who was right?
Who was right?
Read the Doctrine of Cycles by Borges. And then make up your mind
Schopenhauer comes closer to actually doing philosophy. Nietzsche just tries to inculcate an attitude.
>Nietzsche just tries to inculcate an attitude.
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums.
So you want to say nietzsche did something other than "Hurr Durr feels over reals and god dead". I don't think he ever mentioned outside than that
i think schopie beats him by a bit. Nietzsche may have directly influenced alot of people the indirect influence if schopenhaur is literally everywhere and undeniable.
deleuze projected his own political leanings too much onto his philosophy tho
The problem with Nietzsche isn’t truth it’s defensiveness. He’s so obviously coping, we can’t expect a philosophy born of repression to be so healthy.
Christian-based and knightpilled.
Will to Power is better than Will to Nothing by a long shot, kiddo.
nice spooks you have here
>all is permitted, nothing is worthwhile
nice nihilism you got there
They were both mostly right.
Schopenhauer is reality. Nietzsche is fiction. Both are useful and help us cope with life.
Camus addressed both of them in Myth of the Sysiphos, read it, make up your mind
And yes, he also talks about Kirke
Someone give a list of things they think they’re right and wrong about.
The least interesting idea of his. But I like Borges, so thanks anyway
>le 9gag has arrived
Shit tier post
think so matey
nietzsche was the good guy/hero
schoepenhaur was the villain
The old lady that Schopy shoved down the stairs. What a based old bitch.
Hegel btw.
Schopenhauer. Like Wotan in Wagner's ring, we should accept our fate and wait for the end.
Choose your path.
nietzsche was right about morality. schopenhauer was right about basically everything else.
Why is Nee-cha more famous than Schopenhauer? I don't like and I don't watch American cartoons in general, but I think it's a good thing that Rick & Morty helped to bring attention to him and his philosophy.
I've never actually watched that show. Did they mention him by name?
He was saying God as a concept is dead
Schopenhauer wanted to mercy-kill existence. Nietzsche just wanted to be comfy and make abstruse philology jokes, but Schopenhauer's ghost wouldn't let him, so he started doing philosophy. I don't think you can say either one is categorically "right." I'm not going to have kids because I can't handle directly inflicting suffering, but I've lived a "tremendous moment."
I have never read Schopenhauer and only like half a Nietzsche book so I guess Nietzsche is right
>I have never read Schopenhauer...so I guess Nietzsche is right.
Yea Forums in a sentence
Deleuze didn't actually write anything intelligible.
Take Schopenhauer’s epistemology/metaphysics/aesthetics and add Nietzsche’s ethics and you have the truth of the universe.
Nietzsche. Like Siegfried in Wagner's ring, we should boldly assert our power, slay the dragon, get the girl, and create a new world order.
>slay the dragon
log off petersucker
>but I think it's a good thing that Rick & Morty helped to bring attention to him and his philosophy.
i think the french academia (post-war) were the ones that popularized him
>Nice spooks you have there
Nice spooks you have there