Neofuture arrives from China

"China, Mein Gott, is this our future?"
Landfags BTFO yet again.

Attached: meingott.jpg (620x402, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"For the man in China, the future is more true than the present."
"Capital is smartre."

Attached: sartresmartre.jpg (620x330, 47K)

"For the Anglo in China, the future is more present than the truth."

Attached: GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg (171x266, 17K)

Zizek really got BTFO hard in this debate, even though I thought he would get the win. Wonder what he'll do now he's been exposed as a philosophical hack.

sounds more like he's consciously btfoing himself there


What would Zizek think of "capitalism is sentient"?

>Slavoj Zizek says ‘the dream of universal liberal democracy is over’

>slavo walks by a sewer drain while eating his hotdogs
>sees nick land dressed in clown costume in it
>"come outside slavjo"

Attached: land trolly.png (916x690, 76K)

Peterson could barely keep up, idk what you're talking about.

Do the Chinese citizens hate it, though?
Do the UK citizens hate it?

Maybe it only looks bad from the outside.

Threadly reminder that /ourguy/ Xi will make China socialist by 2050

I've waisted my two precious hours of my life just to see Peterson trembling and Zizek saying he's a crypto Dengist. Mein gott


In NeoChina, the wage cage futurises your home.

What's not to like?

Attached: breatheeasy.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

Someone explain wtf was it he was babbling about occupied Czechoslovakia and communist Poland. Were those example of happy marxist societies?

I think his point was that happiness is contextual and isn't a black and white thing that can only exist in one type of society or the other. The whole debate "Happiness: Capitalism vs. Communism" was a false dichotomy and a retarded topic of discussion to begin with.

Zizek = Chineses shill
It's insanely obvious

don't need debate money when daddy xi gave you a credit card

You need to watch him more. He says China brings a top down authoritarian capitalism that's more brutally efficient as a bad thing.

See 1:09:30 onward...
Zizek dismisses the potential Nazi claims against Jewish influence prior to WWII. He dismisses the Nazi reaction to Jewish propaganda as illegitimate with no grounds to do so, offering no evidence. He then compares the crisis pre-WWII with the 2015 refugee crisis, offering the postmodern excuse of "LOL ITS ALL STORIES BRO! IT'S ALL NARRATIVES LOLOLOL!", implying that there is no reality, there is no credibility, there is no TRUE REALITY...this is why Plato should have been killed. Aristotle was right all along.

Yes because the default position for 99% of the population, left or right, is that the holocaust is real you schizo polfag.

Right. I mean, it's fucking crazy. It's fucking fucked how awful morality is.

They see people being conservative and believing in God on the internet so they take it to mean some HARD RIGHT position or something like Nazism. Fucking retarded.

Do you honestly think the Nazis would have let us sit around all day and post images of racist caricatures of Jews if they were Germans instead?

Honestly m8, get your fucking head out of your ass. The good guys fucking won. Now get your ass back to /pol/ unless you want to be a real conservative. :3

>there is no TRUE REALITY
reading the things people think Zizek says is a trip. what do you think it's like to be a brainlet like this and try and grapple with philosophy? must be almsot frightening



You know where to go back

Significant blow: dealt

God dammit I really have little interest in watching this debate but now I feel like I have to because all the thread on Yea Forums are about it now and will reference it for some time.

You're next, bitch.

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Land would btfo him so bad. Zizek is too slow to keep up.

>plato sez troof dont reel

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