Who is not reading Deleuze yet? Why is there still some brainlet pretending that post-structuralism dosent matter in this modern year?
Finally to those initiated what was the impact of his development of an original metaphysics and philosophy of art by taking an interest in cinema as much as in the painting of Francis Bacon?
Deuwhat? Deuleuze
His writing is very dense and hard to fully appreciate without being familiar with the same thinkers and artists he was familiar with.
not true tho
It is true though, outside of perhaps his monographs. One could study some of his work for years and still find some new understanding of the concepts therein. That's what makes him important in the first place
I would like to, but I get intimidated by him because I'm not sure where to begin. Lately, I've been wanting to become versed in philosophy, and post structuralism strikes a nerve in me. However, I'm in my late 20's and have been feeling like the only way to get to deleuze is to 'start with the Greeks'; which, I've only read the myths, Homer, and Euripides. Got Fanged Noumena, and as much as I like the ranting style and diction: it goes way the fuck over my head.
Sorry, I don't think we're on the same plateau, man...
Brother what can be the purpose or connection of reading the greeks before enjoying destructuralism?
Your plateau is a surface level understanding of Deleuze
reminder Deleuze advocated the exact opposite
BUMP. Great thread OP. I was asking myself the same question.
Also why did he killed himself? Was he really skyzophrenic?
he was dealing with severe tuberculosis for years had to get lung removal and still was strapped to a hospital bed coughing up his fucking lungs. If you ever seen anyone dealing with lung issues, its terrible unlivable his only regret was prob not jumping out earlier with all the pain he went through. Wikipedia says he coudent even write, essentially a vegetable having severe cough attacks for hours coughing up blood and shit. I woudve jump out the window just aswell
Oh I feel bad for him. He caught tuberculosis in France in the 90s. Thats odd. That illness is practicaly eradicated.
I figure, most thinkers inevitably allude to the Greeks. Even just reading the Homeric texts gives you a leg up on a lot of artistic and cultural references. Although, what would be more destructuralist than breaking that routine? Okay, you convinced me.
Only understanding the gist of the greek mentality is enough. That gist is there love of boipussy.
>15-20 year olds
>tfw you're officially too old to read deleuze
read fools frauds and fire frands by roger scruton
read fashionable nonsense by alan sokal
read the sophist by plato
thank me in the afterlife
fuuuuck i forgot about his goddamn film books
i first became familiar with the name back when i was taking film in school and doing a lot of extra cirricular film theory reading. years and a thousand plateaus later i remember the existence of these books
>roger scruton
>alan sokal
Start with Deleuze and trace it backwards
How useful was it? Is it worth taking a look? I found some on youtube that looks kinda good.
Guattari > Deleuze
Structuralism is just Systems Theory for brainlets.
Pro-tip: Anything with post as a prefix is worthless.
What about post-punk though?
Is it really a viable way to get into Deleuze?
not really. the quote is bullshit. constant referencing makes reading deleuze un-rhizomatic, ironically.
deleuze was an artist's philosopher
Are her ticks Rhizomes?
Will I be able to develop a scat fetish through the means of his writings?
Look at this fucking panchito.
Greeks means Plato and Aristotle. Then you need to know Descartes, hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Freud at minimum. Also Bergson, leibniz, spinoza
Oh, I should be just fine, then. Is it just me, or is that the basis for most philosophical thought? Or, is it just blowing off some steam?
>thank me in the afterlife
Only if you kill yourself.
He didn't catch it in the 90s, he caught it young and had half his lung removed. The rest was on him for smoking and drinking his entire life (as most French intellectuals did at the time, you could barely see the people from all the smoke in classrooms). I like both D&G, but they both lived very unhealthy lives in several ways.
Literally who?
hue hue hue to you too
como puedo rayar la esfera de la sabiduria?