Lone wanderers traversing hellscapes

Any books with pic related's aesthetics?

I've looked everywhere for a good film that resembles Beksinski's work but found nothing

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house of leaves for a big chunk of it kinda

Blood Meridian

actually now that i looked up beksinski yes definitely house of leaves

To some degree lovecraft, barker and ligotti all are similar to polish /x/ painter guys paintings. Barker probably the most viscerally so followed by stories where lovecraft gets worked up over alien architecture and ligotti has the general mood.

The Night Land by William H. Hodgson.

The Gunslinger by Stephen King

what would you recommend I start if I were to pick up Barker and Ligotti? I've got a colelction of lovecraft already

the short story I wrote in 7th grade desu

Berserk golden arc part 3, the eclipse scene (or any times these demons appears) is very similar to your image. O


if we're going to go ahead and open the thread up to anime, Madoka Magica is OP's pic from episodes 4-12 and during the third movie. it's quite surprising considering the content of the first three episodes desu

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>Madoka Magica
>check google images
um.. what?

madoka is a dmt trip

I'm actually not joking. watch it, avoid all spoilers, and don't stop until you've at least watched episode 3

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Roadside Picnic

is this book any good

>avoid all spoilers
>posts images which spoil most of the surprise

The Road

it's simultaneously both entry level and exit level postmodernism. it's really accessible for people who have never read anything remotely pomo (due to its horror elements), but it's also the novel that brought pomo to its logical conclusion. it gets bashed here for being babby's first pomo, and the author is by all accounts a hack, but it's actually a masterpiece
nothing I've posted is a specific spoiler. all you've seen is a picture of a ton of racoons around a black thing and a picture of a girl covered in blood. how, exactly, is this a spoiler?

if its not at least entertaining than you are a certified doomer that much i can guarantee

Tales of the Dying Earth (Vance) and the Chronicles of Amber (Zelazny) both have portions that are like this.

i am legend by matheson

Book of the New Sun, especially Sword of the Lictor

The Warren by Evenson

Teatro Grottesco

Best answer

Dante's Inferno

Demian by Hesse
Steppenwolf by Hesse
The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway

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My diary desu

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Only a jew would write about such a hatred and lack of understanding of humans, filth.

Those poor jews

It's not a 100% fit for what you're asking for, but you might be interested in The Other Side by Alfred Kubin (also check out Kubin's artworks).

I didn't finish it because of how badly it was typeset (yes, really), but Michael Cisco's The Narrator might be also of interest.


Pilgrim's Progress, even if you're not a christfag or a protestantoid its good

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Stranger in a Strange Land, Johnny Got His Gun, Rogue Male, Les Chants de Maldoror, Le Petit Prince, Inverted World

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I know it for this piece

*Divine Comedy

great book but doesn't answer OP's question

The author is a friend of lovecraft and has that lone wanderer feeling

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Wittgenstein's Mistress

Gravity's Rainbow

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