/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Books from other cultures edition

Post some obscure books from around the world that doesn't originate in the USA.

Monthly Reading for April: We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:


Is it okay for a 28 year old man to read science fiction / fantasy novels?

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yes,you shouldn't be reading shit like WoT at that age tho

Is mobilism a safe site to register at? Normally I just google "mobilism book name author" and with a little searching I can find the book but lately it's been harder. Maybe because the books have been recently published. But I can't actually search the site without registering

who cares

Most 28 year olds only watch capeshit and play video games, so it's a plus if anything

Yes it's perfectly safe. You should also use libgen.io/ and make sure you click 'Fiction' before searching.

>historical fiction with some fantasy thrown in
This is what grimderp should have been instead of edgy Lord of the Rings. Take the realism of historical fiction and had varying degrees of fantasy that fit within whatever context the writer is working with.

Why would I host books from other cultures since they’re all inferior to American culture?

Because he's asking for SFF literature not burger recipes.

Calm down, Mohammed.

Burgers have never written a single good book. Most of the authors who write books that I enjoy are English and the remaining authors that I enjoy books from have non english names.

Hollywood has clearly rotted the brains of Amerimutts.

So I am coming up with the main theme's of the book series. One of the primary ones is "Gods are surprisingly weak to Neurotoxins".

Ggk writes shit, and you should feel bad for reading historical fiction with a few talking ghosts and liking it.

Thoughts on the Shades of Magic series?


About to read Alastair Reynolds. What to expect?

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why are paperback books so comfy?

The only good character in that entire shit series is Holland and the characters make Fire Emblem Fates tier retarded decisions like sending the only 3 magic users you have on a fucking boat when they're the only three people keeping you alive. Don't read it. If you wish to read books by this author, read Vicious instead.

The Chronicles of Amber has a similar magic system and is superior.


They aren't, it's simply nostalgia.

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>What to expect?
Great space operas. Your average protagonist is more villainous than the most villainous villain who ever villained in any other series and Reynolds presents them as heroes.

They aren't, it's simply nostalgia.

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How are you going to read books when the internet gets shut down?

What's the best edition I could order from amazon or wherever of Tolkien's books? I intend to have everything by or related to him.

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I think we'd all have bigger concerns if the internet got shut down.

I might actually go outside and talk to people if that ever happened.

>he doesn't have a pirated amazon server made from a raspberry pi that connects to his kindle
>he doesn't have his library as well as the tools and reading programs backed up on multiple ssd, hdd, and sd cards
>he doesn't have a couple solar panels that charges usb to connect his kindle to
Look at this poseur

Whichever edition is the most expensive and has a decent amount of good reviews.

>I intend to have everything by or related to him.
Good luck getting all the Tolkienesque derivatives that popped up over the decades.

What if you accidentally trip while reading and the e-reader breaks?

lol sorry I'm not a virgin like you yes I am

How does sffg feel about the Greatcoats Series?
Im currently half way through the third one, and I enjoyed the first 2, but I find this one is really starting to drag. Was the 4th a satisfying ending, or does the author just end up shitting the bed? I'd rather not waste the money if its just gonna fizzle out.

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Do you buy only of one thing when you are planning to keep something for decades? You keep spares for repairs.

DNF'd after a chapter because there seemed to be nothing that grabbed me.

I know its just a ripoff of the Three Musketeers, but the dialogue actually kinda hooked me initially, de Castell actually writes pretty good banter, and the religion gets pretty interesting as the series goes on, but I'm finding it that as it becomes more central to the story, its not enough alone to carry the plot.

I didn't even read far enough to realise that it was similar to the three musketeers. The fact that I can pirate literally anything off the internet that I desire means that I don't give books too much of a chance nowadays.

So, Vicious is the superhero one, right? How is it and have you read it's sequel Vengeance?

asking this again to get legit answers.

They're both good in my opinion but there are many books that are better than them.

How do you read a person?

>Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
When you have a person who has literal writing all over them.
>House of Suns
By having the good guys tacitly consent to them getting sliced into pieces as thin as sashimi and putting them on display if they survive being removed from stasis without turning into smashed human pottery first. Maybe they will eventually talk. Based Reynolds.

