>What if we drag a Simpson episode for like 800 pages dude
What if we drag a Simpson episode for like 800 pages dude
I'd forgotten shit eating was such a common theme in the simpsons
You already made that thread once, user. It wasn't very successful, the joke wore itself thin fast. And yet, here you are again. Did I tell you the definition of insanity?
simpsons is dope you're just a little bitch
Maybe he doesn't expect a different result. Maybe he expects the same result. Maybe he craves repeated failures. That's how he gets off. Don't judge him, user.
Fuck off
t. Dumb
formerly katje's
>read Ulysses in its entirety, but found it medicore and boring with exception of a couple chapters
>dropped Infinite Jest after 200 pages, terribly written drivel
What can I expect from Gravity's Rainbow? So far the meme trilogy is failing to impress me in any way.
wait 10 years and attempt to read it again
Maybe literature just isn't for you
I'm about six hundred pages into this.
Some parts are so compelling I can barely put it down.
And in other parts (entire segments spanning a few pages or sometimes more) I have almost no idea what the fuck is going on.
I do think it's great, though. The way he moves through the narrative with all these characters and induces a sense of paranoia/psychosis is dope.
I don't like Ulysses and haven't read IJ, but GR is one of my favourites. Pynchon is nothing like Joyce.
Not Even OP, but now I've decided to dedicate the rest of my day to shit posting on this thread just to keep it alive as a means to spite you
>Not Even OP,