Did the Stoics and the Buddhists come to the same conclusions?
Did the Stoics and the Buddhists come to the same conclusions?
Read Spinoza and Taoïsm, especially Zhuangzi.
Also ofc Spinoza and stoicism/epicurism. Spinoza offers a very interesting synthesis of apparently contradictory visions of life.
Both empty, vague, joyless philosophies. Perfect for bugmen.
>There are many ways: Confucianism, Buddhism, the ways of elegance, rice-planting, or dance; these things are not to be found in the way of the warrior.
He's perfectly right, you know.
You're a giant, gaping vagina.
Stoicism IS the way of the warrior you dolt
Western stoicisma and buddhism is only adopted by angsty teens that cant cope with the poor life choices they have made and that the best way for life is indiference.
The pure plebian life choice. Only turbo incels, sluts and hippies take it seriously. The ultimate cope.
why are you getting so worked up? aren't we all one and everything bad is an illusion bro? imagine being so cucked you concoct a fairy tale to absolve you of all responsibility and spend your time trying to escape suffering like a pleb
or you're one of those stoic tards, an ideology so anti-intellectual and superficial it can be encapsulated by "real men don't cry bro"
treating a diary as a philosophical treatise on how to live your life, how could you be such a brainlet
Not an argument
We're not having a discussion. I'm simply bulling you.
In that they're wrong, yes.
I don't know how anyone can read the stoics and come away thinking they advocate "indifference." Have you ever heard of stoic cosmopolitanism?
>dude just ignore all your problems, it wasn't going to get any better anyway
literally why would you think this was a good thing unless you were living in like India in 3000 BC
I didn’t read anything regarding stoicism: the post
>thinking anybody is going to take him seriously with such an euphoric /pol/ image
go back please
Do you take any philosophy of life seriously? If so, what's yours?
>Do you take any philosophy of life seriously?
In terms of ideals written in paper? Not really, i may take some ideas away from them and apply them if i seem them worthy.
Its best to create your own values and rules than following the shit someone has said.
Read Stirner and then dive into Nietzschean way of creating your own shit. Tho nietzsche makes a boogeyman out of everything he dislikes.
I agree; religiously following a certain ideal is stupid. But I draw my values and rules mainly from Stoicism, Cynicism and Buddhism. Plus, a few of my own.
>religiously following a certain ideal is stupid
What does this even mean?
Are you retarded? It's pretty straightforward.
Dogmatic acceptance of a set of ideals without a filter or a conscious evaluation. Say you start out with and end up liking one aspect of a certain philosophy; if you end up dogmatically following all tenets, for the sake of I don't know, completion, that would count as a religious adherence. In the case of religion, of course, fear of God would force you to follow all of them.
I, who unlike all this incels study a phylosophy degree, have to say
just because you get angry everytime someone tells you to think about your porn adiction, my dear?
why have all the fedora atheists of 2010 turned to stoicism?
>Projecting this hard
>"your own values"
Read hegel you clown.
Hegel man is dead and his students have eaten away everything he stood for.
yep that sounds like a succinct and correct summary of the entire buddhist philosophy
>create your own values
>read these two philosophers and apply their framework to create your own values