Holy allah I need more...

holy allah I need more. I've seen the chart of guenon posted on here dozens of times but i've been told its pretty shit aswell. Whats next for someone whos interested in him critiquing the western world from his hindu pov? I'm thinking about crisis in the modern world but its fairly short so idk where to go from there

Attached: F63F2AEF-7F79-45A7-9756-FB493348CAC5.jpg (333x499, 14K)

Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

See also this

Attached: IMG_20190423_191800.jpg (900x543, 84K)

I like it


East and West as well, maybe that one first since it was written before Crisis which is the followup

>muh eternal realities
>muh kali yuga/"

René "The world will end in 12 years" Guenon was a genius in making myths appear real. I appreciate the book for its esoteric-aesthetic merit, but other than that I can seriously not imagine why people get into this whole "Traditionalism" thing.

I think I'll stick to reading Eliade.

Attached: the Chad guenon.jpg (1200x478, 108K)

Eliade was a traditionalist (in private) and he would tell his students to read Guenon

By Allah’s will, Emma Watson is here on Yea Forums at this very second. :3

Yeah, but if she isn't here that is also Allah's will, by the way

Op here, I just enjoy viewing critiques on modernity from different philosophical scopes. Schopenhauer got my interested in Hinduism.

HM. Very true observation. If by Allah’s will she isn’t here then comes here, then would say this process is made more enjoyable by her not being here then being here because I asked her to be?

I don't understand your question but I will nod in agreement for the sake of adab, insha'Allah

I have a theory that emma watson is the cc/crim3s poster but im not sure yet

This is an awful chart. Everyone with half a mind knows you are supposed to start with Intro to Hindu doctrines to begin reading Guenon; it is his first work and he builds off the ideas in that book that go far beyond just Hinduism. Additionally, Junger has little to do with Guenon and Evola other than the fact they both are liked by right wing ideologues. Next, this chart has not a single work of Guenon's regarding initiation sacred symbolism/science. Finally, it implies to the reader that Evola and Guenon are complementary thinkers; there are huge differences between them and the term traditionalism was never used in either of their lifetimes to unite their thought. If you want to read Guenon, read him in his entirety according to the other Guenon chart, then move on to Evola who is a completely separate thinker.

Eliade's greatest influences were Guenon and Coomaraswamy. He is nothing but a traditionalist that gave into the world of academia, a cheap knock off Guenon. If you value anything that he says, it is likely that Guenon said it first, or at least provided a framework for it.

Butterfly loves you dude

this desu although his religious history volumes are worth reading and using as references

Where do I start with Eliade?

Reading Guenon Coomaraswamy and Evola in their entirety.

>there is one infographic that says you should start with Intro to Hindu doctrines, so that's what you have to do

That is not at all what I said. I said that it is his first work chronologically that lays the groundwork for the totality of all his later thought. It encompasses his ideas regarding metaphysics, western biases, and what is to be done regarding metaphysical loss in the west. If you start anywhere else you will misinterpret Guenon and what exactly he means by certain terms like tradition that are integral to understanding him

geez bro sorry I didn't like the inforgraphic that you made. I didn't realize you were so sensitive about it

I didn't make the infograph and frankly I don't think it's that good either. But starting anywhere but Intro to Hindu Doctrines is just laughably stupid. No need to get your panties in a mix :))

read every author in publishing order

>tfw read Guenon in a reverse-chronological order starting from his last book and I discovered the secret esoteric message encoded in his works that only reveal themselves when read backwards