Not so much the sci fi elements of it but more the emotions associated with it. Someone pls help me i watched this scene and cried for 10 minutes today I dont want to be like this anymore.

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The Golden Pot

Attached: 289758302.jpg (1920x1200, 334K)

I love the vibe. No rec tho.

>Grey Eminence: A Study in Religion and Politics

"[t]he best book on the intelligence operations of the French state" during the Thirty Years' War.[1]

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Attached: surreal whale.jpg (1400x875, 113K)

A Fan's Notes

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A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (yeah, I know it's a lake).

Lost Illusions

The Tunnel, Gass

The Charioteer, Renault

One of them GRR Martin books

Under the Skin, Faber

Celebrity magazines. Stop posting this Yea Forums material

The Stainless Steel Rat, Harrison

The Portable Nietzsche, Ed. Kaufmann


Thanks but I've read everything by Neitzsche maybe twice. I need art not philosophy.

Just surprised Trainspotting missed, and no Spark novel came to mind.. Imposterdom in truth doesn't bother me at all. I've been doing this (occasionally) at least as long as thy original.

>The Stainless Steel Rat, Harrison
>comic science fiction

This made me kek very hard for some reason

You don't want to be what way exactly? What are you identifying with in Luke's longing to get off his small planet?

So I can't be me since I know of Haggard? I've read some of him many years ago, but I had to return the book to the library.

It fit the picture. Fun schlock

>What are you identifying with im Luke's longing to get off his small planet.
Transitional anxiety at the cusp of cusp of real emancipation. The anxiety, fear, hope of something new something bigger about to happen. The feeling of knowing that whatever is happening to you now will forever change who you are but you just dont know in what way. The ending of something the beginning of something else. A period of in between. I dont know. I guess I'm not being so helpful.

Ok, Haggard's actually a pretty strong argument for a relative oldster because one only gets there these days either via Freud/Jung ('She' being among their favorite novels- and because it's good, one reads more) or as a Kipling fan (Kipling, Haggard, and Sabatini being late Victorian adventure novel bros)
But ('you') have read both Spark in general and Trainspotting, correct?

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Well? That rodentile creature could be perceived as an unearthly rabbit in a shamanistic hazey haze: Fiver.

No no, I get it. I'm trying to do it to myself right now. It's exhilarating. Much of my reading is directed towards this. (The Next Revolution, Bookchin?)

I haven't read Trainspotting. I came to Quartermaine by way of a odd faux biography of Doc Savage by a Philip Jose Farmer.

just very surreal shit in general

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I read Farmer (the whole Riverworld) when in bed from food poisoning for a week over 4th of July when a teen. Plausible because Farmer's the one who initially sparked.. my interest in Sir R. F. Burton.
Carry on.

The Dancing Dwarf, short story Murakami

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Anna Karenina

Fight Club
Pride and Prejudice or Mists of Avalon

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Rule 63 Thunderbolt Fantasy hentai doujins.

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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
Ready Player One
No Longer Human
The Dice Man
Gulliver's Travels
The Surrealist Manifesto
American Pastoral
House of Whispers from R. L. Stine's Fear Street Saga
Bestiary of your choice

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I came in this thread to see recommandations for OP's pic but there was none.

The International Jew by Henry Ford

Unabomber's Manifesto

Aside from one a few down from yours there was this
way up there

The color out of space, by Lovecraft

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Attached: 1920-22 The Rose Path, Giverny oil on canvas 89 x 100 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris.jpg (1335x1200, 648K)


seal never had a chance, it's all orcastrated

Oddly, even further up, is yet even ANOTHER Bradbury rec.

Attached: Alexey Kondakov.jpg (1200x944, 214K)

Wounded by Love, Elder Porphyrios

Oh! I get it now.

Always Coming Home
The Dispossessed

lmao is that angel playing the banjo

I agree with this.



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But is it Keats or Hoelderlin or some lesser piece of sci-fi relative rubbish?

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the fault in our stars

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The shunned house by Lovecraft

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>Fight club
I'm surprised someone responded Haha. Might as well.


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The Art of the Deal

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Someone needs to turn mulholland drive into a musical

based and bookpilled

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Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson


For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard

Invisible Monsters

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Nuklear Age

American Psycho

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Pls give me something

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No Sleepy Hollow please

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Flowers for Algernon

Moby Dick

The Yellow Wallpaper

The Elementals by Michael McDowell. Excellent book.

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Le premier homme

"The Loser" by Thomas Bernhard.

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the end of eternity

confessions of a mask

zen mind, beginner's mind


A book by Bukowsky

this thread is a good idea !

Monster Musume ! I'm not a weeb but it's a kind of funny

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The Dark Tower

Conan the cimmerian by Robert E Howard. Unless fan art many story of Conan is in a arab's Night world.

Also the second volume of Elric

Ada by Nabokov

The naked lunch


I've been having a long-term obsession with classic feudal england shit.
Something related to village life, the autumn harvest, enchanted forests, fairies, witches, a crow standing on a pumpkin with the moon as a background, maybe a knight or two.

Attached: frosty-harvest-moon-sharon-marcella-marston.jpg (900x720, 77K)

and yes I know pumpkins are not from england, it's just the best image I found

My little pony special halloween épisode

Moominpappa at Sea

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Please give me one

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By the Shores of Silver Lake

Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein

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Live Free or Die

*shits self at the live free or die reference.*
best first 2 books ever. worst 3rd book ever.

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some book for this feel please

Attached: fight.jpg (681x465, 139K)

my stomach hurts when i read those comments,
they're saying a 3 year old girl should be crucified raped and kiled because their ancesters from like 6 generations did something evil


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Marius the Epicurean, Pater

The Jaguar, Borges

Some DC comic

Some meets diary. Too lewd, user

I think you’re supposed to be masturbating to me :3

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electric acid kool aid test

Attached: soon.jpg (720x695, 70K)

le mushrome girl

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Is she kill? Did other girl is kill her?

I’m not the type to come on here and then instantly think those comments are real and entirely without irony, but if those are real whoooooo boy. That’s some disgusting shit. Racism isn’t white.

Maybe she just have her her cold

Unbelievably comfy image. Sauce?

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Repetition (Kierkegaard)

Journey to the Center of the Earth

dream quest of unknown kadath

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