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Whats the best way to read the Elric series on my phone? I keep finding one-off google dox and shit, but nothing consistent or that remembers my place. Anyone have good links?

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Meluha is shit tho. A hackjob.


Oh, Serpentwar's a later thing, I meant Silverthorn and A Darkness At Sethanon.

Yea. The gary stu is overpowering. The English is preddy horrid too.

The prose

/sffg/, is a character struggling to prove that he's not a weakling a reasonable internal conflict, or a dull and shallow one?

Would it matter if he's a cripple?

whichever one has the original illustrations. In all honesty, the dude is a way better artist and designer than he is a writer

So you want to write a glokta?

Yeah,Arutha is the main protagonist of Silverthorn (pug plays a role near the end)
Tomas and Pug are the main characters again in A Darkness at Sethanon.

third book and fourth book drag a bit in the middle but have good endings. I really like de castells dialogue, even if it can get a bit much at times. A really enjoyable series.

Any good modern vamp books? A la Vampire the Masquerade?

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not exactly.

He had to have his right hand amputated as a child and was raised by an abusive aunt who constantly belittled his masculinity. Naturally, that kind of thing leaves him with an massive inferiority complex powered by toxic masculinity, and as a result he's an angry runt who's motivated by pride and spite to face every challenge as if he were the big, stronk warrior he wants to be instead of the 90lbs-when-soaking-wet alchemy prodigy he actually is.

There's also a whole thing about how he absolutely hates people saying "need a hand?", to the point that he'd probably rather fall off a cliff out of spite than accept help, because he finds both the phrase and the gesture to be unbearably condescending

agreed, but even then don't forget it's fantasy you're writing. Make that shit imaginative, even at its darkest

>toxic masculinity

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>weakling a reasonable internal conflict, or a dull and shallow one?
a common theme. dont know if its overdone or just bland. mite b cool depending how its written.
>Would it matter if he's a cripple?
a few stories do this. ususally its either cripple overcomes his weakness in clever ways or magic cures him and he becomes THE DESTINED ONE or some other bullshit.
either way is fine really if its presented interestingly.

>toxic masculinity

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an unatracktive vampire.
old school ugly ass nosferatu style vamp wakes up in modern times and has to content with all the twilight nu-vampire wimps and the vampires are cool misunderstood craze.

Is it gory? or more YA?

Damn... How they so thicc...

anything can be toxic if you handle it poorly enough

its a dark comedy. its not YA but it could be seen as satire of YA.

I once heard Revelation Space described as Lovecraftian cyberpunk space opera. So... that. I liked RS enough to read everything else set in the universe (Except for Elysium Fire, which I haven't gotten around to yet), so I guess it must have been pretty good. You are going to read RS, right, user?

What is gravity's rainbow about? Im debating reading it and wanna know if Id actually be interested or if Im just getting memed

Are you trolling? Use an e-reader app? Like any one of the million that are on the play store?
I use Lithium.

No you would not.

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What are some stories about a hero's quest to bang the hot villainess?

Holy shit that's what sarah maas looks like? I've definitely got to read throne of glass now


I have no idea. You mean a good, hard revenge dicking after he finally catches up with her?
That\s an untapped market, right there.

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Kim Newman writes good vampires.

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Do I need to read The First and Last Men before Star Maker?
Would reading Star Maker before ruin The First and Last Men?

No I mean making the hot villainess his waifu.

But if she's a real scoundrel she'll stab him in the back at the first opportunity.

oh my who's this scrotum sorceress

Just finished Tiamats Wrath, was pretty fun, but

>Tfw Laconia did something wrong


Nigga is you serious?

>better artist than writer
are you on crack?

>Why don't you know this random E whore?

Illiterate or phone poster.
On top of being a lil' bitch.

>Hurr you are illiterate for not knowing my random E whore

Anyone here read Moers? Additional question: if it was in English, how was it? I only read the german version so I'm pretty interested if the translation holds up.

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You are probably an Apple user.

Cool story bro, enjoy your E whore.

Is there any other fantasy world that can even come close to matching the scope of Middle-Earth?

It just occurred to me, has there ever been a book that actually explores a fantasy realm through the eves of elves?

Like they're always this distant superior or at least elder race, we never actually see anything from their perspective.

