>tfw you realise that Guenon and the Traditionalists are all just gnostics
Tfw you realise that Guenon and the Traditionalists are all just gnostics
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According to the most literal, etymological sense, yeah. They are quite different from the groups usually called gnostics.
>this is just that
In 1921, the great Thomist philosopher Jacques Maritain criticized Rene Guenon for participating in the rebirth of gnosis, the “mother of heresies”. Guenon responded, “It would make as much sense to speak of Catholicism as the father of Protestantism. In fact, you are simply confusing gnosis with Gnosticism.”
“If you take the word ‘gnosis’ in its true sense, that of pure knowledge, as I always do when I happen to use it … Gnosis so understood — and I refuse to understand it otherwise — cannot be called the mother of heresies. That would be the same as saying that the truth is the mother of errors.”
To be clear, by ‘gnosis’ or ‘wisdom’ as Evola usually called it, Guenon is referring to a state of being, not to a science or a set of doctrines to learn. At that point in his career, Guenon was involved in studying eastern doctrines on the one hand, and Christian symbolism on the other.
On May 25, 1925, Guenon participated in a round table discussion that included Maritain, where Guenon defended Hindu metaphysics. Guenon denied that it was either pantheist or idealist, contrary to academic consensus. Rather, it is connected more closely to the Aristotelian tradition, including the scholastic philosophy of the Middle Ages as exemplified by Thomas Aquinas.
I prefer the EMJ's way and call it LOGOS.
Smokescreen response from Guenon
>tfwyr Guenon and Land have microcephaly
Explains everything
has he ever pronounced anything on the traditionalist school, btw?
guenon was a big brain mathematician-philosopher combo. i know he would have abjured the term "philosopher" but since scholastic philosophy and vedanta are commonly considered philosophy im sticking with that label
I think so, but I've never particularly seen it.
He's not wrong though that Advaita is neither idealism nor pantheism or that Advaita and Vedanta generally has many similarities to Aquinas and scholasticism
It's been years and I still don't know what traditionalism even is
It is a confusing label. What is commonly understood as "The Traditionalist School" were in reality people who were writers in Perennial philosophy en.wikipedia.org
To crudely put it .
That is why many /pol/ bots and other literal low IQ retard, who are interested in traditionalism, in a sense of adhering to the past, clinging to the empty ritualism of their ancestors, and even perhaps trying to revive some "traditions" of their ancestors: this is what is traditionalism that is native to /pol/ and all of the "Black Sun" frogposters.
Guénon, for example, was strictly against for some sort of sentimental attachion towards some mythical Past which comes with feelings like nostalgia and longing (not saying one cannot healthily feel this feeling though to some degree)
Varg Vikernes is a traditionalist, in a sense that he practices pseudo-religion, pseudo-tradition and most of the time: talks out of his ass. Vikernes is a good caricature of the Traditionalist School itself: he is exactly something that a quick glance the common man would think of as "traditionalist"; but he is exactly what Guénon would label as being part of the counter-tradition or antitradition. Pagan larper of sorts.
>Guénon, for example, was strictly against for some sort of sentimental attachion towards some mythical Past which comes with feelings like nostalgia and longing (not saying one cannot healthily feel this feeling though to some degree)
He still did parts of it himself, however. Although i like Guenon more than Evola, i think Evola went much further in tearing down the things to which we shouldn't cling anymore, eventually drawing the conclusion that every modern religion has to be destroyed.
>mfw philosophers complain about myopic and reductive tendencies from STEMtards
>mfw philosophers then brag about their IQ's
Traditionalism with a capital T is very different from the other use of the word. The Traditionalist School deals with comparative religious study, which often overlaps with political and societal study, to determine what is common or "perennial" between multiple cultures and religions that have been historically isolated from one another in an effort to find a primordial truth or "meta-truth".
That's the simplest way of putting it.
I think you're getting a bit worked up over /pol/ user
But its true that 99% of the posters there dont even understand the difference between their "trad" memes and Traditionalism in the way Evola and Guenon mean it. Part of the reason I left that place in 2016 was due to the pseud culture on that board, people forming their entire world views off edgy memes and poorly sourced infographics (the other reason being boomers and lolbertarian retards invading the board).
The "traditionalism" that gets talked about on /pol/ is just concerned with 1950's Nuclear Family tropes. Which of course has literally nothing to do with Traditionalist thought. People like Varg aren't traditionalists at all, he's a neo-Pagan, he's trying to revive a dead belief that has severed ties, that goes against the Traditionalist School which preaches perennial unbroken traditions (like Christianity or Islam).
Out of all the Pagan LARPers I think Tom (Survive the Jive) is the most sensible. He understands that he isn't a true Traditionalist but he does his best to incorporate his ideas with that of the Traditionalist School.
dude looks like a brainlet wojak
why is his head so flat
>i think Evola went much further in tearing down the things to which we shouldn't cling anymore, eventually drawing the conclusion that every modern religion has to be destroyed.
>downloading that shitty image twice
lmao fag
>every mordern religion has to be destroyed
Thats wrong though.
