>Beginner fantasy writter

>Make fantasy map
>Destroy map
>Make fantasy map
>Destroy map
>Start borrowing character names from historical figures and slightly changing them or from a name generator online
>Page, Document remains blank with no story
>Start writing story, turn out to be cringe
>Give up and kills himself or becomes a Mcdonalds worker instead

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Just make a better map. Also just write your own language for names. Don't be lazy.

A map is not a story. A name is not a character. Neither is a good place to start.

First of all, think of what your story will explore in terms of themes, values, issues, etc.
Initially it can be as generic as "about love" or "about existential dread" but after having compiled this list (which can be even 1 word long), you ahve to start thinking of what that concept means for you and how does it relate to the real world. Does love mean giving your life for another? Is love something society resists or relies on? Is existential dread just the realization of the futility of life? Does it impact the day to day life of people and in what way?

After this preliminary work, you can start thinking of your fantasy world: You can build a basic storyline from your analysis of the concept (example: what is love for me->two meet, conflict based on concept of love happens, conflict resolution) and build a world around that thread that reinforces or contrasts the themes you identified (you want to explore the idea of sacrifice in love, so you start building a world where sacrifice of the self is common and no more important than going to work. The world fights against the idea of love and so you can explore how your characters will behave when their affection loses the meaning it should have).

Only now you can start giving names and shape to your world and characters. Because now you know how and why they exist.

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One of the best fantasy stories I read was about a suit that went out on the night, killed a man, shagged some dresses and then drowned himself, No "map", no "name". Stop watching anime

Don't bother making a map for good unless you have an understanding of plate tectonics, geology and climate. Even the untrained eye will notice the cliches and inconsistencies you will have put into it otherwise.

Try not writing in some faggot genre like fantasy then

Not true in the slightest. Please stop with this meme.

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Half of these are criticising it for cliches based off the real world which is dumb because it is a real world map.

the vast wilderness has river and lake systems. The retarded inland sea can be readily explained by the giant ice cap that there was there quite recently. Mighty empires form around geographic features and not the reverse unless they're China and their whole history is gang rape from the steppes, even then the modern PRC is pretty boxxed in by steppe, desert and mountain range compared to, say, a significant country on the North European plain. Fucked up Mediterranean landforms are the result Africa working its way north over millions of years. All in all, shut up faggot.

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thats the joke

>not naming your charachters from a Jojo generator so your protagonist’s name is Magician’s Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

it wasn't funny

Just play dwarf fortress instead

There was this user who had made like 30 times bigger world than our planet he had like 16 billion people generated there



>toby made all the modded limbs named "penis" or "bagina" make the game explode
>horrific violence is somehow okay though, even to children

why are Americans so scared of sex?

what an absolute legend

>Destroy map
Should have stopped there tbph

Isn't that shit full of rockers' names?

this, just pick random album/song titles

So this is what genre fiction does to people. Pathetic.

you draw the map after you finish the story so you are not limititted by the original idea of the map which will change in the course of writing