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elves are faggots

Fae are more entertaining than elves, especially when they are as amoral as fuck.

I remember reading one that was similar to that, I can't remember the title
>Nerdy MC is becoming a Wizard
>His chad bro gets a sword from a Dragon or some shit
>Decides he's going to dick the elf queen
>He's like 13, but he's dead set on dicking the elf queen
>He dicks the elf queen after lots of uncomfortable silences from her son who is much older than him

It's been a while since I read whatever it was, but I never forgot about how the madlad just up and decided he would dick the elf queen.

Got into sci fi at 24 years old, it's fine. Huge regret I never got exposed to it as a teen though.

>we never actually see anything from their perspective.
Cause it'd be boring as shit.

I'm trying to get into the Elric series but this is confusing. What order are you supposed to read them in? I normally follow publication order but everything I'm reading says to not do that, but they also don't seem to have all the titles.

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That doesn't have The Vanishing Tower nor does it mention Elric at the End of Time. I appreciate the response but I found the exact same link via my own searching, I'm asking for people with personal experience.

Start with Elric of Melnibone, finish the main shit with Stormbringer, read the rest in any order you like.

>Not satisfied with the cancerous nature of his books, man wants to put literal cancer in them.

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Wow, that sounds astonishingly terrible. It's literally a "What if X but Y" premise.

what the hell is this guy's problem with ruling classes

it's mainly werewolves but glen duncan's the last werewolf books have some vampires in them that get more prominent in later books

>phone using apple fanboy outs himself and tries to take the high horse while all the other Yea Forums users point at him and laugh

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Someone name this book so we can make it monthly reading

He is an Americlap. You know Klapistanis have an almost violent reaction to anything monarchy or ruling class. The were indoctrinated well from birth. That's why they are all scum cunts who don't respect their fellow man.

Well I can't remember the title but I'll give some more details to see if anyone else can place it
>Elves were created as a slave race to a race of demigods, the magic macguffin the chad friend gets from the Dragon belonged to one of them
>It had a stereotypical white bearded wizard in blue robes with stars on them on the cover

Younger men dicking older women is my fetish. It helps when you try to seed them.

Any fantasy loterature that explores sbeve?

warhammer is unironically larger in scope lol

So is bakkers stuff actually good or is it just torture porn? the guys here haven't done a great job shilling it desu.

It's not good. It's great. Bakker's prose is above and beyond just about anything else I've read in fantasy; and while his writing can be dark to the brink of being edgy, he pulls its off convincingly; and presents some of the more complicated characters in grimdark today.

Not for the faint of heart, though, if you don't like a story where no one is necessarily the good guy, and where horrible stuff happens to just about every character even vaguely likeable.

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Man you're laying it on too thick.


>mention his name and bakker fags start frothing at the mouth

Magician, Raymond E. Feist.
That's a dark rabbit hole to go down. Lot of sequels.

Magician would be so fucking good if it was just split into two single pov parts

the swapping really dragged it down for me

I still like it. The sequels are probably a little tighter, less d&d in prose, than Magician, but damn if it didn't have some good scenes. I tend to agree with you though, maybe string a few more chapters together before shifting viewpoint. As it is there can be a lot of set up chapters in a row with absolutely no pay off.

Meant for
I need to sleep.

I like how all the cover art for her books is just a fantasy version of her.

Stop being so insecure and just like whatever you want to like.

Of course it is you insecure twat, just don't into

I’m halfway through the darkness that comes before and I’m digging it

Well if you were an acclaimed author wouldn't you want your face plastered on the cover.
Plus she looks good. No one want to look at, let's say his mug.

I really liked his books a kid, he has a great imagination. The part in Bluebear about the inhabitants of the capital city really sparked my world building autism. I read them in Finnish though, which was fine. But it has been at least 15 years since I read them.

Is he Canadian? Why does he look retarded?

>he doesn't know bakker is slaying it every night

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Probably related to you. Sibling to your parents if I had to guess.

blown the fuck out

He could be making money on the side as a gigolo but he still has a derpy face.
And you need hot people on the cover.

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it's so fucking dark, but God it's gripping
Sort of so dark you can't stop reading it, like watching an extremely brutal car wreck

Gib milkies pls mommy

>not having the brain capacity or technical ability to read file names

this is what posts on this board


but he's in the recommended list

favorite fantasy based in the underworld, hell etc?