Evola literally said it like that
IQ is a description of intellectual capacities. Intelligence can't be reduced to IQ, but that doesn't mean I can't refer to it when describing the intelligence of someone, any more than if I say that wall is white it means there is nothing there but whiteness itself, no bricks, no objects, just whiteness. Nothing reductive in that post.
Why do you do this? You know nothing will come out of this don't you?
Anyone read this book? Is it any good?
figured I'd ask here instead of making a new thread. Seemed like a good enough place to ask
Every time I read Guenon all I can think to myself is:
>This dude is the most boring dude of all time
all philosophy/theology is like its up to you to apply yourself to appreciate what is being said and interpret it in a way that isent "boring"
I unironically think I have some sort of proto schizophrenia some reading so much Guenon and the other esoterists without having the proper exoteric backing. I feel a constant sense of tiredness and never feel as if my body or any of its actions are of any true reality. I get these weird mental images that arise in my mind just before I go to sleep where I see these little alien golems and a few months ago when I was praying more, I saw Jesus next to me. He was blue. I felt like that was somewhat real though, as bizarre as it sounds to admit.
we're all gonna make it bro
jk some are going to die like dogs, but probably not u
Unbroken traditions don't refer to what you think they do, it refers to the spirit of religiosity. Humanism or whatever pseudo-Darwinist scientism is the religion of modernity won't become an unbroken tradition even if it continues for millennia as it does not have a perennial basis.
If you mention /pol/ it outs you are a pseud user. /pol/ is irrelevant and have been for years. Stop seething over some anti-intellectual menace, or worse, trying to signal to other pseuds that you are the antithesis of /pol/
You can't be a traditionalist of you wank Guenon, all Guenon fags are just wannabe intellectuals who read him as a novelty. Contemplation only supersedes action when the contemplation isn't a brainlet reprobate. Just get over the stigma and read Evola.
Literally not at all lol. Like other anons have said Gnosticism does not equal gnosis.
That which is acquired with action is subject to the temporal plane of manifestation, and thus, can be lost due to its temporal quality. It is for this reason that salvation can be gained or lost when the metaphysical concept is analogically transposed into theological language. On the other hand, gnosis acquired during contemplation (not referring to Gnosticism) implies a break through beyond the temporal plane that necessitates the loss of the individual, and thus the individual, condition. Action can never be seen as an end in of itself and truly has never been seen as such in traditional societies. Evola did nothing but corrupt Guenon's work and try and turn it into a Nietzsche power fantasy.
there is something about guenon that is a snoozefest.
Good post
it takes him an incredibly long time to say anything and he keeps getting sidetracked to explain how his contemporaries don't understand anything
>I saw Jesus next to me. He was blue.
That was Vishnu, you dolt!
I bet it's all of the run on sentences with semicolons.
Traditionalists are the most retarded form of Gnostics because they will defend their Catholicism Orthodoxy simply because it is "tradition" and not manifestly that which eliminated the actual tradition of the Gnosis
First of all they aren't gnostics for reasons already in this thread. Second of all, the majority of traditionalists are against Christianity, for better or worse, so they don't use it to defend Catholicism. Thirdly, tradition can never be eliminated, it can only be obfuscated and reduced to the knowledge of a smaller few. There is still tradition in the west but it is virtually nonexistent at least in daily life. Finally, Eastern Orthodoxy did not eliminate the tradition of gnosis and it is still very much present in their monastic initiation and spiritual practices.
Then why does Schuon go out of his way to slander people like Valentinus who were doing Vedanta millennia before these snobs? Apparently Gnosis is only acceptable when they take the form of vague proscriptive ramblings?
how can the majority of traditionalists be against christianity if guenon himself said christianity was a true tradition and the return to catholicism was one of the things that could save europe? he wrote one book on the esoterism of christianity and another on dante's esoterism. he was also taught in seminars. rama coomaraswamy himself was a catholic who became a sedevacantist. jean hani is another catholic who was influenced by guénon.
it's almost as if people who read the traditionalists are inclined to be against christianity
I like his style :)
sounds like he'd fit right in on Yea Forums
With all due respect, gre is piece of garbage test.
Probably not they were all heathens
Rly make me think
He's just taking after the Indian thinkers he likes like Śaṅkarācārya who in his commentaries in addition to establishing the correct tradition of scriptural exegesis also takes the time to refute Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimansa, Samkhya, Buddhists, Jains etc all in the same text.
You're not "proto-schizophrenic" (this world is actually schizophrenic, but thats for another thread), you just have access to your subconscious (the spirit realm) in a way that most people don't.
The sense of tiredness and unreality is a mental defence mechanism for being unable to cope with the reality around you (spoiler: it's kind of a shithole.) Don't let that get you down though, by engaging in spiritual practices and structuring your life around developing insight, you can learn to identify these things that are subconsciously bothering you and let go of them. The tiredness / unreality will dissipate as a result too. Also, life will feel better and more peaceful.
You're on your way.
It's shooped dummy. Here;s what he actually looks like