ITT: Share your most contrarian literary opinions
ITT: Share your most contrarian literary opinions
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Dante is better than Shakespeare.
harry potter is better than lotr
Butterfly's not all that bad
Othello is the worst Shakespeare play.
The shop was better off when Chuck owned it.
The main character is--I'm going to say it--a NI-
Is he, though?
Im against poetry
Niggers and women shouldn't be allowed to publish books. Niggers belong in the cottonfield and women in the kitchen.
Im against art, poetry, philosophy, literature, science, and all sorts of human expression through the use of language. Im against the use of words. Im against conscious tought. Im against grammar. Im against being. Im against expressing yourself using metaphorical or literary language. Im against expressing yourself using direct and utilitarian language. Im against not expressing yourself. Im against thr use of any comunication via any device or means. Im against typing. Im against any form of media. Im against any form of human contact. Im against any form of separation between humans.
In my ideal world, humans would not be. Humans would never speak through language. Humans would never walk the face of society or the floor of my mind. Humans would only not be. Humans would always express not only themselves but eachother at all times.
You should all go back to reading something.
Maybe you should read into your own body and throuh the use of surgical instruments and techniques investigate the diferent curvatures shapes and sounds of your body. Maybe you should rest your head on a small piece of paper taped to a wall and ponder about the texture and shape of your innards
Jordan B Peterson has a big disgusting dick with wrinkles and little hairs throughout the body of the dick. Jordan B Peterson has a big, thin, smelly, non funcioning penis and it just hangs there and flops from side to side. Jordan B. Peterson has the biggest most vile, disgusting, unbeareble genitals I have ever wotnessed in my entire life.
Yet you swallowed it whole, you colossal slut.
Jordan B. Peterson has the longest, most pungent, thin, impotent COCK. Jordan B. Peterson, if you are reading this message you have the most disgraceful, immoral, degenerated genitalia I have ever seen.
Jordan Bernt Peterson. This is NOT a meme. Jordan B. Peterson, if you are reading this message right now PLEASE hygenize your penis. PLEASE wash your genitalia with water and soap. Jordan B. Peterson this is my only wish and hope for you.
Jordan Bernt Peterson. Wash your cock NOW!
Wash your cock NOW!
Wash your cock NOW!
Jordan B. Peterson please listen to my desperate desire. Wash your penis.
The germans did everything better. This is coming from a francophile.
the meme trilogy is actually good. mildly overrated, but worthy of being remembered
a vast majority of works considered "philosophy" by academia should be considered self-help, theology, or new age works instead.
>le revisionism
>le revisionism bad
not him but kys
Infinite Jest especially. It's genuinely fucking great.
what does revisionism have to do with anything? ontology and epistemology are fundamentally different from concepts like existentialism and stoicism.
>le revisionism good
commit suicide immediately
Have done. Not in that order though.
One of these days, one of these days Alice
but existentialism and stoicism are literally self-help programs. when the language started being used isn't really relevant to anything I'm saying. these self-help ideologies have nothing to do with the isolation and definition of truth and knowledge. the fact that they are considered in the same field as ontology and epistemology while new age mysticism self-help books aren't is comedy.
>applying modern labels like "self-help" to old philosophical stuff is not revisionist
Pynchon is a bad writer.
Jordan Bernt Peterson's genitalia has a smell that can only be described as ...violence. Like the smell of hopelessness, sadness. Its smell is putrid and offensive. Violence. Visceral, sad, violence. Plague. Not death, but the abscence of life. Non existence. Sterility. The smell just radiates in waves starting at his urethra and propagating through air.
Jordan B. Peterson, please listen to my helpless, desperate pledge. If you are currently reading this message, hygenize your long, thin, impotent putrid penis right now.
but existentialism and stoicism are literally self-help programs. when the language started being used isn't really relevant to anything I'm saying. these self-help ideologies have nothing to do with the isolation and definition of truth and knowledge. the fact that they are considered in the same field as ontology and epistemology while new age mysticism self-help books aren't is comedy.
Are you fucking retarded, Are you user fucking joking, user wait user please
Maybe you should fuck off instead of shitting up the board by continually drawing attention to yourself.