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it's not actually a question negro

Sabriel isnt completely based in the underworld but its a pretty big part of the story and has one of the most interesting takes on it I've read.

are you accusing me of bait

What are some books with a really comfy main couple?

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Warcraft: Day of the Dragon

Sapkowski's Witcher books

>not like us yuropeons who bow down not only to the EJew, but useless kings and queens as well!

>I think the magic system is cool
Everything wrong with modern fantasy in one short sentence.

>tfw it's nearly impossible to buy Discworld in paperback in Argentina
why live?

Anyone got a link for the newest undying mercenaries book?

Ah didn't even know there was a new one. This series is like tasty fast food.


Thanks, I know right? Anything you'd recommend along the same vein? Been meaning to read Larsons other work but haven't gotten around to it.

Warning about this, the guy dicking the elf queen is about 10% of the book since it has a bunch of povs, it's also pretty pg13. Pug sucks.

But Yennifer is shit. Triss is obviously the superior choice.

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Is it wrong that I enjoyed the first two Witcher books
Sapkowski makes me cringe on occasion but there's something so comfy about his stories
Waiting on Blood of Elves to arrive in the post, and I'm genuinely psyched

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they're still a comfy main couple, tho

lilac and gooseberries

Eragon is so fucking good.

What's Henry Cavill doing in a wig?

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>What are some books

You never actually... did... read it do you?
Its a very complex love story between voluptious sapphira and brazen farmhand eragon, im sure you wouldnt even understanf Eragons legion intricasies and desires, culminating with his impregnation and subsequent egg-laying of Saphira in book 4!

If it was dragon porn I might have liked it. It was not dragon porn and was just a bland fantasy story laden with near plagiarism, uninteresting characters, and purple prose.

Mediocre joke because the guy is an actor and it wouldn't be at all surprising to find him wearing a wig. You are now both banned from lit.

Read them like this:
>Elric of Melnibone
>The Fortress of the Pearl
>Sailors of the Seas of Fate
>The Weird of the White Wolf
>The Vanishing Tower
>Revenge of the Rose
>The Bane of the Black Sword
Elric at the End of Time fits between SotSoF and WotWW,it's actually a crossover between elric and the series Dancers at the End of Time,you shouldn't read it if you havent read those first,it's completely irrelevant to the elric story,it feels more like a side chapter of DatEoT.

>having rich prose is a bad thing nowadays

>rich prose

he said purple prose, user, doesn't that mean overtly rich prose?

Hawk & Fisher by Simon Green
Tiger and Del by Jennifer Roberson
Song & Swords by Elaine Cunningham

never read Eragon btw

>got one book all but finished
>another one is winding up for the final act
>have sequels ready to read
>a couple of new releases by authors I like
>don't want to read any of them right now

tfw bored for no reason, I'm reading through shitty goodreads recs trying to find something that jumps out at me.

>Tiger and Del by Jennifer Roberson
While they eventually become a decent couple, expect a bunch of rape, NTR bait, torture, etc. I mean the female lead even has a rape baby who she loves and cares for a lot. In summary, if you're looking for a comfy romance female writers usually aren't the way to go.

God's demon


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>Your mom will never cuck you with a pre-teen shota
Feels bad

She looks like that cute mommy that gives you tendies
She probably fucks black guys tho
That's me

Fuck i meant for too many sneedpost on Yea Forums

>finally group my books on kindle
>I have 27 books that I just stopped reading 60-80% of the way through
lol if I finish these all off whilst also reading new stuff at my current pace I could probably get some insane total of like 120 books finished by years end
I wont tho

lol this is the map at the start of a 650 page epic fantasy novel with a very serious in tone blurb (seven blades in black)

anyone who disrespects maps gets a lot of goodwill from me

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Man, I just want a book with cute elves. It feels like every modern fantasy writer is so desperate to "subvert tropes" so they enter don't include elves or or make some retarded variation of elves just so they can brag how different they are from Tolkien's elves.

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It's not like Tolkien's elves are particularly cute

What's a good read that isn't outright comedy but has light-hearted moments?


