Who translated him best?
Who translated him best?
Another Nietzsche thread? Just fucking stop posting.
I don't know. Rule of thumb, if he calls the Übermensch superman it's crap.
It's appollinian and not appollonian
You missed the point.
The character of Superman was literally moulded after the Ubermensch concept.
Babys first mistranslation
Über comes from überwinden, to overcome - not the latin "super" but "trans". The Übermensch should overcome old values, whereas Superman is literally the guardian of old values.
Overcoming is and always will be the pertinent term for Nietzsche scholarship in English.
It will always be Kaufmann.
>Über comes from überwinden
Über is a fucking morpheme it doesn‘t „come“ from any word that uses it, retard.
Douglas Smith makes Nietzsche sound less autistic
Imagine being this ignorant and reading Nietzsche at the same time
The Über in Übermensch you moron
>Nietzsche was talking about Trannies the whole time
What about Overman. Deutscheland uber alles clearly translates better to Germany over all, as opposed to "beyond" all
>hurr moron
Nice argument, cretin.
>words have a single, context-free translation
I like that one Kaufman guy
They're both Germanic languages and its clearly the same rooted word though. I'm asking if there is such a difference
Super also means overcome in latin
No, Overman is correct. The retard who thinks a prefix stems from some specific word that contains it is just patently retarded.
>adds footnotes to cushion the blow to modern liberal sensibilities in your path
What do you do, Yea Forums?
In English, it doesn't express that idea. "Superman" sounds like "a more powerful man." Which sounds more in line with what the other user said about "guardian of old values," which is not what Nietzsche was saying.
Pierre Klossowski
keep on reading because I'm not some r*ghtoid subhuman who gets mad at such things
Well well well...