North american literature generally just sucks, and English is a poor, ugly language.
stfu revisionist scum, you will never succeed and ruin the canon. VADE RETRO SATANA.
>Niggers belong in the cottonfield
This is how you get surrounded by niggers. Niggers belong in Africa. Slavery was a mistake.
>North american literature
You mean American literature?
I mean literature in English written in the United States of America.
So American literature, then:
Because "North America" includes Canada and Mexico.
Grammatically proper text allows fewer permutations and, though the naysayers may bleat, naturally lends to a more interesting style.
>le revisionism necessarily good or bad, full stop
kys please thanks
mein kampf is an entertaining read
Pretty good
It's called The Americas in English, bro.
>NA and SA are the same continent
Are you looking to get raped?
What the hell is going on with Mexico in this map?
Ross and Rachel weren't on a break
Homer was a woman, or at the very least a male eromenos
>Baja Texas
seems like it's smaller and more on the southern side
>asking questions about the nature and purpose of man’s existence has nothing to do with understanding the nature and meaning of man’s existence
This is you. This is how you sound. Head back into ontology buddy, I don’t think you’re done yet.
It has been pointed out before, but I think it is always worth pointing out: you are a slave to attention.
There's two different God's, one is all too human the other is unknowable and unthinkable
I'm the greatest literary mind of the century
Good post. Sorry I had to tell you this way.
The preaching of philosophy throughout history has been bad.
Why don't you post anonymously like everyone else here? Or else just go to reddit and get the attention you obviously crave. Nearly everyone else is here because of the system that anonymity favours. People like you just disrupt that
Anglo hegemony in the 20th century ruined literature
99% of fiction is shit, fiction is shit
The only books worth reading are holy
Artistic expression should be censored.
Nabokov's endlessly masturbatory writing is shit
unironically good post
The Bible is overrated as fuck and a meme. Written by faggots who probably couldn't get their dicks to work.
The Qu'ran is superior in everyway, especially when we consider reading it in Arabic.
Unironically based and redpilled.
Language is the virus that infected primates and gave birth to civilisation. We are not the hardware we are the software and we should delete the sys32 folder in our own minds ASAP.
I am currently reading Norman Mailer’s The Fight and it’s boring as fuck so far
>tfw no diversity no slavery
>tfw no diversity no civil war
>tfw no diversity no jim crow laws
>tfw no diversity no inequality
makes you go hmmm
makes sense
>The search for the good life isn't philosophy
Most of the western canon is so poorly written and boring as to be unreadable. Most modern works are too, but there are thousands(millions?) of times more publications per year so there are more great 21st century works than the whole rest of the canon just by weight of numbers.
but that's ontology. lifestyle recommendations such as existentialism and stoicism have nothing to do with this.
"searching for the good life" is self-help and has nothing to do with ontology and epistemology.
Fine, if you insist on making that distinction. Then ontology and epistemology have nothing to do with philosophy.
>tl;dr the Greeks
moor (arab)
Why don’t you fill out the name field like every good Yea Forums poster ever? Why not go back to your Yea Forums board where you can get the attention you crave? You people are the cancer that kills boards.
Can you imagine if somebody said this without being fluent in Italian. God damn that would be funny.
Do you even like literature?
I casually happen to speak every major Romance tongue.
the greeks mixed ontology and epistemology with self-help which is what caused them to all be considered the same field in the first place. that's literally the source of the problem.
I'm fine with ontology and epistemology having nothing to do with philosophy if philosophy becomes synonymous for "self-help" and ontology and epistemology are excluded from it. my complaint is that these things are considered to be in the same field for no good reason. it's archaic.
I know right? I like several 19th century works. And Divine Comedy was surprisingly good. Maybe I just have too high of expectations.
Good thing it's not up to you! Although you are right it is literally archaic. But living the good life is the most important question of, well, anything. What else could be the love of wisdom?
So what would you name your new field? Masturbatory endless-language games (for arses)? Me-lag (behind) for short.
You can't try to answer questions like "What is being?" without understanding the content of "Being" – without trying to access to the nature of human experience. Existentialism and stoicism each has a set of assumptions about the nature of being; and a set "self-help" ideology, if you like, in response to those assumed conditions. But dismissing these philosophies as self-help with no other content ignores the most important half of the ideology: each philosophy's assumption about the nature of being.