Images of the Goddess

don't even bother looking
there are no Deedlit tier elves in Yea Forums

>You are going to read RS, right, user?
Yea. Need a map already.

You can try the longsword chronicles, if you don’t mind YA

Whats your favorite Verne story?

20k leagues under the sea by a long margin.
the descriptions of everything are just so vivid and the characters are very nicely portrayed.
i dont dislike his other novels but that book stands out to me by a great deal among all of his books.
that bein said im not a vernian and i know those guys fight each other to death over which is the "objectively" best.

What are some book characters that remind you of this image?

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I need books

If you’re asking for a reading order, I can give a little bit of input when it comes to Revelation Space, but I haven’t read much outside of that universe.

The standard RS reading order goes Revelation Space -> Chasm City -> Redemption Ark -> Absolution Gap. Chasm City is a mostly standalone story that’s chronologically a prequel to RS, but it seems to expect a prior understanding of the RS universe, so you’ve got to have read RS first. It also establishes some ideas that are used in the later novels, so the best time to read it is after Revelation Space, but prior to Redemption Ark. I accidently skipped Chasm City, and there were a couple of moments in Redemption Ark where I got the idea that I'd missed something.

Redemption Ark, and Absolution Gap, are both of a lower quality than Revelation Space, I have to admit, but I didn’t regret reading them. The very end of the story (the end of Absolution Gap) is actually kind of mind fucking, and I enjoyed it a lot. The world building also stays up to par throughout all four novels, so in my opinion, it’s worth it just for that. The Conjoiners are a fascinating little faction, and you’d know next to nothing about them without reading the sequels.

The Prefect, and Elysium Fire, are both set about a hundred years prior to Revelation Space. They're entirely detached stories, and are purely optional. Personally, I found The Prefect mildly enticing, but the protagonist clearly isn't a very interesting character, as his sequel is the only RS novel I haven't read. Read these only if you've exhausted all other content.

That’s it for the novels. As for the short stories, they're quick, and easy reads, so I'd recommend reading them if you manage to finish the main RS sequence, and still want more. Of note are Glacial, and Diamond Dogs. Both have interesting concepts that I think are genuinely worth reading (if you enjoy RS, that is). There's also The Great Wall of Mars, which provides backstory on one of the characters from the RS sequels. I imagine the short stories are highly personal, though, so I'd recommend just buying the Galactic North collection, and reading them front to back. For example, I personally enjoyed Weather I want to teach Weather the ways of baseline human love, and by that, I mean sex but I wouldn’t recommend it to others.

What did you guys think about the new GoT episode?

Should I read The Demon Princes by Jack Vance, Book of the New Sun or Player of Games by Iain M Banks? I just finished Consider Phlebas and it was "eh" enjoyable but many anons told me Player of Games is far better because Iain was just learning to write action with Phlebas

Unfortunately, both the Demon Princes and Player of Games was shit and I never liked Book of the New Suns. Banks has always struck me as a three to four star writer at most. And Chasm City by Reynolds covers similar themes to Use of Weapons (which people praise) but CC is much better.

never read the books or watched the series and I love lotr and fantasy. Got seems really tryhard

I don't watch GoT and dropped the book series after the third book to be honest.

Watched for the memes, but I literally have no interest in the "plot" of this clusterfuck nor do I have any interesting continuing to watch it. I'll probably catch up with it again to see how it ended but that's it.

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Is this joke unironically cringeworthy

>dramatic scene where magic is first introduced to the MC
>the sorcerer recites song lyrics as he flicks a coin in the air, and using charged up magical potential fires it fast enough to knock a tree down
>because he's trying to be cool his shot misses by a fucking right angle and he blows up his own goddamn cover

Would you rather have leprosy or hypocrisy?

Are the Trader's Tale books by Nathan Lowell any good?

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I'm already a hypocrite, I have nothing to lose

Who of us can claim freedom from it?

One is an actual medical condition.

Speaking of leprosy, what's the name of that edgy book in which the MC has leprosy and he rapes some chick?

>he wants double hypocrisy

I-is hypocrisy infectious? Asking for a friend.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
I wouldn't really classify it as an edgy book myself

The Chronicles of Wojak Doomer the Depressed

I'm almost done with All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson and that will conclude my reading of the three trilogies he's written.

