What's the third pill?

What's the third pill?

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My peanus weanus of course

Literally and unironically killing every jew, invading Africa and china, killing every homosexual/sexual deviant


I would prefer not to.

A dialectic synthesis between blue (thesis) and red (antithesis). The purple pill.

Get basic understanding of philosophy and the continental track --->Pick your specific study--->Realize that its hopeless--->Pick up a theology for enlightenment(Aquinas or Guenon usually the former)--->Get a disgust for the modern and western world--->Become Marxist or one of its various sub-variants--->Read schopie--->DEATHDRIVE IN FULL SWING THROUGH INDISTINGUISHABLE NIHILISM AND STAGNATION FULL DRIVE BABY--->kys or hopelessly swing back to either
>acc. loop hole
>hopeless marxian dreams
>fantasy critical theory

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This. It's called the Blackpill.

The redpill was revolution, thats what they were doing

that there is no third pill

the blackpill

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>The purple pill.


You already know its name nigger.

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The blue pill was ignorance, the red pill was knowledge, the third pill is purple. Neo was already purple pilled. He knew something was up, but not what.

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No, the real third pill was the friends we made along the way.

Homoscheschuwhuallity and so on!

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quite literally based

Left is cute though.

Third position is fascism. The fourth position is this where you become apolitical because after reading enough philosophy you realize everything is relative and the world is fucked anyway.

there are many pills. and the sad thing is they aren't some matrix escape thing... it's a lie. it a drug we use to escape reality because we hate it so much because of how bad it has gotten.

continually shocked that jaded marxists don't come to the conclusion that National Socialism is the only answer to fighting capitalism

true. corrected

You mean better educated and more informed. Genetics are more real than class and races are not social constructs; societies are racial constructs and ultimately the product of racial demographics and tribes. Having a preference for your own tribe does not automatically entail that you wish death and destruction upon all other races; you don't owe anyone anything because of history. Ethnic diversity is actually a fucking cancer, and the scant, superficial benefits of it in no way come close to mitigating the sheer volume of socioeconomic problems it produces in the long term. Only through strength and unity and intertribal cooperation can any semblance of individual and collective liberation be achieved. The clown cunts in the government and the corporations that own it want you alienated and alone, atomized and dependent on them and their money and their products and services. They don't want you to be able to find any meaning or satisfaction in your life without them. They don't want strong, autonomous communities bound by something deeper than money like blood and soil.

>Marxists don't support the founders of privatization
>imagine my shock
Continually unsurprised by the less capable torchrunners of Hitler-thought

reminder that the evil capitalist bankers partnered with literal communists during WW2 because they had no fear of it whatsoever. you are continually deluded by theoretical notions of property, privatization and capital that exist purely in the minds of halfmen

Triple anal.

Racism is retarded. The fact that racism isn't found anywhere else in history categorically proves it is a Western social construct. And no I'm not some libtard before you try to accuse me.

>racism is a western construct
how much money did you pay to your college to learn that?


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Want to point me to racism in any other culture in history? Racism in the Western sense, that one race can somehow be superior to another. Of course I'm being facetious, because you can't, and you won't. The man of fact recognizes that nowhere in history is racism to be found. It's a Western concept driven by the Western will to power. It has no scientific basis, and is rightly shunned in current society.

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left looks good, right has an ooga-booga browbon

muh tribe. grow up ffs

>Want to point me to racism in any other culture in history?

I know it's bait but I'd like you to address the Rwanda genocide.


That is not from history. Western culture has at least partially supplanted every other culture on the planet, it's not surprising that even Africans have taken to ideals based on the Western ego.

>Absorbed abstract western concepts
>Still don't know how to grow their own food

Oral phase

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>third pill

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>the natis were anti-capitalist

yes please, my esophagus fuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk

It's okay tho cause everyone is white :DDD

yes and they never will. There's a difference in dealing with time as an intuition between them and us. We had cyclical as descrpitor of time for a reason.
