So Yea Forums what’s the philosophical position on Shy But Cute Boys?
Shy but Cute Boys
the one outlined in my diary desu
Why would cute people be shy? Cuteness attract people and helps in early socialization and development. It's like wanting a cute girl to be a virgin, you're asking for a goddamned unicorn to exist just for your joy. In other words, attractive men who act shy do just that, they act.
>Why would cute people be shy?
You should know
Answer: They wouldn't.
This is what my brain did on acid how fucked am I boys
I was calling you cute, you idiot.
I don't know, user. I'm shy, but I'm not cute. I'm the opposite of cute. I'm as goddamned ugly as they come. In fact, this is precisely the reason why I'm shy - life taught me very early on that ugly people don't get to enjoy attention or adoration, even if they study hard and top their classes.
I'm not him, and whenever I leave my house I have to walk around other people's vomit on a daily basis.
Is this because you’re a nighthawk In a big mean city?
The city is only mean because I break people's mirrors for free.
They do things that we love.
>tfw cute as hell but rakish and charming
I just can't win lads
>tfw shy but more rugged and handsome than cute
It is a difficult life we lead lads
Why is Yea Forums so gay?
I’ll break my dick off in your ass
Do any philosophers address this phenomena or is this lost to 21st century dissonance
No. Plato discusses this dilemma in part vi of the republic
Is shy+cute=gay??
That's like asking why so many people at the YMCA have aids.
Reading is a sensitive and effeminate activity which applies to both shy and gay people.
Thrasymachus states that the best slave boys are the reticent shy ones who are likely to accept their master's manhood without protest. But Socrates asserts that meekness is not desirable, as bravery and gregariousness are closer to the Form of the Good in comparison to cowardliness. The ideal state of man is to penetrate into the Form of The Good. Thrasymachus concedes to this wisdom and promises Socrates that he will pound the popular and talkative boy slave's boy pussy when he returns home.
Is this well known??
Because they start with the Greeks. They invented gayness. See
How could they know about you when you're so shy?
Is this based and redpilled
I touched pussy back when I was a beautiful man, before the years beat me down
Thrasymachus was a truly virtuous man.
Womyn don't truly want shy boys - cute but with crippling timidity - they just think it's an alluring mystique, some vacuous aesthetic container, but - at the end of the day, still expect him to approach them, something they will not do because they don't realize that said misunderstood shy spirits are the real feminists - in contradistinction to them... - but will think him weird instead - sure peradventure not if some chadesque figure, but those aren't cute, cute is a fashionable youth, somewhat epicene - o woe! a thin red line separates cuteness from madness!
Thanks, you'll see this word in my novel
>tfw actually decently attractive and shy
I actually never had a girlfriend and at my age, it's not even comprehensible for anyone except if you're dramatically ugly and smelly.
People like me are movies characters with too much shit fanart.
>I actually never had a girlfriend and at my age
maybe you're just gay
I get attention from girls for my looks, however I am utterly socially incapable. I don’t know how to talk to them and I’ve only tried once, it ended sexually. I won’t do it again.
I diagnose you with gay
What is the philosophical position on cute but ugly and shy boys?
if you are attractive, you can be shy or do whatever the hell you want, girls will love it, truth is that they are absolutely not fucking interested in your feelings.
Ignore these philistines, what he really would say is that this kind of man is lacking in spirit (or courage) which results from a person spending too much time on their mental training and not enough on their physical. Shyness implies a kind of weakness in confidence and resolve, so any soldier class that doesn't fix this trait would set their nation up to be conquered.
that's bullshit
girls still expect you to put in all the work and other guys don't like you because they feel threatened by you
t. attractive male autist
>cute but with crippling timidity
this is my fetish, actually. they're the best for gentle femdom and are the most obedient. I hate typical "chad" types because they get real snotty and think they're hot shit. Uppity men are just infuriating. They should know their place, you know? I'm not abusive or anything, I'm very tender and loving and would coddle a bf and satisfy all his sexual needs every day and night and cook wholesome meals for him and dress him nicely, but I want one that's obedient. Who hangs on my every word and would do anything I ask without question. It's good if they have such an inferiority complex it comes to the point they're slightly afraid of me. I also like them a few years younger than me and preferably with untreated depression or anxiety.
>tfw no Yea Forums shy sadboi who cuts himself and worships me as his god
"mother" who has a thing for her "obedient sonny" kink
cute boy can't be shy, they're modest because they know they're cute and successful
only shy people are ugly bois because they've been humiliated their whole life and they are affraid of others
>tfw cute but completely socially retarded
>tfw six foot tall rugged handsome masculine man
>tfw still cripplingly shy
>masculine man
You'd probably look awful in a dress, though.
do what I do and just stay quiet, the girls think it's dark and mysterious long enough to fuck em
Holy shit, i just realized that i am a very shy but cute boy myself.
Extremely weak father figure and lack of socialization at an early age.
I am not cute by I am shy. However i'm not ugly either, I have an appearance that could potentially be attractive if mixed with a charismatic enough personality but I have essentially zero charisma. Hence 24 khhv.
"shy" males are just insecure and angry but bury that inside instead of outside. they are harmless in group settings but psychopathically dangerous if you're alone with them
Do you think so? Dangerous?
Usually if you take good care of their sexual needs men become obedient.
You don't actually love them though, do you? Or if you say you do, what's your idea of it?
shy men are actually narcissistic and selfish. they don't become obedient they momentarily let loose some of that repressed narcissistic anger on the outside. a shy male, like a gay male, is still a male. men cannot be fully conquered or tamed, only tricked.
For an user without romantic experience, what's the female consensus on Shy but Cute Boys? Do they like them, and desire to nurture them? I won't call myself "cute" because physically I'm not, but I try to be very innocent and sweet as a person, and want nothing more to submit myself entirely to the will of a dominant, nurturing woman, who I'll do everything for, obeying every order of, and who all I ask of in return is that she take care of me like the two of us were one entity. Is this even possible, in reality? Would any girls appreciate such arrangements?
I merely haven't been in a position to date long term yet, so they were just temporary amusements, but I was pretty forward about that. I'd eventually like to find a husband for a super romantic marriage. Cute boys are for tender love and care, so long as they behave themselves nicely and obey my demands. It would be fun to give him a spanking, I think, if he's bad. Once he apologizes he can do anal on me if he likes, as a reward. That would be the perfect marriage dynamic.
Interesting but I think your point of view may just be tainted by /r9k/ incels. i don't believe that all shy men have hidden anger issues.
how many of these gay ass drawings do you even have
I don't have much romantic experience so take my words loosely, but someone who you order around, from whom you don't tolerate a whiff of protest, isn't someone you can 'love'. And I hope I'm wrong.
No I would be aroused by men if that was the case. I keep thinking about finally being given the coochie.