What should I read next? Prior to ATP it had been a little while since I'd read scifi and I'd like to read one or two more before I go back to different genres. I might order The Peripheral and Burning Chrome.

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The Word for World is Forest. If nothing else, it's a major change of pace from what you've been reading.

Man just read All Tomorrows it's brilliantly crazy.

It's okay if his magic is just a natural talent and his int and wis are really low.

I'll check it out. Got a friend that's been bugging me to read Le Guin so he'll like that I finally read something by her.

I am, got about a third left.

I've also got Mistborn by Sanderson that's been sitting on my shelf for six months or so. Worth a read?

Its pretty dumb

how do you structure your folder on your reader? i just got a new tablet and just scrolling between folders is a pain, what do you guys use for library in android?

Sounds like his "magic" is kinetic energy manipulation.
The lyrics thing would work if it's satire or a comedy.

The edgy naysaying of Thomas Covenant?

Moonreader pro
Would be better getting a dedicated ereader with e-ink though.

i use moonreader pro for reading, but for organizing stuff im looking for something like calibre but on android, for now i can host calibre web locally

>dedicated ereader with e-ink
im still a college student, i have no money for that

Read The Demon Princes, I thought they were great. Book 4 is 10/10

>going to college
I hope you're doing STEM, medicine or law. Cause college is a waste otherwise.

im doing cs

>american author disparages the nobility episode

Soulcatcher could beat up Triss

Age of Myth has a cute lesbo elf

>lesbian elf
No wonder their species is dying out

I need a good book to read during night shift. Help

Age of Myth

Game of Thrones fans are the most obnoxious cringe fag fans on the planet.

How the hell do you find new things to read? I'm sure there's good stuff out there, but how do you find it when it's buried beneath ten million LitRPG turds and billions of fap fics for middle aged women?

Firstly, the fanfics written for middle aged women are unironically better than the majority of the absolute turds pushed for publication nowadays which include retarded books like the Ruin of Kings and The Wise Man's Fear.

Secondly, if you spent even a tiny bit of effort looking at the charts in the OP and reading their summaries or doing an action known as lurking the fuck more or checking the archives, you can get a general idea of what is actually good and what is actually bad because it might come as a surprise to you but yes, you can pirate 99% of books in existence off the internet.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is a very nice one.

It's basically not reading when all you read is Nothingness.

That's some depp shit right there. I'll have to ponder its manifold implications.

Hey thanks, think im gonna read stigmata. You know any comedies? like Cugels saga

I hope your computer science is a lead up to neural networking or quantum computing. Because normal cs field is over saturated.

I seem to gravitate only towards black humour like Johannes Cabal and Kurt Vonnegut, etc.

>Tom Holt uses his KJ Parker pseudonym to exclusively write serious tragic fantasy stories with unlikable protagonists
>new book is incredibly fun and the protagonist is incredibly likable

Guess he must have decided he's more established as a writer under the KJ Parker name or something.
(This is my boty so far btw)

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lmao Ian McEwan is dumb as shit

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Get over it user, we've already been through this, hard sci fi is dead and isn't coming back.

>A non CS person expressing his retarded opinion about CS, referencing fields he doesn't know the first thing about.

this isn't even hard scifi he's describing fucking frankenstein without realising it lol

This is the funniest start to a self-pub novel ever
>evil warrior monks train someone into the ultimate warrior
>one of them accidentally tells him to protect his friends and have a conscience as he chokes on his dying breath fucking up their entire plot

It's so dumb I love it

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Does he really get a gf that breaks up with him because he is an edgy autist with a secret identity?

One of, if not the most autistic series out there.

not there yet
If it was intended as a comedy about an overpowered autistic mc then it's an absolutely incredible feat of writing, if it was supposed to be a serious and dark fantasy then the author is fucking terrible.

(Also I'm reading the "revised edition" and there's already been one spelling mistake- "boarders" when they meant borders)

she breaks up with him because he doesn't / can't love her. he tells her that everything about their relationship at the start was simply an act.

even the author seems to realise it was a ridiculous setup and that the mc was far too over-powered as he's had to backtrack on a lot of those plot points in the last few books.

