ITT: times pseuds got exposed

ITT: times pseuds got exposed

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JP was about to cry. I think Zizek felt bad for him

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Is it worth to listen/watch through?

Not in a sense I am looking for some intellectual stimulation: I just wanna make a bowl of popcorn and watch this wash-your-penis pseud absolutely get destroyed

he got destroyed but sam fucking harris what did you expect?

Have sex

If watching two pseuds argue about nonsense them I guess you're in for a treat

He called Peterson an idiot that should read more to his face kek

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>one year ago
>Jordy: Yeah debate me if you want bitch. Say the time and we'll arrange it.
>Zizek: Maybe idk chill m8
>Zizek: Okay, April 2019.
>Jordy: You're dead coke boy.
>one year passes, the lobster prepares one day before by watching Zizek on YouTube
>can't argue for shit
>the consensus is that he lost
Whats the moral here?

to be fair he hadn't slept in weeks when he showed up to that harris debate because of that darn apple cider

>apple cider
Oh man, I had forgotten this meme already.

this made me sympathize with beberson considering how much of a procrastinating retard i am

He had the opening statement. Why would you admit the only Marxist text you read was the Communist Manifesto, and then base your whole opening argument on it?

peterson lost but he ended up winning anyway because this really humanized him. zizek once said about Trump,
>[...] because, they totally missed how identification works. We, as a rule, identify precisely with others' weaknesses. So, the more Trump's imitation were mocked, the more ordinary people identified with him and perceived attacks on him as condescending attacks on themselves. The subliminal message to ordinary people of Trump's vulgarities was: "I am really one of you", while, ordinary Trump supporters felt constantly humiliated by the liberal elites' patronizing attitude towards them.
This is what's happening here but with JBP.

Make good decisions and maybe you'll have a better life.

Don't be a psued who only watches YouTube videos

Something about humility

You forgot the part where he challenged him to a debate by shitposting at some Zizek fan account on twitter.

watching it rn, peterson is getting absolutely fucking destroyed

lmao fucking based

peterson makes me even more ashamed of being a canadian than i already am

Mediocre minds are unable to understand Peterson's arguments which are multilayered and complex 'Real philosophy comes from applying critical thinking to complex real-world problems and attempting to find tailored solutions, not from reading philosophy lectures and ebooks on the internet and mindlessly applying those ideas to irrelevant problems. Because their brains are compartmentalized and are able to think only in terms of black and white, whatever argument Peterson makes is several orders of magnitude above what their brain can comprehend and is able to process. So the only thing they can think of doing is attacking him or trying to find flaws in his arguments when very little exists. Try to reason with him one on one and show me that you can win against him logically. Only then you'll have my respect.

this but unironically

>Mediocre minds are unable to understand Peterson's arguments which are multilayered and complex
Well, in a debate, they shouldn't be. Conciseness is preferred over vagueness.
> Try to reason with him one on one and show me that you can win against him logically. Only then you'll have my respect.
No need to. Zizek did just fine. And I agree with most of what Jordy ways, anyway.

fucking kek

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand Jordan "Lobster Master" Peterson.

understand your opponent better than the memes you hear on the internet

He is absolutely slaughtered fifty times over.

Nah, he actually said it in a roundabout way like "Do not yake this the wrong way! I am NOT saying this."

i’m pickle pete

you forgot to mention that in all that time he was still telling everybody that "le marxists don't want to debate me. they're afraid" when he fucking dodged a debate with dugin and richard wolff. this is just fucking laughable. then after all that time he goes to zizek to get wrecked lol. He did it just for the money, desu

Both came off pretty retarded 2bh.

Peterson thought the debate was communism vs. capitalism and Zizek saw it as Marxism/ Marx thought vs. capitalism


It's fun.

Not really.

A based philosopher will never be popular.
That's because, in order to understand the truth, you need to frame your thinking with science, philosophy, logic, and mathematics.
And the average person does not have that kind of discipline.

In order to be a popular thinker, you need to preach topics that mediocre people already know.
Things like happiness, religion, capitalism, depression, communism, freedom, and other stuff a 16-year-old can relate.
This is why Nietzsche is popular. His philosophy is easy to understand for the normies.

Peterson understands that. I'm pretty sure he's an intelligent and well-researched guy.
But in order to entertain the minds of the masses, he needs to focus on topics that normies can relate.
The problem is, this can lower a preacher's IQ by doing it for a long period of time.

Based.Cartesianism is the final destination.

That anglos should stay away from philosophy

Continental philosophy is too powerful man