If you want to dismiss stoicism as merely self-help in the face of ontological questions, you're going to have to go through its assumptions. You can't go around them without ignoring an essential attribute of Being.
i think hegel could have been worse
now thats what i call contrarian
>like every good Yea Forums poster ever
nah kys nobody gives a fuck about your identity and even if good Yea Forums posters were to use tripcodes you wouldn't be included in that category anyway because your posts are fucking garbage
I don't feel this is contrarian, only simple fact, but Fahrenheit 451 is a dreadful book which tells, not shows, of the intellectual pleasures in literature.
Did you express this exact same thought in a thread on /trash/ (or maybe it was /d/?) weeks or months ago?
I remember getting linked to something very similar to this back then and thinking you were completely fucking insane, if it was you.
Plus stoicism was very much about logic and metaphysics.
I wish people read more Kafka here, specifically his very short stuff and The Castle. I feel like no one on Yea Forums reads beyond The Metamorphosis and The Trial.
The ideal fantasy story has no more worldbuilding than a fairy tale. Tolkein's setting, while excellently crafted and definitely well conceived, was a mistake because now people want to follow in what they think are his footsteps and build a setting and put a story in it rather than tell a story with a world shaped to tell it best.
Not even Iago would believe that, though he would fear and loathe Shakespeare for exposing him with such splendidly uncensored ruthlessness.
tips Pushkin, Dumas, and Woolf
To put Tolstoy on the same level as Dostoeivsky is a fucking disgrace and a very subjective appreciation to a writer who is third in Russia, being second Pushkin.
Yeats is the greatest poet of all time
Say this to my face not online see what happens faggot
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth
>he thinks I’m an actual butterfly
You don’t know me, dork.
el oel
Any work written by an author that believed in free will and justice is inherently inferior to those that weren't
That painting is great user, thanks for sharing even if we disagree on what you said
I prefer reading ebooks simply because I can read one page at a time, with real books, I have to read 2.
Weren’t what? Don’t keep me in suspense
My friend asked me if I had read "All Quiet on the Western Front" and I said yes, even though I hadn't. He began to ask me questions about it as if he didn't believe me. I didn't really make any attempts to answer them. He then asked me if I ever knew someone to lie about reading a book. I said no, I don't know why they would do that. We both had a good laugh. I went out to the store the next day and bought a copy and read it.
That’s no way to speak about your daddy’s penis!
The sophists were based as fuck man
Effettivamente sarebbe esilarante
Janny a shit
the opinion everyone except the true lover of knowledge holds without knowing it
How so, what did they say/do?
i think hegel could have been better
Genre fiction done well is far superior to literary fiction done bad.
gay still means what it did 100 years ago
Wittgenstein is maybe the most overrated philosopher of the 20th century (aside from more obvious nitwits like Russell and Sarte). Any contributions Wittgenstein made in his Investigations are done better/more generally by Derrida.
I think Stephen King is overrated. I also think that a great deal of what the general public reads is not very good. I guess that's why I've ended up here, haha!
Not even controversial. Anyone with half a brain would come to this conclusion.
Peterson, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Pee-ter-son: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps to tap, at three, on the teeth. Pee. Ter. Son. He was Jo, plain Jo, in the morning, standing five foot eleven and three quarters in one sock. He was Bucko in slacks. He was Jordan at school. He was Professor on the dotted line. But in my arms He was always Peterson. Did he have a precursor? He did, indeed He did. In point of fact, there might have been no Peterson at all had you not loved, one summer, an initial Jungian youtube star. On a lobster farm by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Peterson was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a Patreon donor for a fancy prose style.
It looks like Wittgenstein
If this is new this needs to become a pasta
very based
Nabokov was an insufferable narcissist who's massively overrated. He hated any writer who wrote better than he did. Most of his novels are tedious masturbation sessions, except Ada, Lolita, and Pale Fire. None of his criticism is worth reading.
this is poetic
I am also against poetry
I like to read.
young adult stuff is fun
Julius Caesar is the best of Shakespeare's plays
I'm not sure if you got this from that one chapter in as I lay dying but damn this is like the same speech just shorter.
i dont give a fuck about anything you idiots talk about