Read old things
t. dino gang


make the next thread dedicated to the pringles guy

>tfw Wolfe is dead

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>he's really dead
Oh wow. Granted dude was 87 years old so he was bound to croak soon anyway, but still.

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Have any good coming of age stories come out in the last year, science fiction or fantasy? It's been about that long since I've looked.

Haven't read anything since I finished off The Magicians, which is a perfect series.

F in peace

So can ethically I pirate all of his books now?

its pretty entertaining but the author wrote himself into a corner with many things and had to retroactively backtrack on some things.
i like the humor but it really needs a rewrite from the start. it could be much better than what it currently is.

I'm gonna honor him by doing my favorite activity: eating Pringles

Oh damn, he died? RIP
Granted, I thought he died 20 years ago, still sad though.

I just did that, now I feel sick.

Was Wolfe working on anything new before he died, what was the last book he released anyway? Also what should I read next from him giving all that I've read is Fifth Head of Cerberus and Book of the New Sun.

Gene Wolf appreciation.
But pic related is great too.

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Cover looks stolen from a Weeks book

>what was the last book he released anyway?

Sounds decent, I'll make sure to nominate it for next month's monthly reading.

>In 2015, Wolfe announced that he was working on a sequel to A Borrowed Man, which is to be titled Interlibrary Loan; however, he specified that he "[hadn't] finished it yet, and it may not be published"



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So, The Collected Works of Philip K. Dick. Is the five volume set all I need?

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RIP Pringles Man.
Who's the greatest living speculative fiction author now? Is it really gonna be Bakker? Fuck my life.

Pic related.

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Harry Turtledove? He does the history stuff more, though.

It hasn't changed from being Delany for a while now :)

> Is it really gonna be Bakker?

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Cherryh never stopped writing

More like guy guzzling gay

Ada Palmer

I had pictured him differently.

Are there any books with some cool selfless Lepers. Just finished darkest dungeon and he was a cool as fuck character.

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant :^)

>Wolfe dies and the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris immediately goes up in flames.

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now we'll never know if jolenta was asking for it or not

So what's some background reading to understand what Wolfe does in BotNS? Borges and Vance are obvious ones, anything else?


fuck you, you stupid based poster

w-why are you winking user?


Because everyone knows that the leper is a rapist asshole.

He raped ONE girl

Never Die by Rob Hayes

Who had been exceedingly nice to him. So basically she asked for it and he isn't a rapist at all.

Yeah and your dad made you suck only ONE cock, faggot.

Nice, read it just the other day when some user on here recommended it. Thanks anyways.
They're meant to be cool dudes not rapists

Good riddance.


As someone who lurked in /g/ for more than 6 years, I think I'm qualified to know where the technology industry is going.

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Considering picking up Red Rising. Thought?

That's a doujin series. Except there's no son involved.


>Except there's no son involved.

dont think and youll have a good time

What ever happened to container user? I haven't seen him in 2 years.

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someone make the next OP the one with gene and the hammer, you know the one


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Or this.

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Maybe this

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Who the fug is container user?

Someone add a halo on top of Gene.

Threadmaker here, Wolfe-fags, you've got the next thread right?
I'm off then, I need a vacation.

Knowing your christianity, and Homer certainly helps.

slave no don't no don't go we need you

I've been hiding. Drywall going up but I work like a lamed mule.

Do it yourself.

So you haven't put up the shelves as yet?
What if the world ends, and 200 years in the future people find your container in the desert?
You've been at this for years and you still haven't made headway.

>yuropeon author sucks the cock of the EU

Any good books for a sci-fi virgin?

Foundation Trilogy

>tfw Wolfe finally has his Moss Aelf waifu

>Wolfe dies
>Notre-Dame burning
What a day

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hainish cycle

2001, Contact, Ringworld

We really need to rework the OP. It's 95% shit nobody gives any amount of a fuck for, and maybe one to three lines of important relevant information.

Remove everything except for the Monthly Reading links tbqh.

>tfw on book 4
Those are all his short stories, yes.

I know it's pathetic. I am not good at this.


I don't know about you, but I'd still have to read guides on shit like cooking and farming in the apocalypse.

>any good books for a sci-fi virgin
Only read this if you want to stay a virgin.

Only if you don't care about his novels.